12/17/16 05:00PM
geekgirl8 said:
Yeah, that does make sense, now that I think about it.

Also, this movie made me attracted to a beetle man, so there's that as well. XD

Well, of course you would be! He's voiced by Matthew McConaughey!
12/17/16 06:35PM
Contorted said:
Well, of course you would be! He's voiced by Matthew McConaughey!

Oh wow, I actually didn't realize that! I thought he sounded familiar. Actually I was more focused on how thicc he was XD Plus his adorable messed up teeth.
12/17/16 06:58PM
geekgirl8 said:
Oh wow, I actually didn't realize that! I thought he sounded familiar. Actually I was more focused on how thicc he was XD Plus his adorable messed up teeth.

Hell, so much of the voice work in this was terrific: Charlize Theron, Rooney Mara, Ralph Fiennes....even the kid who played Kubo himself was pretty great too.

If there was one problem I had with the movie, it was the ending (or at least how the main villain was defeated). Interesting idea on paper but it came off weird in execution. Luckily, the rest of the film was so good and the final shot made me well up hard that I was able to look past it and see it for the beautiful film that it is, both visually and thematically.
12/17/16 06:59PM
Just watched Suicide Squad.
It was bad, but it was funny bad (except for Harley though, her jokes are awful). Joker's laugh makes me chuckle every time he does it, it's just so tryhard-y.
12/17/16 08:33PM
Just came back from watching Rogue One. The first half was pretty slow and kinda all over the place but the final act is so amazing that it's definitely worth watching. I'm also glad that Disney allowed the film to have such a dark tone.
12/18/16 01:14AM
Also just got back from Rogue One. Surprised no-one here has mentioned the random mind-rape tentacle monster that the one rebel extremist had working for him.

It's not really a spoiler because it plays no real role in furthering the plot, but i'll case it anyway since folks can have different definitions than i can: at one point (probably to illustrate how nuts said extremist is,) he has someone subjected to the creature as a form of lie-detector test, the tentacles wrap around the man's body, the tips touching around his ears, and the rebel extremist warns that "a side effect is that one may lose one's mind.".
12/18/16 01:16AM
Ogodei-Khan said:
Also just got back from Rogue One. Surprised no-one here has mentioned the random mind-rape tentacle monster that the one rebel extremist had working for him.

It's not really a spoiler because it plays no real role in furthering the plot, but i'll case it anyway since folks can have different definitions than i can: at one point (probably to illustrate how nuts said extremist is,) he has someone subjected to the creature as a form of lie-detector test, the tentacles wrap around the man's body, the tips touching around his ears, and the rebel extremist warns that "a side effect is that one may lose one's mind.".

Check my new art piece :P
12/18/16 10:53AM
Rogue One was pretty good. I also knew off the bat that K-2SO was going to be the best character and the movie kind of confirmed it.
12/19/16 04:12AM
The Last Temptation of Christ.

It's directed by Martin Scorsese, has Willem Dafoe as Jesus and scored by Peter Gabriel.

12/19/16 04:17AM
Contorted said:
scored by Peter Gabriel.

Sign me the fuck up.
12/19/16 04:27AM
geekgirl8 said:
Sign me the fuck up.

It's 100% worth it. A fucking masterpiece, it is.
01/03/17 06:11AM
I saw Rouge One on my birthday...and nearly shrieked with joy every time a certain you-know-who-appeared.

"Try not to CHOKE on you ambitions, Admiral..."
01/03/17 06:41AM
Just got done watching John Woo's The Killer, with Chow-Yun Fat, an intense bloodbath full of gunfights and wanton violence. I still like Hard-Boiled better, but damn, was not expecting that incredibly sad ending. I actually cried.
01/03/17 07:11AM
Defcon7 said:
I saw Rouge One on my birthday...and nearly shrieked with joy every time a certain you-know-who-appeared.

"Try not to CHOKE on you ambitions, Admiral..."

Eh, it had its moments but as a whole, I thought it was disappointing. I can name a lot of things I liked about it but the wonky pacing, lack of character development, inappropriate music cues and a conflicting tone got in the way of my enjoyment of the movie.
01/03/17 07:13AM
Contorted said:
Eh, it had its moments but as a whole, I thought it was disappointing. I can name a lot of things I liked about it but the wonky pacing, lack of character development, inappropriate music cues and a conflicting tone got in the way of my enjoyment of the movie.

The battle at the end was worth everything else.
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