01/03/17 08:43AM
Contorted said:
Eh, it had its moments but as a whole, I thought it was disappointing. I can name a lot of things I liked about it but the wonky pacing, lack of character development, inappropriate music cues and a conflicting tone got in the way of my enjoyment of the movie.

I felt like the movie was really good... after the first half hour. The first half hour jumped around and was incredibly ADHD, but after it gave itself time to breathe, I enjoyed it a lot.

Personally, I liked it more than Episode 7, but I can see why people may not think the same way. Both were good movies, but mostly I just liked the darker tone and think more stories like that in the Star Wars film stuff could be cool. I'm not saying that everything should be grimdark, but a series of movies about rebels in a galactic war probably shouldn't be squeaky clean either.
01/03/17 08:45AM
geekgirl8 said:
Just got done watching John Woo's The Killer, with Chow-Yun Fat, an intense bloodbath full of gunfights and wanton violence. I still like Hard-Boiled better, but damn, was not expecting that incredibly sad ending. I actually cried.

I've really been meaning to go back and rewatch his films. I've had a hankering for that and classic Noir that I really need to sit down and just indulge myself with.
01/03/17 09:09AM
Imasuky said:
The battle at the end was worth everything else.

It was,is like they came back to their roots giving the characters desesperation while fighting reflecting the true nature of a sith.
01/03/17 09:12AM
SlackerSavior said:
I felt like the movie was really good... after the first half hour. The first half hour jumped around and was incredibly ADHD, but after it gave itself time to breathe, I enjoyed it a lot.

Personally, I liked it more than Episode 7, but I can see why people may not think the same way. Both were good movies, but mostly I just liked the darker tone and think more stories like that in the Star Wars film stuff could be cool. I'm not saying that everything should be grimdark, but a series of movies about rebels in a galactic war probably shouldn't be squeaky clean either.

It seems we are getting a Han solo movie, a Yoda,Boba fett and possibly obi wan,being honest i would love to see yoda and obi wan's origin.
01/03/17 04:30PM
Me and Ashy watched the Street Fighter 2 anime and had a great time.

Then we watched the Alpha anime.
whaaaaaat the fuuuuuuuuuck
01/03/17 08:03PM
Caught Ratchet and Clank on Netflix.

It's weird how much of it is really just Qwark's story. Probably because he's the only character allowed to be funny and wrong.
01/03/17 09:38PM
Sirloin said:
Caught Ratchet and Clank on Netflix.

It's weird how much of it is really just Qwark's story. Probably because he's the only character allowed to be funny and wrong.

Except it's a shitty retelling of it and-
[ranting ensues]
01/03/17 11:59PM
No, dude, go ahead. I've got like an essay's worth of ideas on what's going on with the thing.
01/05/17 03:57AM
Watched Bee Movie beecause of all the meme. I wanted to see what all the buzz was about.

It was a decent moive, and I will not make anymore puns.
01/05/17 04:25AM
Finally caught Deadpool on New Year's Eve. It actually... wasn't that great? I've seen funnier Superhero movies and funnier Ryan Reynolds comedies.

Colossus was the funniest bit, imo.
01/05/17 04:28AM
Ogodei-Khan said:
Finally caught Deadpool on New Year's Eve. It actually... wasn't that great? I've seen funnier Superhero movies and funnier Ryan Reynolds comedies.

Colossus was the funniest bit, imo.

Well, here's the thing.

It's... Half... a Deadpool movie.

It wants to be Deadpool, but doesn't really go the whole 9 yards with it.
01/05/17 06:54AM
Ogodei-Khan said:
Finally caught Deadpool on New Year's Eve. It actually... wasn't that great? I've seen funnier Superhero movies and funnier Ryan Reynolds comedies.

Colossus was the funniest bit, imo.

I thought it was grotesquely over praised. I was genuinely looking forward to it but the pacing and tumor-like romance plot detracted from what I wanted in it.

Pinkanator said:
Well, here's the thing.

It's... Half... a Deadpool movie.

It wants to be Deadpool, but doesn't really go the whole 9 yards with it.

HARDCORE HENRY was a better Deadpool movie for my money, imo.
01/05/17 02:48PM
Contorted said:
I thought it was grotesquely over praised. I was genuinely looking forward to it but the pacing and tumor-like romance plot detracted from what I wanted in it.

HARDCORE HENRY was a better Deadpool movie for my money, imo.

<<|God I wish the Deadpool game was more interesting gameplay wise.>>
01/07/17 07:34AM
Watched Keanu tonight. Kittens, gangsters, and George Michael collide in what might be the most surreal and violent cat video ever made.
01/14/17 04:00PM
Watched the Rachet and Clank moive. As someone who never played the games I had no real investment in it and have to say it was...meh.

Not terrible but not quite good either, just middle of the road average meh worthy.
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