01/17/17 05:48AM
Went for a double bill at the theater today between Patriots Day and La La Land.

The former was excellent, due to its intensity and respectful take on the incident. Throw in solid performances, realistic photography and a great score by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross, and you've got one hell of a great movie here. It's weird how director Peter Berg went from freaking Battleship to something like this. But I guess it shows how much he wants to do stories like this instead of crap like that. Good on him.

The latter was also pretty fun and while I don't think its great, I can totally see it sweeping the Oscars next month. It's delightfully earnest, colorful and energetic, if marred by a saggy second act and a surprising lack of musical numbers. I can't help but think that was intentional from the director: As reality starts to set in, the more fantastical elements of life starts to fade away. After a certain point, it almost becomes a musical without the lyrics. Not help matters was that my bladder was on the verge of exploding (shouldn't have had that second sprite!).

Still, I'd recommend both, even with my preference in regards to which movie I liked more. And the crowds for both movies were surprising! I'm currently in Florida, so I was the youngest person in both screenings but as far as head counts go, PD only had around 10 or so people in while LLA had well over 40 or so people in it. Both were good audiences, however. Old people rule!
01/17/17 05:56AM
Watched A Goofy Movie over on Pen's stream. Holds up pretty damn well.
01/17/17 06:19AM
Saw Hardcore Henry few days ago. Was a wild ride, did not love it like the Raid films, but did "admire" it for being fun + interesting the way was shot.
I'll admit though, it certainly earned the name [spoilers]Hardcore Headache[/spoilers]
01/17/17 06:24AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Saw Hardcore Henry few days ago. Was a wild ride, did not love it like the Raid films, but did "admire" it for being fun + interesting the way was shot.
I'll admit though, it certainly earned the name [spoilers]Hardcore Headache[/spoilers]

Glad you finally saw it. You should make sure to give it a re-watch or two. The rewatch factor on it is insane.
01/20/17 11:08PM
Just saw Silence.

I feel dead inside.
01/20/17 11:10PM
Contorted said:
Just saw Silence.

I feel dead inside.

I take it that means it was good?
01/20/17 11:14PM
JksAccount said:
I take it that means it was good?

It's a Martin Scorsese movie, so yeah. I'd say so. It's beautiful and haunting but man, it is not a happy movie AT ALL. Make sure you have something light to watch afterwards.
01/20/17 11:16PM
Contorted said:
It's a Martin Scorsese movie, so yeah. I'd say so. It's beautiful and haunting but man, it is not a happy movie AT ALL. Make sure you have something light to watch afterwards.

I've been meaning to ask for a while; do you work as a film critic or something? Its just that you seem to watch everything that comes out, regardless of director, cast or genre.
01/20/17 11:20PM
JksAccount said:
I've been meaning to ask for a while; do you work as a film critic or something? Its just that you seem to watch everything that comes out, regardless of director, cast or genre.

No, but I am a movie-lover. I'm the kind of person who loves all things about film: The casts, settings, how its made, what equipment they're shooting with, how much it was made for, what year it came out, etc. I cannot claim to be the end all, be all person as to how good or bad a movie is (I've seen others on the internet who's knowledge of film significantly outweighs mine) but I certainly know a thing or two that most folks wouldn't.
01/21/17 08:42AM
Contorted said:
No, but I am a movie-lover. I'm the kind of person who loves all things about film: The casts, settings, how its made, what equipment they're shooting with, how much it was made for, what year it came out, etc. I cannot claim to be the end all, be all person as to how good or bad a movie is (I've seen others on the internet who's knowledge of film significantly outweighs mine) but I certainly know a thing or two that most folks wouldn't.

I appreciate this line of thinking. Granted while I'm a movie person I don't really focus that much on the more technical aspects of a movies quality.

Also I want to see Silence but the closest theater that's showing it is an hour away.
01/21/17 03:23PM
strangeperson said:
I appreciate this line of thinking. Granted while I'm a movie person I don't really focus that much on the more technical aspects of a movies quality.

Also I want to see Silence but the closest theater that's showing it is an hour away.

It is a tough watch. The pacing is deliberate and the scenes of torture are quite disturbing, despite being pretty restrained (especially for a Scorsese movie). But it is extremely well acted and constantly beautiful to look at, supported by a minimalist score that is mostly comprised of sounds from nature save for the occasional gong or something. There's a lot to think about with this one and while I wouldn't put it above something like Scorsese's other take on Religion (The Last Temptation of Christ), it's certainly worthy of attention at any rate.
01/22/17 09:45AM
Sounds like a movie that I'd enjoy. I do like Scorsese but the only movie I can think of off the top of my head that i've seen from his is The Departed.
01/22/17 04:03PM
strangeperson said:
Sounds like a movie that I'd enjoy. I do like Scorsese but the only movie I can think of off the top of my head that i've seen from his is The Departed.

Maybe this might help you out:

Out of all of the pictures listed here, I've seen the following: Taxi Driver, The Last Temptation of Christ, Goodfellas, Cape Fear, Casino, Gangs of New York, The Aviator, The Departed, Shutter Island, The Wolf of Wall Street and Silence. I really should get around to seeing the rest of his filmography. It's so vast and varied.

If you're going to see it, better make it quick! I don't see this staying in theaters for long, due to the lack of success it's been having at the Box Office (GREAT JOB AT MARKETING IT, PARAMOUNT, YOU FUCKING DICKS).
01/22/17 04:33PM
So uh

Kubo just came out on DVD in the UK

Go buy it

01/22/17 04:34PM
Pinkanator said:
Kubo just came out on DVD in the UK

But did it come out on VCR?
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