01/22/17 04:35PM
Pinkanator said:
So uh

Kubo just came out on DVD in the UK

Go buy it


Fuck the DVD, get the Blu-Ray. The picture and sound quality is IMMACULATE on that thing.
01/22/17 04:56PM
Contorted said:
Fuck the DVD, get the Blu-Ray. The picture and sound quality is IMMACULATE on that thing.

That's true.

I'm still used to saying DVD. That's weird.
01/22/17 05:00PM
Pinkanator said:
That's true.

I'm still used to saying DVD. That's weird.

You are like my mother. She only just stopped saying CD when talking about DVDs and she can never remember Bul-ray is a thing. Don't even get me started on trying to explian streaming.
01/22/17 05:02PM
Just watched Matrix and I'm satisfied. That movie was pretty good.
01/22/17 05:10PM
G3m4sSt4ff said:
Just watched Matrix and I'm satisfied. That movie was pretty good.

Friendly tip, stop there.

Don't waste your time with the other two...Though the Animatrix s worth it.
01/22/17 05:14PM
Imasuky said:
Friendly tip, stop there.

Don't waste your time with the other two...Though the Animatrix s worth it.

Maybe get Enter the Matrix for the world's greatest multiplayer
01/22/17 05:31PM
Pinkanator said:
That's true.

I'm still used to saying DVD. That's weird.

Understandable. I've been saying "On Video" in regards to home releases a lot lately.
01/22/17 07:01PM
Imasuky said:
Friendly tip, stop there.

Don't waste your time with the other two

Actually look up the one good sequence from 2 on youtube or something, it starts with the mansion fight scene and it's pretty awsome
01/23/17 06:24AM
Contorted said:
Maybe this might help you out:

Out of all of the pictures listed here, I've seen the following: Taxi Driver, The Last Temptation of Christ, Goodfellas, Cape Fear, Casino, Gangs of New York, The Aviator, The Departed, Shutter Island, The Wolf of Wall Street and Silence. I really should get around to seeing the rest of his filmography. It's so vast and varied.

If you're going to see it, better make it quick! I don't see this staying in theaters for long, due to the lack of success it's been having at the Box Office (GREAT JOB AT MARKETING IT, PARAMOUNT, YOU FUCKING DICKS).

Aside from The Departed I have also seen Cape Fear and Shutter Island.

On another note I watched an old Kung Fu movie over the weekend. The Five Deadly Venoms. It was pretty good although the sound effects and the subtitles they used were kind of cheesy.
01/23/17 06:31AM
strangeperson said:
Aside from The Departed I have also seen Cape Fear and Shutter Island.

On another note I watched an old Kung Fu movie over the weekend. The Five Deadly Venoms. It was pretty good although the sound effects and the subtitles they used were kind of cheesy.

The Five Deadly Venoms also had an insane sequel called Return of the Five Deadly Venoms aka Crippled Avengers, where four disabled martial artists seek vengeance on the ones that crippled them. It is highly fucking entertaining. I own both of them on DVD. :)
01/23/17 10:21AM
I've come down with a cold for the past few days (but I am better now so don't worry) and during that time I saw a few video game based movies. The best ones (or rather the least worst ones) included the first Mortal Kombat, Ratchet & Clank, the first Tomb Raider, and Warcraft

I also saw Assassin's Creed, and HOLY SHIT that movie fucking sucked!

Are there ANY good video game movies? Or at least ones that people actually found themselves liking?

(One exception being the Japanese Ace Attorney movie)
01/23/17 10:25AM
StepfordCrimson said:
I've come down with a cold for the past few days (but I am better now so don't worry) and during that time I saw a few video game based movies. The best ones (or rather the least worst ones) included the first Mortal Kombat, Ratchet & Clank, the first Tomb Raider, and Warcraft

I also saw Assassin's Creed, and HOLY SHIT that movie fucking sucked!

Are there ANY good video game movies? Or at least ones that people actually found themselves liking?

(One exception being the Japanese Ace Attorney movie)

Uh... there was... um...

01/23/17 10:30AM
Pinkanator said:
Uh... there was... um...


Well when I say "actually found themselves liking" I can mean genuinely liked or guilty pleasures too. Anyone got any of the latter?

My guilty pleasure video game movies are the Resident Evil movies
01/23/17 10:33AM
StepfordCrimson said:
Well when I say "actually found themselves liking" I can mean genuinely liked or guilty pleasures too. Anyone got any of the latter?

My guilty pleasure video game movies are the Resident Evil movies

Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter count as that much, but besides that I can't think of any.
01/23/17 11:47AM
StepfordCrimson said:
Well when I say "actually found themselves liking" I can mean genuinely liked or guilty pleasures too. Anyone got any of the latter?

My guilty pleasure video game movies are the Resident Evil movies

Pinkanator said:
Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter count as that much, but besides that I can't think of any.

Haven't seen the Street Fighter movie, but I'll admit I think that the first Mortal Kombat movie was legitimately good for a pseudo-campy action/kung-fu movie. As for the Resident Evil movies...well, I'll admit to genuinely liking the first one, if only due to the fact that by itself it could easily fit into the games, and it was a decent show of what the games were about. But the rest? Yeah, guilty pleasures.

I'd say the first Tomb Raider movie was legitimately good as well. So...Mortal Kombat, Resident Evil, and Lara Croft: Tomb Raider would likely be the only video game movies that you could say were any good. Max Payne was disappointing, Prince of Persia was trying to mix Sands of Time and Warrior Within and bungled it, and I won't even go into the Dungeon Siege, House of the Dead, or Postal movies. And of course there's the Mario Bros. movie, which is its own trainwreck that you can't turn away from.

I've heard good things about Warcraft, though. >.>;

Edit: Watched a movie on Netflix called "The Rezort", which is about a post-zombie apocalypse world where humanity survived, and an enterprising businesswoman gathered the remaining zombies onto an isolated island so people can spend money to hunt and kill zombies for whatever their reasons are. Kind of had a Jurassic Park vibe at times, since safety and security fails and the zombies overtake the island, forcing the survivors to find a way off. Still, the movie moves slowly for the first 40 minutes, and ultimately it's a disappointing watch. You should pass on watching it; I feel like I could've spent my time better with something else.
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