01/23/17 04:34PM
StepfordCrimson said:
I've come down with a cold for the past few days (but I am better now so don't worry) and during that time I saw a few video game based movies. The best ones (or rather the least worst ones) included the first Mortal Kombat, Ratchet & Clank, the first Tomb Raider, and Warcraft

I also saw Assassin's Creed, and HOLY SHIT that movie fucking sucked!

Are there ANY good video game movies? Or at least ones that people actually found themselves liking?

(One exception being the Japanese Ace Attorney movie)

Hey, Silent Hill was pretty good up until the ending. The first movie, anyway.
01/23/17 05:27PM
Contorted said:
Hey, Silent Hill was pretty good up until the ending. The first movie, anyway.

I'd watch that but my spoop levels begin and end at walking skeletons and the spoopier doctor whos
01/23/17 05:33PM
Pinkanator said:
I'd watch that but my spoop levels begin and end at walking skeletons and the spoopier doctor whos

You wouldn't be able to hand some of the really horrifying shit I've seen then, lol.
01/23/17 05:37PM
Contorted said:
You wouldn't be able to hand some of the really horrifying shit I've seen then, lol.

Thing is, I appreciate good horror. It's very difficult to make something truly and deeply unnerving on a psychological level, and it's one of my favourite things to research and look into...

except I'm a poopy diaper baby, and I'm the easiest person to scare.
01/23/17 05:44PM
Pinkanator said:
Thing is, I appreciate good horror. It's very difficult to make something truly and deeply unnerving on a psychological level, and it's one of my favourite things to research and look into...

except I'm a poopy diaper baby, and I'm the easiest person to scare.

Watch The Witch, if you get the chance. Easily one of the most terrifying movies I've seen in years.
01/23/17 05:45PM
Contorted said:
Watch The Witch, if you get the chance. Easily one of the most terrifying movies I've seen in years.

Can't I just buy Kubo again? That sounds more fun...
01/23/17 05:50PM
Pinkanator said:
Can't I just buy Kubo again? That sounds more fun...

<<|Black Phillip commands that thee do so immediately.>>
01/24/17 12:29AM
Pinkanator said:
except I'm a poopy diaper baby, and I'm the easiest person to scare.

01/24/17 01:44AM
StepfordCrimson said:

Pink cab't even handle the intros to the Shitstorm of scariness
01/24/17 02:34AM
Imasuky said:
Pink cab't even handle the intros to the Shitstorm of scariness

Shitstorm 2016 had some damn good intros. My favorite was the silent film-esqe one that was obviously inspired by "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" and "Nosferatu". Second place goes to 2Snacks' one, simply because of Killer Cat Zach.

Although the one PlagueofGripes did was pretty entertaining, too, predominantly because of Father Woolie. "God has punished you for the eeeeeevils of premarital SECKS." For those who don't know, it's funny because Woolie grew up in a very religious household that migrated to Canada from Grenada, yet he's not very religious himself.
01/24/17 02:49AM
DrgnmastrAlex said:
Shitstorm 2016 had some damn good intros. My favorite was the silent film-esqe one that was obviously inspired by "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" and "Nosferatu". Second place goes to 2Snacks' one, simply because of Killer Cat Zach.

Although the one PlagueofGripes did was pretty entertaining, too, predominantly because of Father Woolie. "God has punished you for the eeeeeevils of premarital SECKS." For those who don't know, it's funny because Woolie grew up in a very religious household that migrated to Canada from Grenada, yet he's not very religious himself.

2Snacks and Plagues were the best ones just due to the B-moive feel and genuine creepy tone. I live for the Shitstorms.

Also semi related Paige and Pat are great on her streams, the reading of My Immortal was fantastic.
01/25/17 01:02PM
Rift120 said:
Saw Moana the other day. Lovely movie that had me smiling and laughing. Even picked up the soundtrack (Incidentally the first part of 'Shiny' sounds really weird if you don't have the scene to put into context).

ON a odd side note... you might be able to make a argument Maui has some minor hypnosis/illusion skills... since he does make Moana think a handful of Rocks are various fruits during the 'your welcome' song.

I completely agree! He is a trickster demigod after all so it would only be natural. I've seen several other people comment on this theory in the YouTube comments.

I was under the impression he had hypnotized her..
01/25/17 01:05PM
Contorted said:
Saw Moana today. Really, really liked it. Despite its inconsistent musical numbers and a rushed first act, it's a gorgeous looking and at times exhilarating adventure. Great characters and solid pacing. Plus it's got The Rock in it, who's sheer charisma can enhance (or in some cases, save) any movie.

I was under the impression he had hypnotized her.. It would be natural for him because he's a trickster.
01/31/17 07:10AM
geekgirl8 said:
The Five Deadly Venoms also had an insane sequel called Return of the Five Deadly Venoms aka Crippled Avengers, where four disabled martial artists seek vengeance on the ones that crippled them. It is highly fucking entertaining. I own both of them on DVD. :)

Thanks for the recommendation. I got to watch it over the weekend. Though I found that I liked Five Deadly Venoms more. It had a better plot though than fight scenes in Crippled Avengers were amazing.

On another note I've been watching Frontier. The only thing that I should have to tell you in order to convince you to watch this is the following. Jason Momoa with tomahawks.
01/31/17 07:11AM
The Witch.

Didn't love it.

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