08/06/16 09:42PM
Personmang said:
Got out of Star Trek Beyond. Fantastic film that finally manages to mix action with intelligence and a strong message that we really need nowadays.

Saw that a couple of days ago. Thought it was quite good. Also, RIP Anton Yelchin.
08/06/16 10:29PM
JksAccount said:
Saw that a couple of days ago. Thought it was quite good. Also, RIP Anton Yelchin.

He also starred in the film adaptation of Odd Thomas, which was a surprisingly good movie. I highly recommend it.
08/06/16 11:29PM
Just watched The Force Awakens...again...for about the twentieth time. This time with delightful commentary provided by BrainScratchComms.
08/20/16 08:39AM
Gonna watch this thing sometime tomorrow hopefully <<www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdyBTc9Qb9Q|"interesting" flick>>, along with some other horror-based crap like <<www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyHyp7hmmsA|The Crazies>> (trailer reminds me of the film <<www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6B4oZhFaFI|Shivers>>*), <<www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHEU22Sq4pg|Mulberry Street>>, and some others.

For the longest time the film was sitting in my public Library, and although I saw the cover of the DVD as a kid, never had much reason to take it out till now. I kept thinking she'd be some kinda cat/tiger-faced woman <<ia.media-imdb.com/images/...182_CR0,0,182,268_AL_.jpg|based off the way it's presented>>, but of course, it's just some chick in skintight bodysuit + heels...

Which I won't deny now has me in the mood to see a Dom on here wearing such a bizarro outfit, heh.

*WTF WAS THAT TRAILER?! The name of the fucking film is what essentially describes it: A film that gives you shivers, not this jump scare monstrosity garbage that was shown... =____=
But yeah, it's actually a really fantastic film to check out from the 70's for any of you that are interested in trying this out. It does involve mind controlling parasites as the creatures of this film, yet they cause people to become complete sex maniacs that fuck indiscriminately. Men, women, children, the elderly, your mother, your father, your sister, your brother, Hell, everyone's welcome to join in on the snowballing orgy! Basically imagine instead of zombie virus where they bite you to turn ya into one of them, they kiss you to transplant parasite into your body, and then as your mind gets fucked, so does the rest of ya. Nothing far too disturbing nor over-the-top when it comes to anything sexual; mainly lotsa kissing, weird roleplaying, etc. the people end up doing with each other
08/20/16 10:06AM
I just saw About Time today and was very impressed. The movie is about a man whose father tells him on his 21st birthday that every male in the family line can travel back to any moment in their life and relive the events.

The thing that sells it is the humble and adorkable protagonist who does not abuse the power to manipulate people and even when he does use information he gained from power abuse he does it because he was cheated out of an honest connection and is fighting to get it back.

The movie's main catch is the relationship between the father and son and the message that even with all the time in the world we would not appreciate the things around us until they weren't there before. The only way to have a blessed life is to live like you had lived every moment, every stress, every worry, every tension. Just let life happen, but observe it, experience it, take it in with all its grandeur.

They have a scene towards the end where Domhnall Gleeson's character relives the same day twice. First time he has a very pleasant encounter with a lady at the register of a Pret-a-Manger but it's filmed behind her with a close-up of his face and he is unresponsive. The second iteration shows her earnest smile and kind gestures as he appreciates this brief moment of warmth in the world.

The time travel is a little wonkey and the rules are broken several times (the tear-jerking finale where Bill Nighy's character makes a request should theoretically break the hook of the final act as it goes long before Popy's birth) but the movie had heart and I can forgive a lot if the feelings are brought and connect.

I went in expecting Fahrenheit and came out with something new and that alone was pleasant. Highly recommended to those who enjoy British romcoms and a dash of awkward embarrassment or those who (like me) will watch anything with Gleeson or Nighy in it.
08/20/16 06:54PM

So, I went to see Kubo and the two strings today, and it's an excellent movie. the characters are wonderful and extremely interesting. The humor is okay, it's hit or miss sometimes, but nothing that would ruin the film as a whole. The villains are absolutely terrifying and the film contains outright murder. But the BEST part of the story is the Visual effects. Everything in this movie is extremely beautiful. From all the songplaying, to the enviroments. It's fantastic. Now, only open the second half if you want spoilers.

My favorite character by FAR was Hanzo (Not the Origami doll, the Beetle-Man). Not only was he the comedy for a good chunk of the film, but, he fought like a real badass, and could be surprisingly serious. Also, throwing swords. I liked the story, though the ending was a little odd for me. The moon king turning human made very little sense. And it almost killed the movie for me, almost.

The movie is beautiful, exciting, very funny at parts, has wonderful action scenes, terrifying monsters (Including one that Hypnotizes its victims. :P) and some wonderful characters.

All in all, I rate it 9/10. Only because the story felt al litte off in the end to me, and the humor wasn't always great. But the movie's other strengths mostly make up for that.

08/20/16 07:35PM
Oh I just watched "Frida" with a friend some time ago, I really LOVED it ^^ and it helped me to get her art a lot more actually
08/20/16 10:11PM
<<www.youtube.com/watch?v=MG9uFX3uYq4|"The Raid 2: Berendal">> Damn cool action movie, but very brutal.

I brought a friend to see 'Suicide Squad'. It was par.
08/20/16 11:03PM
Saw Kubo and The Two Strings today as well and it's easily one of the best films I've seen all year. The animation alone is worth the price of admission but story and characters is what kept me into it. It was a work of such sincerity and simplicity that whatever problems I had with it (it cut away from some of the fight scenes too quick, the story can be predictable) that I could look over them easily. And hell, I won't deny I teared up at it in a couple of moments. Not full on water works, but there was water there. ;)

But yeah, thoroughly recommended for all ages.
08/20/16 11:17PM
Mr_Face said:
<<www.youtube.com/watch?v=MG9uFX3uYq4|"The Raid 2: Berendal">> Damn cool action movie, but very brutal.

I brought a friend to see 'Suicide Squad'. It was par.

I SAW THAT IN THEATERS!!! Seriously, it's my favorite action film of all time, and arguably one of the best out there in terms of both camerawork and choreography. Indeed it is brutal, which made it all the more amazing to see! :D

SS I have no interest in from all the negative reviews + the fact I'm not a fan of DC/Marvel Superhero films on there own. Even with villains, from what I've heard it just aint worth it...
08/20/16 11:35PM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
I SAW THAT IN THEATERS!!! Seriously, it's my favorite action film of all time, and arguably one of the best out there in terms of both camerawork and choreography. Indeed it is brutal, which made it all the more amazing to see! :D

SS I have no interest in from all the negative reviews + the fact I'm not a fan of DC/Marvel Superhero films on there own. Even with villains, from what I've heard it just aint worth it...

08/21/16 11:53AM
Mr_Face said:
<<www.youtube.com/watch?v=MG9uFX3uYq4|"The Raid 2: Berendal">> Damn cool action movie, but very brutal.

Funny story. I just saw that with a friend of mine today. It's one of my favorite movies. Kitchen fight scene was intense.
08/21/16 12:34PM
I recently rewatched "Starchaser: The Legend of Orin", which is essentially a rip off of He-man. I highly recommend watching it for yourselves.
08/21/16 03:23PM
Anon_3.141 said:
I recently rewatched "Starchaser: The Legend of Orin", which is essentially a rip off of He-man. I highly recommend watching it for yourselves.

You mean Star Wars right?
08/25/16 12:46AM
Watched The Lobster today. Fine movie, but I probably wouldn't watch it again.
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