06/02/20 07:38PM
Captain America Civil War, one of my fave movies from the MCU
06/03/20 01:18AM
geekgirl8 said:
Finally watched Uncut Gems on Netflix with the hubby. It was....not terrible, but also not really that great either. Could be personal taste, but Adam Sandler was just really fucking unbearable to me in this, so that made watching the movie to its end kind of a chore. I'm glad I did though because he gets shot in the fucking face and killed at the end and it feels so cathartic after suffering through his character's degenerate and shitty story arc.

I will say the soundtrack was pretty cool, kinda gave off Vangelis/Tangerine Dream vibes.

That's kind of the point of the movie. It's a Safdie Brothers trademark: They make films about internationally annoying, dipshit scumbags who are ACTUALLY smart people but keep making the worst decisions possible to try and make a situation of their own making better, only for it to ultimately blow up in their face at the end. Good Time, the previous film to Gems, follows a similar pattern as well, though I'd argue it's more unpleasant and uglier than Gems was (better too).
06/03/20 02:58AM
Dr. Terror's Gallery of Horror

It has a hypnosis scene in it. The scene is of an old warlock using a pendulum to hypnotize this young housewife to hate and leave her husband. The husband comes back and in typical 50s fashion ignores his wife when she wants to tell him that she is going to leave him. Then they all burn due to the husband playing with the warlock's magic clock. The warlock appears once more.
06/19/20 05:51AM
Just watched The Ritual.

Surprisingly well done. Loved it the whole way through. It's nice to have some good monster movies to break the usual horror mold.
06/24/20 03:09PM
Goodfellas 7/10
Never seen this before as mobster films aren't really my thing. Was a good watch though.
06/25/20 09:59AM
summers said:
Goodfellas 7/10
Never seen this before as mobster films aren't really my thing. Was a good watch though.

WARNING: Incoming gushing over Scorsese

If you enjoyed it, I recommend other Scorsese movies - he's my favorite director, and has done very few movies that aren't good or great.

Goodfellas is his only mob movie I've seen, but other ones of his have a very good reputation - Casino, the Departed, the Irishman most recently. Wolf of Wall Street, though not about the mob, has similar themes ; I saw that one and really enjoyed it (but it's kinda ridiculously non-PG though, so careful who you watch it with).

Non-gangster movies would be Taxi Driver and Raging Bull (which are absolute must-sees in my opinion), Shutter Island, The Aviator (one of my favorite movies ever), or his stuff from the seventies to nineties which I always thought was underrated - After Hours is good, King of Comedy is like a more depressing and barely funnier Taxi Driver, but also good (and would probably look familiar to anyone who saw Joker), Cape Fear and Bringing out the Dead are great. Gangs of New York is pretty good, but I definitely didn't enjoy it as much as those other ones.

I haven't seen Silence, Kundun, Color of Money or Last Temptation of Christ, but all of them have pretty good reputation.

Also, honorable mention to Hugo, which is a bloody awesome kids' movie.
06/25/20 12:44PM
TheMadPrince said:
WARNING: Incoming gushing over Scorsese

If you enjoyed it, I recommend other Scorsese movies - he's my favorite director, and has done very few movies that aren't good or great.

Goodfellas is his only mob movie I've seen, but other ones of his have a very good reputation - Casino, the Departed, the Irishman most recently. Wolf of Wall Street, though not about the mob, has similar themes ; I saw that one and really enjoyed it (but it's kinda ridiculously non-PG though, so careful who you watch it with).

Non-gangster movies would be Taxi Driver and Raging Bull (which are absolute must-sees in my opinion), Shutter Island, The Aviator (one of my favorite movies ever), or his stuff from the seventies to nineties which I always thought was underrated - After Hours is good, King of Comedy is like a more depressing and barely funnier Taxi Driver, but also good (and would probably look familiar to anyone who saw Joker), Cape Fear and Bringing out the Dead are great. Gangs of New York is pretty good, but I definitely didn't enjoy it as much as those other ones.

I haven't seen Silence, Kundun, Color of Money or Last Temptation of Christ, but all of them have pretty good reputation.

Also, honorable mention to Hugo, which is a bloody awesome kids' movie.

Ironically enough, I just rewatched Casino last night. Shit still rules, though my favorite Scorsese picture will always be Last Temptation of Christ.

Also rewatched Kiki's Delivery Service with my girlfriend. So charming, even after all these years.
06/25/20 01:17PM
Contorted said:
Ironically enough, I just rewatched Casino last night. Shit still rules, though my favorite Scorsese picture will always be Last Temptation of Christ.

Also rewatched Kiki's Delivery Service with my girlfriend. So charming, even after all these years.

Yeah, if Scorsese's my favorite live-action director, Miyazaki's my favorite animated one. My personal favorite always has been, and probably always will be, Laputa (Castle in the Sky), though. The theme still gives me major chills.
06/25/20 03:19PM
TheMadPrince said:
Yeah, if Scorsese's my favorite live-action director, Miyazaki's my favorite animated one. My personal favorite always has been, and probably always will be, Laputa (Castle in the Sky), though. The theme still gives me major chills.

My all time favorite director is easily Ridley Scott myself, though I'm not sure if I have an animated one.
06/25/20 03:51PM
TheMadPrince said:
Yeah, if Scorsese's my favorite live-action director, Miyazaki's my favorite animated one.

"The Irishman" was Scorsese's "The Wind Rises." Discuss.
06/25/20 06:11PM
Sir_Lurksalaot said:
"The Irishman" was Scorsese's "The Wind Rises." Discuss.

One critic I like called it "Scorsese's FORREST GUMP".
06/25/20 07:40PM
Sir_Lurksalaot said:
"The Irishman" was Scorsese's "The Wind Rises." Discuss.

Can't comment, I haven't seen the Irishman. The Wind Rises, however, I can attest was incredible.
07/05/20 10:54AM
Snowden - 7/10 - Interesting movie style take on what happened during the Snowden releases. Worth a watch.
07/12/20 11:21AM
Gladiator in 4K, still holds up really well for a 20 year old film. 9/10.
07/14/20 04:23PM
Just had a movie binge with an out of town friend last night. Watched Knives out, Guns Akimbo, and Ready or Not. All 3 were really solid. GA, if you can go in with an open mind to humor and kinda turn your brain off, is best, IMO, but RoN with a close second. KO was really good, but we kinda saw the ending coming a little bit, and I think there was a bit of padding that dragged certain parts out.
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