07/20/20 02:36PM

if you ever want to see a horror movie that starts out promising but then turns into a stupid relationship drama where a gene monster flirts with a guy and then rapes his girlfriend to death, then give this a watch!
07/26/20 11:03PM
So I just watched Terminator 1 & 2 for the first time and they're awesome!

Both are good films but I feel like the first one feels a bit more impactful if you assume that Sarah Connor never prevents judgement day. Like the film ends with her safe and happy but she knows that a nuclear war and fight for survival will eventually arrive. Also it's dripping with the 80s, so much so I could almost believe it was a film made today to capitalise on 80s nostalgia.

I don't think some of the effects hold up well though. The stop motion is fine but the rubber mask Arnold was wearing in the scene where he removes his eye and the way the terminator bobs around when it's being puppeted in the end look kinda wonky. That being said the T1000 still looks great for 1991.
07/26/20 11:05PM
TheSpoon said:
saw Jojo Reddit- i mean, Rabbit.......hhhhghgh
wow it did not work. the humor ruined the movie for me. 5/10

I loved Jojo Rabbit. Not the funniest movie I've seen but the message at the end was perfect.
07/27/20 02:23AM
Watched a movie called "A Scanner Darkly" recently and uh...

Yeah. It was probably one of the worst movies I've ever seen.

I only feel the need to talk about it because 1. it was SPECTACULARLY bad, and 2. The... animation... I guess...? Was really cool. Like, my singular praise for the movie is that the art style is really cool and actually utilized for "story" (I use the term loosely) purposes.
07/27/20 06:28AM
Mindcollector13 said:
Watched a movie called "A Scanner Darkly" recently and uh...

Yeah. It was probably one of the worst movies I've ever seen.

I only feel the need to talk about it because 1. it was SPECTACULARLY bad, and 2. The... animation... I guess...? Was really cool. Like, my singular praise for the movie is that the art style is really cool and actually utilized for "story" (I use the term loosely) purposes.

Yeah i saw that move here and there but never watched it. Though I always though the style looked so..interesting
07/27/20 06:30AM
Rotoscoping is fun
07/30/20 02:13PM
Rewatched The Dark Knight. I think it's pretty good.
07/30/20 02:35PM
Knives out.
A little bit like a murder / mystery even with a off the cheek comment about cluedo.
I quite enjoyed it although Daniel Craig's accent was a bit suspect
09/23/20 05:26AM
I just watched both National Treasures back to back with my family, and i swear to god they did it just to torture my inner Historian.
09/23/20 05:41AM
Badgerguardsman said:
I just watched both National Treasures back to back with my family, and i swear to god they did it just to torture my inner Historian.

Why? Did they thoroughly butcher history?
09/23/20 08:11PM
Badgerguardsman said:
I just watched both National Treasures back to back with my family, and i swear to god they did it just to torture my inner Historian.

It's Nicolas Cage in a goofy treasure hunt movie. I know stuff that fucks up facts about a subject you're knowledgable on is annoying but you've gotta be lenient for entertainment.

Like the movie Lucy, it's a good film but the central premise about only using 10% of your brain is complete bullshit.
09/23/20 08:29PM
Harvestman_here said:
Like the movie Lucy, it's a good film but the central premise about only using 10% of your brain is complete bullshit.

I don't remember, did the accusations of whitewashing towards Johansson start with Lucy, or did we all keep it to ourselves because saying it would be publicly admitting we knew what Elfen Lied was?
09/24/20 02:22AM
ghost13 said:
Why? Did they thoroughly butcher history?

No not at all, it' a fun film. Just a lot of it is "Popcorn" history, that's been condensed for easier understanding by viewers. It has some nice references to obscure history (The CSA and England were friendly during the ACW, Daylight Savings didn't exist until 1895) and a bunch of fun trivia about early America and the Revolutionary War. However for plot reasons, both films at times have to strench the truth, sometimes for Rule of Cool, sometimes for convenience

.I'd recommend both as solid adventure movies (Both are on Netflix right now in fact)

I'll admit i was a tad hasty earlier in saying it was driving me crazy, I think it's more the idea of a GIANT conspiracy by the Founding Fathers ala Assassin's Creed 3 that riles me a bit, but none the less make's for a fun story. If your really curious, Harvard University of ALL PLACES, made a nifty list of the surprising amount of things they portrayed accurately
09/24/20 02:24AM
Harvestman_here said:
It's Nicolas Cage in a goofy treasure hunt movie. I know stuff that fucks up facts about a subject you're knowledgable on is annoying but you've gotta be lenient for entertainment.

Like the movie Lucy, it's a good film but the central premise about only using 10% of your brain is complete bullshit.

That on the other hand can ruin a lot of movies when the entire premise is invalidated by logic.
09/24/20 04:05AM
Badgerguardsman said:
That on the other hand can ruin a lot of movies when the entire premise is invalidated by logic.

It's not logic, it's suspension of disbelief
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