09/03/16 05:01PM
Watched Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy 15 just now.

Kinda' meandered a bit. Nice visuals though. Some really irritating antagonists who I really hope you get to murder in the game itself because oh boy do they have it coming.

[spoiler] Though I think we're cheated out of revenge on the guy that killed our dad because it looks like Nyx managed it. Which irritates me on two levels because now I'll also probably never know what the fuck the deal was with his OP regenerating armor.

Also the only movie specific female character of note got murdered really early on and that's disappointing.
09/03/16 05:26PM
I recently watched The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T with the kids. I had never heard of it until one of my Skype friends streamed it, and it's actually really adorable. It's a cheesy '50s movie written by Dr. Seuss (seriously), and it even has hypnosis in it, though it's portrayed with goofy finger-wiggling and theremin music. There's even a kind of silly hypno dance battle about halfway into the film.
09/03/16 05:27PM
Had a friend over and rewatched The Revenant on Wednesday. He hadn't seen it before and it was amusing seeing him react to all of the brutality (both physical and emotional). I personally find the movie to be a masterpiece and he came away equally impressed, even though he mentioned that film did leave him feeling a little hollow after it was over (which is a perfectly fine reaction).

I can actually recall a funny experience that happened when I first saw the movie back in January: I saw it with my mother and another friend of mine in what was a pretty packed crowd on a Monday and all three of us sat back and watched the movie in a petrified state. We literally couldn't move due to how absorbing and fucked up the whole movie was for us, lol. We didn't even eat the rest of the popcorn we had!
09/04/16 07:49AM
Godzilla and Mothra ~ the 90s one.

I watched it on my tube TV and it made me very nostalgic and happy to see all the practial effects on a retro screen.
09/04/16 07:57AM
Just did a double feature of Big Trouble in Little China and Redline. Great, stupidly enjoyable movies, the both of them.
09/04/16 04:03PM
JamesF said:
Godzilla and Mothra ~ the 90s one.

I watched it on my tube TV and it made me very nostalgic and happy to see all the practial effects on a retro screen.

We've been watching our way through godzilla and gamera movies every saturday for a few weeks now, mothra is absolutely my favourite <3 [too bad she gets fucked up a lot]

Pretty excited to see what Legendary does with her. [And Ghidorah of course]

...Also hoping SOMEONE here in the UK will step up to take care of shin godzilla actually playing here, damn. It's sorted in lots of places already but still no word for us.
09/04/16 04:14PM
Pastel-Daemon said:
We've been watching our way through godzilla and gamera movies every saturday for a few weeks now, mothra is absolutely my favourite <3 [too bad she gets fucked up a lot]

Pretty excited to see what Legendary does with her. [And Ghidorah of course]

...Also hoping SOMEONE here in the UK will step up to take care of shin godzilla actually playing here, damn. It's sorted in lots of places already but still no word for us.

Wait, you're UK too? Jeez, why are so many of us brits?

Also Mothra best Kaiju. Shin Gojira looks terrifying though.
09/04/16 04:21PM
Pinkanator said:
Also Mothra best Kaiju.

"12.Do you like Mothra?
Answer: No, Reaction: Maniacal"

<<|"TOO BAD!">>
09/04/16 04:25PM
JksAccount said:
"12.Do you like Mothra?
Answer: No, Reaction: Maniacal"

<<|"TOO BAD!">>

<<|I'm so sad this just fucked off.>>

I wanted Mecha-Baz damnit.
09/05/16 02:49AM
Not watching it but I just heard the <<|theme music>> for Titanic and it made me remember that when I was quite a bit younger, if I ever watched the film with my dad I would ask him to wind to the bit where the ship breaks in two. In hindsight, I was a sadistic child.
09/05/16 02:54AM
I watched Kizumonogatari part 1 again cus i found out the 2nd one is being shown in the UK and it got me hyped. Though it is all the way in Edinburgh which is like a 7 hour train journey :/. But i'm still considering going because i love the Kizu book so much and all the good stuff is in the next film.
09/05/16 02:56AM
Ghostbusters 2016.

Most boring Film I've seen in six years.
09/05/16 03:02AM
NinjaW said:
Ghostbusters 2016.

Most boring Film I've seen in six years.

Then you have not seen High Rise.
09/05/16 06:25AM
Jhonny english and mr.bean movies.
My god what a happy weekend.
09/06/16 02:34AM
So I just watched Hell or High Water with my folks. Been a while since I saw a good movie about robberies.
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