06/04/16 12:53AM
Movies you just watched thread.
*Robocop reboot on tv

*Watches first 10 minutes

*Puts on Robocop 2
06/04/16 01:10AM
The Raid: Redemption was pretty good.
Pretty damn good.
06/04/16 01:18AM
Saw X-Men Apocalypse with a friend on Memorial Day. We both had a genuine blast with it, despite its flaws. Not as good as DOFP or X2 but a solid entry in the series none the less.

Also watched The Witch, which terrified me beyond belief.
06/04/16 01:20AM
I've actually been on a 'Murican movie stint lately, since I typically don't watch them, I thought I'd watch some classics and some friend recommendations. Over the past couple months, I've watched...

Back to the Future (Trilogy)
The Lord of the Rings (Trilogy, extended)
Harry Potter (All 8)
Indiana Jones (All 4)
The Matrix (Trilogy)
The Terminator 1 & 2
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (I've already seen all the others, years ago)
The Princess Bride
Scott Pilgrim vs the World
They Live
06/04/16 01:23AM
LittleToyMaker said:
I've actually been on a 'Murican movie stint lately, since I typically don't watch them, I thought I'd watch some classics and some friend recommendations. Over the past couple months, I've watched...

Back to the Future (Trilogy)
The Lord of the Rings (Trilogy, extended)
Harry Potter (All 8)
Indiana Jones (All 4)
The Matrix (Trilogy)
The Terminator 1 & 2
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (I've already seen all the others, years ago)
The Princess Bride
Scott Pilgrim vs the World
They Live

06/04/16 01:28AM
Contorted said:
Saw X-Men Apocalypse with a friend on Memorial Day. We both had a genuine blast with it, despite its flaws. Not as good as DOFP or X2 but a solid entry in the series none the less.

I wanted to go see this, so I'm glad to hear that it's at least a decent entry.

I saw Captain America: Civil War a little over a week ago (Yeah, I know, I was late to the party, but finals and other matters had to take priority before I could go see it.). Damn good movie. I personally feel that it's the best movie to come out of the MCU thus far, and keeps the ball going on Cap movies (other than the Roger Corman one from the early 90s) being consistently good.
06/04/16 01:39AM
DrgnmastrAlex said:
I wanted to go see this, so I'm glad to hear that it's at least a decent entry.

I saw Captain America: Civil War a little over a week ago (Yeah, I know, I was late to the party, but finals and other matters had to take priority before I could go see it.). Damn good movie. I personally feel that it's the best movie to come out of the MCU thus far, and keeps the ball going on Cap movies (other than the Roger Corman one from the early 90s) being consistently good.

You forgot about the 70s cap movies.
06/04/16 01:43AM
DrgnmastrAlex said:
I wanted to go see this, so I'm glad to hear that it's at least a decent entry.

I'm (mostly) a sucker for the franchise, so it clicked with me quite well. My main problems were some side characters that could have been cut, a climax that goes on long (it almost went into Man of Steel territory but luckily finished strong), Apocalypse's motivation being a bit muddled and the first twenty minutes being on the jumpy side, but the characters, action, humor, soundtrack and nods to the previous movies kept me engaged.

For better or for worse, it's what would happen if you took an episode from the 90's cartoon and made a movie out of it. And for my money, I came away quite satisfied.
06/04/16 01:58AM
Pinkanator said:

~Western Movies~
06/04/16 01:59AM
Contorted said:
I'm (mostly) a sucker for the franchise, so it clicked with me quite well. My main problems were some side characters that could have been cut, a climax that goes on long (it almost went into Man of Steel territory but luckily finished strong), Apocalypse's motivation being a bit muddled and the first twenty minutes being on the jumpy side, but the characters, action, humor, soundtrack and nods to the previous movies kept me engaged.

For better or for worse, it's what would happen if you took an episode from the 90's cartoon and made a movie out of it. And for my money, I came away quite satisfied.

Best Superhero movies by quality:
*The Dark Knight
*Guardians of the galaxy
*Civil war
*The Winter Soldier
06/04/16 02:01AM
No1 said:
Best Superhero movies by quality:
*The Dark Knight
*Guardians of the galaxy
*Civil war
*The Winter Soldier

My personal favorites are Unbreakable, Watchmen, The Dark Knight, X-Men Days of Future Past/X2, Darkman and Hellboy 1 and 2. Also love the first two Blade movies.
06/04/16 02:07AM
Pinkanator said:
You forgot about the 70s cap movies.

I did, true. But they are forgettable. :P

06/04/16 02:11AM
No1 said:
Best Superhero movies by quality:
*The Dark Knight
*Guardians of the galaxy
*Civil war
*The Winter Soldier

I personally respect Ant-Man the most. Would have loved to have seen Edger Wright's version, but I still love it.

Also Deadpool.
06/04/16 03:07AM
No1 said:
Best Superhero movies by quality:
*The Dark Knight
*Guardians of the galaxy
*Civil war
*The Winter Soldier

You see, other than The Dark Knight, I'd debate you on Spiderman 2 or Guardians of the Galaxy being bettter than Civil War and Winter Soldier. The Dark Knight kind of came out of nowhere with it's quality, due to Heath Ledger and Aaron Eckhart playing their roles so well, as well as having strong themes that match so well with what Batman is all about.

Guardians was legitimately fun and entertaining to watch, and was a solid movie in regards to plot and theme. Spiderman 2...well, at the time it came out, I'd agree with you. But looking back, Tobey Macguire was not very good as Spiderman, and was passable as an adult Peter Parker. What carried that movie was the action sequences (which are still really damn good, even today) and Alfred Molina playing Doctor Octopus.

Civil War and Winter Soldier are solid action movies, and though they've got superpowered people, they play out more like action-based spy or thriller movies, like Bourne Identity or Taken. Their themes and tones are different from the other superhero movies that have come out, and there's a consistent subtext in the latter two Cap movies that are critical of government policy. It can be argued that the Captain America movies have a libertarian slant in their message, or at least Cap's character does, which is unheard of in modern consumer media. This is less so in Civil War, though it's clear that Cap's motivations beyond keeping Bucky safe is that he's got experience with how government acts according to political agenda and not the truth or what is right. In this regard, I have to put Civil War and Winter Soldier on a higher spot than almost every other superhero movie that has come out.

Contorted said:
My personal favorites are Unbreakable, Watchmen, The Dark Knight, X-Men Days of Future Past/X2, Darkman and Hellboy 1 and 2. Also love the first two Blade movies.

Unbreakable was prettty damn good. Sadly, Shamaylan (however you spell his damn name) didn't do so well as he made more movies. The last movie of his I could say I actually enjoyed was Signs, and that was more due to the themes and tone conveyed, as well as goofy dialogue. If he embraced some more camp and didn't take himself so seriously, I think his movies would actually get better.

Watchmen was a good adaptation of the comics. That's about all I need to say about it.

Days of Future Past, First Class, and X-Men 1&2 are all solid movies. They're examples of how having a focused script and a good director and production staff can make or break a movie.

Haven't seen Darkman, sadly.

Hellboy was a lot of fun, and is honestly underrated. If either of those movie had come out two to three years later, they'd have gotten a lot more attention and praise. Plus, the first Hellboy movie introduced me to Guillermo del Toro, and I've come to love his direction and creature design. :3

As for long as it's not Blade 3, I'm good.

Pinkanator said:
I personally respect Ant-Man the most. Would have loved to have seen Edger Wright's version, but I still love it.

Also Deadpool.

Still need to see Ant-Man. But yeah, Deadpool. Most fun I've ever had in a superhero movie, and it's the kind of movie that just gets better when you watch it with fellow nerds and nerdy friends.
06/04/16 03:34AM
DrgnmastrAlex said:
Unbreakable was prettty damn good. Sadly, Shamaylan (however you spell his damn name) didn't do so well as he made more movies. The last movie of his I could say I actually enjoyed was Signs, and that was more due to the themes and tone conveyed, as well as goofy dialogue. If he embraced some more camp and didn't take himself so seriously, I think his movies would actually get better.

Watchmen was a good adaptation of the comics. That's about all I need to say about it.

Days of Future Past, First Class, and X-Men 1&2 are all solid movies. They're examples of how having a focused script and a good director and production staff can make or break a movie.

Haven't seen Darkman, sadly.

Hellboy was a lot of fun, and is honestly underrated. If either of those movie had come out two to three years later, they'd have gotten a lot more attention and praise. Plus, the first Hellboy movie introduced me to Guillermo del Toro, and I've come to love his direction and creature design. :3

As for long as it's not Blade 3, I'm good.

Did you happen to see The Visit? Cause that's exactly what Shyamalan does in that. It's not a complete return to form for him, but along with Wayward Pines, its a step in the right direction.

Unfortunately, Darkman use to be on Netflix but no more. But the film is still pretty great. It's by Sam Raimi and has Liam Neeson as an scientist turned face swapping super being bent on revenge on those who did him wrong. It almost serves as a precursor as to what Raimi would bring to his Spider-Man movies years later, though I'd argue Drakman is the better film.
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