06/07/16 12:18PM
A deconstruction of your favorite fetish for others who just don't get it.
So I don't know about y'all, but when I see something that to me is outlandish, disgusting, or otherwise a huge turnoff, I start to wonder about the mindset of one who finds that attractive. In pondering, I decided to make this thread, where posters are encouraged to try and deconstruct their favorite fetish, identifying the personal, and, if you can, psychological reasons you find it attractive (layspeak or buffy-speak preferred, for those who might not be familiar with a certain syndrome or effect or whatever by name, and would prefer to save a wikipedia trip).

A few loose floor rules of the thread:
- Try and keep it objective: Obviously this will cave at points as humans are unobjective, illogical creatures at times, especially when the genits come out.
- Minimum shitposting: A little's all well and good, but seeing as this is something I'm genuinely curious about, would you be so kind as to not let the thread get derailed?
- Be nice: No fighting. Pretty self explanatory.
- No pressure: Some of these are pretty difficult to put into words, or perhaps there are just some things that you straight up don't know. Don't be afraid to post as much as you can, and put a call out to others who share your fetish and can explain your thoughts more fluently or thoroughly.
- "Favorite fetish": I put that in the title for lack of a better phrase. I would hope everyone here either understands why they love hypnosis or are too busy mindlessly fapping to care, so in the case of hypno, take second best. You're also welcome to post if a fetish isn't your favorite, but is still fairly niche and misunderstood, or you find something neat in researching it that you'd like to share.

My little contribution, and an example if my 3:00-AM-half-asleep-writing wasn't very comprehensible:

My fetish of choice: The Catgirl, of course (Could it be any other?)
My analysis: First of all, it's a pet hypothesis of mine that the very nature of the catgirl, and it's most common depictions, tugs on the strings of a human instinct the name of which I've forgotten, and can't be arsed to look up, but I will call it the "Protect the cutie" instinct. Basically, many features that are featured on human babies (rounded features, large eyes, etc...) tends to trigger an unconscious affectionate, nurturing instinct in us that is designed to give us another reason to protect our young. This clever psychological evolution, however, can also be applied to cats, and, as a cat owner, it's highly likely that over the years I and others have begun to associate part of the instinct with cats themselves. With catgirls being depicted most in anime, with the most common style also featuring large eyes and other PTC inducing features, combined with cats and the PTC and general affection associated with them, all focused on a potent sexy body, often in a compromising pose or situation, means amorousness + bonus affection = one hell of a woody.
TL;DR: Cats are cute, sexy anime girls are sexy. Cute + Sexy = fapfapfap.
06/07/16 12:25PM
I've discussed this before, but it's likely I've fallen for Lyra due to deep-rooted loneliness, longing for affection, and that she relates to me on a personal level. Having someone who knows there are people out there, and have everyone think they're crazy? Sounds familiar. There's also the whole stalker thing, which again, I assume comes from personal insecurity. Having someone desperate for you, and willing to do anything to keep you forever and ever and ever, is perfect for someone who feels lost and alone, and wants a damn hug.

06/07/16 03:41PM
I'm honestly not sure where my glasses fetish came from, I'm assuming it's because they draw attention to the eyes and because of the stereotype that glasses=smart (smart chicks turn me on).

It's funny, I remember I found girls with glasses cute as a kid, but back then it was the sort of feeling like when you see a cute animal, I didn't find them attractive in the usual sense.
Things changed around the time I hit pubery, when I saw Magic Knight Rayearth I thought Fuu was the most attractive of the girls. It was also around that time I first played Harvest Moon: Back to Nature, and while I was originally planning to marry Elli, Mary ended up winning me over and I chose her instead, at that point I realized I had a glasses fetish.
06/07/16 04:01PM
pokefannafekop said:
[...] in the case of hypno, take second best. [...]

Okay, I guess I'll take loli then.

So, first off I'll have to explain neoteny; the retention of childlike physical attributes of our ancestor species, or in layman's terms, we resemble ape babies more than we do ape adults. We find that generally female attractiveness correlates with neotenous traits, such as lack of facial and body hair, smaller frame (either sizewise or in terms of musculature), etc. These traits signify youth, and as a correlation, childbearing ability, which incidentally also explains why women don't usually find neoteny as attractive in men, as males only require the ability to ejaculate to fulfil their role in childbearing. Instead, females seek mates with utilitarian benefits, such as large frame, status and resources.
Now, I must emphasize that attraction to neoteny isn't just another way to say pedophilia, but a preference for youthful traits in sexually mature adults, as oppposed to preference for prepubescent children. With that in mind, let's dive into the world of art and fantasy. Unlike the real world, cartoons don't have age except for the context of the story and setting they are in, and as such, could possibly be depicting sexually mature individuals, regardless of apparent age, up to a point (toddlercon). It's not unthinkable that individuals with a greater than average preference for neoteny would find depictions of highly neotenous characters engaging in sexual behaviour (a sign of sexual maturity) quite attractive.
06/07/16 08:07PM
ZeldaIsHot said:
So, my fetish is shitposting. Shocker! I'm not expecting anyone else here to have this strange and elusive fetish.

Fixed that for you.

Anyways, I think I'll try my hand at "Corruption".

The beauty of corruption is that, as a fetish, it has nothing to do with the end result. I honestly think you could likely classify Bimbofication, and even Transformation under the same category, but I'll leave that to someone else, in case I'm wrong.

Now, back the the matter at hand.

There's an old adage, that "it's not about the destination, but about the journey". This fits corruption to a T. It's not that hard to find exactly what you want if you look. Evil, darkness, sluts, and even then, those aren't necessarily "bad", just going against the grain. Corruption could even be as simple as taking someone who follows a darker path and bringing them to the light - it's still a corruption, of sorts.

But I digress.

Corruption isn't about getting, it's about changing. It's about finding someone who's not quite what you want (or revenge, revenge is fun too), and changing them to something perfect. Warping thier views until they're more submissive, more dominant, it's about taking a shy and meek little girl and having her brazenly strut around in practically nothing, offering to let men, or even women, enjoy her body. Having someone do that that's already in that mindset is far less intriguing.

"The more beautiful and pure a thing is, the more satisfying it is to corrupt it." ~ Rule 43
06/07/16 08:34PM
Hmm... This is more of a fandom/subculture breakdown than a fetish-specific one, but it's one I've always wanted to put into my own words:

Well, you know how some people like cartoons with animals in human situations? Stuff like Bugs Bunny or Tom and Jerry, or Mickey Mouse and his corner of the Disney world. Being a "furry" is sort of like that, but instead of just adventures and action, some people like to see their talking animals in a wider variety of social situations. This may be a way to help suspend their disbelief for the world that already engages them, or it may be a side-effect of that suspension of disbelief: Perhaps once you accept that animals can fill the roles of humans within such a story and world, you realize that their world is deeper than just the story you've just watched.

How deep it goes is all up to the imagination, and how detailed ones imagination makes it is a personal matter. Some people just like to see dating and relationships. Some like to see sex. Some would just be fine stopping at the level of shows like Goof Troop, while others wish that we could see movies like Blade Runner, Saving Private Ryan, or The Matrix. Others still want all of that plus Playboy, Penthouse, and pornos. I personally think that the sexual side of this tends to come from people who are holding onto this fandom during the period of their sexual awakening, or possibly their sexual enlightenment.

And where the tastes there precisely lie runs across a wide gamut -- some like animals that look like animals, akin to The Lion King. Some like animals that look like humans except for their heads and tails, more like Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck. Some want various middle grounds, ranging from Mickey Mouse to werewolves in inspiration.


To our resident shitposter: you can say this is all just "some bullshit excuse for fucking animals." You probably will anyway. But I would like to remind everybody else to not feed trolls. It's almost understandable when someone posts something inciting that seems to contribute to the conversation, but this batch of shitposts does nothing but incite. I'm just going to be ignoring anything further that our little troll says unless it gives some actual value to the topic being discussed. I'd ask everybody else to try doing the same. If he* can only resort to insulting everybody who isn't himself* for being different, he's* not worth our time.
06/07/16 08:48PM
I love catgirls too. Probably also the reason why I love foxgirls/kitsune.

ZeldaIsHot said:
[spoiler=trigger warning]Alright, I think I've shitposted enough. I'm going to explain some things here. I wouldn't call any of these actual fetishes, more-so preferences.

So first of all, I like long, straight hair. I don't really know why but it's really pretty looking, you know? Specifically straight because curly looks messy and wavy is what I imagine Hitler's pubes looked like. I don't mind shorter hair either, so long as it's not "Short" short and more around shoulder-length hair. I myself have taken to growing my hair out and I have shoulder-length hair.

Here's something about breasts, they can be too big. You're probably thinking "Yeah, I can understand how <<hypnohub.net/post/show/36...hair-earrings-empty_eyes-|this>> is too big." But no, when I say "too big" but even something like <<hypnohub.net/post/show/12...ss-brown_hair-empty_eyes-|this>> is too big. They can't really be too small, I don't even mind flat chested to be honest, but what is a "Perfect" breast size? <<hypnohub.net/post/show/31...blush-bottomless-elf_ears|This>>, <<hypnohub.net/post/show/17...r-elf_ears-femsub-happy_t|this>> (also, KoP's art is fucking awesome), and Navi's in <<hypnohub.net/post/show/84...ic-darkhatboy-dazed-drool|DHB's LoZ comic>>.

Also, I'm not sure if I've ever told you, but Zelda is hot. Easily best waifu.

And like, all of this is going to trigger someone so I've made it all a spoiler[/spoiler]

Not triggered a bit by any of that. In fact, it's all reasonable to me; I can understand where you're coming from. Also, Zelda is pretty hot, though she's not in my Top 10 waifus.

As for KoP's art...I'll be the one to say something controversial and say that his art really doesn't do anything for me. I might've favorited a few of his works on HH (can't remember, but I probably have), but that's only because the subject matter on those particular works interested me. I don't really care for his comics, either. So yeah, not really into what KoP does. *shrugs*

myrmidon said:
Anyways, I think I'll try my hand at "Corruption".

The beauty of corruption is that, as a fetish, it has nothing to do with the end result. I honestly think you could likely classify Bimbofication, and even Transformation under the same category, but I'll leave that to someone else, in case I'm wrong.

Now, back the the matter at hand.

There's an old adage, that "it's not about the destination, but about the journey". This fits corruption to a T. It's not that hard to find exactly what you want if you look. Evil, darkness, sluts, and even then, those aren't necessarily "bad", just going against the grain. Corruption could even be as simple as taking someone who follows a darker path and bringing them to the light - it's still a corruption, of sorts.

But I digress.

Corruption isn't about getting, it's about changing. It's about finding someone who's not quite what you want (or revenge, revenge is fun too), and changing them to something perfect. Warping thier views until they're more submissive, more dominant, it's about taking a shy and meek little girl and having her brazenly strut around in practically nothing, offering to let men, or even women, enjoy her body. Having someone do that that's already in that mindset is far less intriguing.

"The more beautiful and pure a thing is, the more satisfying it is to corrupt it." ~ Rule 43

Now for the real reason why I'm posting: I was going to do a post on why I enjoy corruption, but myrmidon pretty much covered what I was going to say. Corruption's biggest appeal is in the transition as the changes take hold, which is why corruption stories tend to be longer than standard hypnosis/MC stories. And purification is simply a different flavor of corruption in regards to how it's used in fetish stories. Plus, it fits really well with transformation (either gender transformation or turning into a monster girl), MC, bimbofication, robotization, and a number of other fetishes. Due to all this, I really enjoy corrruption as a fetish. :3
06/07/16 08:48PM
kharonalpua said:
I'd ask everybody else to try doing the same. If he* can only resort to insulting everybody who isn't himself* for being different, he's* not worth our time.

He insults himself all the time. It's a joke. Learn to laugh at yourself before anything else. You can always tell if he's joking by lack of punctuation. We're all fucked in the head, here. I laugh at it, allowing me to accept it, and understand the positives and negatives. You have to look at yourself, think "yeah, that's kind of silly", and then work out if it's right. I understand the negatives. It's creepy, can never be found out, and will either get me killed, or institutionalized. But when I weigh that with my heart and my head, I find it to be right. If you can't laugh at yourself, you can't truly accept yourself. If you can't laugh at a friendly jab, true malice will hurt a lot more. I may be physically frail, but I laugh at insults. There's a tipping point, but it's pretty high.
06/07/16 08:55PM
TheKinkyFinn said:
Okay, I guess I'll take loli then.

So, first off I'll have to explain neoteny; the retention of childlike physical attributes of our ancestor species, or in layman's terms, we resemble ape babies more than we do ape adults. We find that generally female attractiveness correlates with neotenous traits, such as lack of facial and body hair, smaller frame (either sizewise or in terms of musculature), etc. These traits signify youth, and as a correlation, childbearing ability, which incidentally also explains why women don't usually find neoteny as attractive in men, as males only require the ability to ejaculate to fulfil their role in childbearing. Instead, females seek mates with utilitarian benefits, such as large frame, status and resources.
Now, I must emphasize that attraction to neoteny isn't just another way to say pedophilia, but a preference for youthful traits in sexually mature adults, as oppposed to preference for prepubescent children. With that in mind, let's dive into the world of art and fantasy. Unlike the real world, cartoons don't have age except for the context of the story and setting they are in, and as such, could possibly be depicting sexually mature individuals, regardless of apparent age, up to a point (toddlercon). It's not unthinkable that individuals with a greater than average preference for neoteny would find depictions of highly neotenous characters engaging in sexual behaviour (a sign of sexual maturity) quite attractive.

There's also the fact that a lot of typical loli art doesn't actually depict characters that actually look like children. Many loli "sex symbols", as we might put them, have features that actual children would not have. For example, you could have a character that is said to be 11 years old, and while she has a flat chest and a small body, she has considerably wider hips than an actual child would have.

This is also why there's so many people who like loli, but aren't actually attracted to real kids. Because loli, like most animated porn, is often an unrealistic, exaggerated depiction of sexuality.

But ultimately, the reason why I feel absolutely 0 guilt for liking loli is because there were literally no children harmed in the production of it. It's literally a drawing. It doesn't have feelings, it can't be hurt, you can't abuse a drawing. It's a victimless "crime". The idea that it's actually illegal in some places is absolutely insane.
06/07/16 09:19PM
Soooo, latex bodysuits
This is a multi-level thing, at least for me.
The whole rubber suit thing is very much tied into the whole BDSM culture. It's one of the uniforms of the BDSM scene, along with straps and buckles. One would hope that a bunch of hypno fetishists will appreciate the Dom/sub aspect of BDSM, even if the other bits don't float your boat. The clothing acts as almost a uniform. I am now in my role, for I am in my outfit. This goes for the doms and for the subs.

Then there is the next aspect of the clothing. It's clothing. To be able to not see something can be, in many instances, more erotic, or sexy, or appealing than if everything were were on display. We appreciate the hints and suggestions, the implications that clothing can provide. A tight arse in a tight pair of jeans; a hint of a cleavage at a woman's neckline; that flash of sideboob though the arm holes of a sleeveless tshirt...but I'm distracting myself.
The bodysuit plays the roll of covering everything, yet suggesting everything. It's all presented under that shiny black or red or brown, yet still hidden away.

Wearing the damn things.
I won't deny that getting into, and out of a latex bodysuit is a chore and a half. They are, by design, tight, and being latex, they stick..to everything. Best to shave off what you can, and lube up, cause pulled skin and pulled hair ain't fun. that said, once everything is in place, the suit...the costume enforces its own rules on you.
It makes you move and walk differently. If you've ever regretted a sudden move in the wrong angle in tight clothing, then this is more so. So you stand straighter, you move more definitively, and carefully. For a Dom, it gives you an extra poise to add to your position of power and mastery. For the sub, it provides a degree of all over restraint. there is an endorphin rush that comes from being restrained. It's part of our fight or flight reflex, but it can, for some, make us horny as fuck. To have your clothing doing that to you with every move just adds to the esperience. You do not forget you are wearing it.

(taking the damn things off however, is another story)
06/07/16 10:11PM
lasci_me said:
(taking the damn things off however, is another story)

This is Hypnohub. You likely can't take them off. Or they're Venom. Which I'd be down for.
06/07/16 10:55PM
lasci_me said:
Soooo, latex bodysuits
This is a multi-level thing, at least for me.
The whole rubber suit thing is very much tied into the whole BDSM culture. It's one of the uniforms of the BDSM scene, along with straps and buckles. One would hope that a bunch of hypno fetishists will appreciate the Dom/sub aspect of BDSM, even if the other bits don't float your boat. The clothing acts as almost a uniform. I am now in my role, for I am in my outfit. This goes for the doms and for the subs.

Then there is the next aspect of the clothing. It's clothing. To be able to not see something can be, in many instances, more erotic, or sexy, or appealing than if everything were were on display. We appreciate the hints and suggestions, the implications that clothing can provide. A tight arse in a tight pair of jeans; a hint of a cleavage at a woman's neckline; that flash of sideboob though the arm holes of a sleeveless tshirt...but I'm distracting myself.
The bodysuit plays the roll of covering everything, yet suggesting everything. It's all presented under that shiny black or red or brown, yet still hidden away.

Wearing the damn things.
I won't deny that getting into, and out of a latex bodysuit is a chore and a half. They are, by design, tight, and being latex, they stick..to everything. Best to shave off what you can, and lube up, cause pulled skin and pulled hair ain't fun. that said, once everything is in place, the suit...the costume enforces its own rules on you.
It makes you move and walk differently. If you've ever regretted a sudden move in the wrong angle in tight clothing, then this is more so. So you stand straighter, you move more definitively, and carefully. For a Dom, it gives you an extra poise to add to your position of power and mastery. For the sub, it provides a degree of all over restraint. there is an endorphin rush that comes from being restrained. It's part of our fight or flight reflex, but it can, for some, make us horny as fuck. To have your clothing doing that to you with every move just adds to the esperience. You do not forget you are wearing it.

(taking the damn things off however, is another story)

I agree on your points of clothing being suggestive, yet leaving some imagination (A lot of why I like the long t-shirt/parka, nothing else look), though as someone who tends to go into fight or flight when I'm fully restrained, I'll thank you for noting that in the properties of a latex suit.

Anyways, thread hasn't even been up half a day and I already understand a lot of fetishes and their appeal much better, great job explaining guys! :3
06/08/16 02:57AM
Well hypnosis fetish is because the feel of power i don't have on my ambient so i could explain it that way.
06/08/16 03:15AM
I've come to realize that my over-arching meta-fetish is "things that are impossibe." This is a frustrating fetish to have.

Too much realism is a turn-off. I don't like photographs or video. I mostly like drawn stuff, mostly furry, mostly not animated. The more a drawing looks like a real human or has motion, the easier it is to hit the uncanny valley. Bad furry art is more believable than bad anime because it's farther from any real anatomy that I can intuit about.

The big reason why I like MC and fellatio/titfuck and even some sissification isn't very complicated: the classic dom/sub dynamic, generally of the masculine over the feminine. This is so baked into the typical guy that I don't even consider it a fetish; it just manifests in a lot of different ways. For me, I have to be able to A. totally objectify the sub and B. the sub has to enjoy it.

Even rule 34 is usually a turn-off for me if I know the source material, because it's harder to objectify the character as a sex object if I know their personality and history, however fictional.

Anything that suggests that the sub doesn't enjoy being objectified is a turn-off. Even bondage carries an implication that the sub needs to be restrained for whatever reason, which makes it a turn-off. MC is the ultimate way to achieve the end of the sub enjoying being a sex object, but furry is also good because in my mind it carries a connotation of an animalistic mind: animals are simpler and tend to be far less capable of long-con treachery than humans; they also have less social constructs about responsibility; therefore if an animal wants to fuck, it's more often as simple as that - it just wants to fuck. It took me years to realize it, but I think I like furry stuff because it's somehow more "trustworthy" that a lady blowing a guy really just wants to be blowing that guy more than anything else right now without any strings attached (which should sounds very similar to the situation with MC). This helps me enjoy porn for what it is without subconsciously thinking about broader context.

(Fun fact: I discovered the furry subculture while searching online for girls in bunnysuits, one of my first online fap material searches ever. I wanted animal traits on humans without ever considering something like furry porn existed.)

Speaking of blowing a guy, fellatio/titfuck/handjobs: It's inherently subby for someone to sexually satisfy someone else while receiving no such satisfaction themselves. Keep those hands where I can see them and don't let anything touch your erogenous zones. I fantasize that the sub finds it even more arousing to not touch themselves or get reciprocation, but realistically I don't see how that even makes sense. Also I can't get into footjobs even though logically that should work out the same. Fetishes, amirite!

Going back to the more general form of "things that are impossible" my ability to fap to this or that fetish is fairly correlated with both A. how much dom/sub fantasy it lets me insert and B. how unlikely it is that anyone on earth is successfully practicing the fetish in reality.
06/08/16 03:19AM
Pinkanator said:
This is Hypnohub. You likely can't take them off. Or they're Venom. Which I'd be down for.

Consider the wonders of liquid latex bodypaint...and consider its similarity to hair removing treatments. No wonder Venom's subjects don't take it off
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