06/14/16 07:01PM
My dog passed away... (update)
Rest in Peace Sparkie. You were a damn good dog. You were ALWAYS by my side.

She was diagnosed with kidney failure and the doctor said she barely had days left. I had to put her down....I put my own dog down...

I can’t even breathe.
06/14/16 07:09PM
PenKen said:
Rest in Peace Sparkie. You were a damn good dog. You were ALWAYS by my side.

She was diagnosed with kidney failure and the doctor said she barely had days left. I had to put her down....I put my own dog down...

I can’t even breathe.

oh sorry for your loss it feels horrible when a pet dies.
06/14/16 07:20PM
I've lost 2 guinea pigs, and my cat certainly isn't in the best shape. My grandparents just lost their dog, so they'll be rather lonely. But, it should pass. Should. I'm too emotionally detached from loss at this point, so I'm not the best person for advice. Just try to think fondly of her, and try to move on. I should really practice what I preach, but this is your thread.
06/14/16 07:27PM
ZeldaIsHot said:
I'd say you're the worst.

06/14/16 07:37PM
PenKen said:
Rest in Peace Sparkie. You were a damn good dog. You were ALWAYS by my side.

She was diagnosed with kidney failure and the doctor said she barely had days left. I had to put her down....I put my own dog down...

I can’t even breathe.

It's rough to have to put down a pet. We've had about 5 dogs put down in the past decade, and I was in the room for two of them (and two of them were puppies, or at least barely into their adolescence).

It's one of those things were if you take on a pet, you (hopefully) assume you will outlive it. And it's always hard to see something you've loved, nurtured and watched grow up leave this world before you do.
06/14/16 08:10PM
Condolences, man. I'm really sorry.
06/14/16 09:38PM
Best of luck for the future I suppose, seems like that dog inspired a great past.
06/14/16 10:30PM
I'm sorry for your loss =(
06/14/16 10:32PM
Love your work, sorry for your loss. I'm always here if you want to talk. I lost my first dog when I was five, natural causes. But I think I can still relate. Wishing you all the best.
06/15/16 12:06AM
Sorry for your loss, man. Losing a pet is one of the worst feelings ever. I've been through it enough times myself. Best of wishes.
06/16/16 06:28AM
I'm so sorry to hear that. Losing a dog, especially having to make the decision to have them put down, is one of the hardest emotional trials you can put a pet-lover through.

I remember losing my dog. She had to be put down due to some kind of stomach problem. We never found out what it was, exactly. My biggest regret to this day was not being able to be there in her last moments. I just said goodbye, and that was the last time I saw her as I left my home for the day.
06/16/16 05:55PM
Vanndril said:
I'm so sorry to hear that. Losing a dog, especially having to make the decision to have them put down, is one of the hardest emotional trials you can put a pet-lover through.

I remember losing my dog. She had to be put down due to some kind of stomach problem. We never found out what it was, exactly. My biggest regret to this day was not being able to be there in her last moments. I just said goodbye, and that was the last time I saw her as I left my home for the day.

I concur having to put down a pet is a very hard desision for pet lovers. when my dog was to be put down we went to go say goodby to her for one last time but during the way up my father started breathing very heavily [almost like he had hard time breathing] so my mom took over driving. till this very day iv'e never seen him breath that bad. anyway enough about my experience I wish you the best and remember this comunity is here for you if you need someone to talk to
06/16/16 06:45PM
Hey guys. I just wanted to give a big big BIG thank you to the people who have been showing their support over sparkies passing and in general. I've read every comment and it means the world to me how many people care.

However my grieving is far from over. I still feel nothing but heartache. Every time i look at the spot she used to sit in and watch me. I feel this awful chill through my body. A broken heart is a real thing, I don't care how it sounds. I didn't just lose a dog. I lost my best friend. Every day when i was feeling like shit, she was without fail RIGHT there to help comfort me.

I've been trying to take some time to myself. I'll work on art here and there but I am so far from motivated. I will say this though for thise who have been asking for it. My patreon will be doing raffles again. I will start them up again in July.

My birthday is tomorrow. Not sure how that's gonna go...
06/17/16 06:42AM
Oh man, I'm so sorry. I know how hard it is to lose a pet you've been close to for years, my condolences.

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