01/21/14 05:44AM
Likewise, I volunteer to mod.
01/21/14 06:32AM
slayerduck said:
Vanndril how come i never see you on IRC man, we need you.

Because I'm not much an IRC person. :P

If you're worried that I'm being kept out of the loop with your plans of world domination and much $$$, then worry not! I've been getting regular updates from Mindwipe. :P

@SirNobody, Elsrei - We'll be considering you. I'll chat up Mindwipe about it tomorrow evening. Not tonight, though, as I'm a tad too tired to go into any sort of council about serious things.

SirNobody said:
[...]Fossil sometimes spent entire evenings in meetings[...]

To be honest, I'm not sure what meetings you're talking about. That was probably his excuse to not be talking at the given moment. :P Though, I honestly am not on the IRC enough to know for sure.
01/21/14 06:57AM
Vanndril said:
What happened this time?

I'm just sick of it. I feel like IRC brings out the worst in people. This isn't the kind of environment I really want to be in daily. I'll still be around on the site but I don't want to be around on the IRC tolerating more than moderating.

Edit: The irony is that I was really looking forward to having an IRC set up in the beginning...
01/21/14 08:13AM
Vanndril said:
To be honest, I'm not sure what meetings you're talking about. That was probably his excuse to not be talking at the given moment. :P Though, I honestly am not on the IRC enough to know for sure.

What little extra detail I have would suggest that's not the case, but I won't share it here.
01/21/14 09:03AM
Svennersons been suggesting I mod Darkhub too for a while now, though I fear I spend too much time under the influence of trances in there to be very effective.
01/21/14 09:35AM
There are times when I am in meeting with people about behavior, who we should look out for, when new people come in. Its the little things I go out of my way to do to try and make sure everyone knows what's going on and is happy in DH. Although being a mod does not mean that it will take up a lot of your time or that you will be alone.
01/21/14 09:58AM
Fossilbrand said:
There are times when I am in meeting with people about behavior, who we should look out for, when new people come in. Its the little things I go out of my way to do to try and make sure everyone knows what's going on and is happy in DH. Although being a mod does not mean that it will take up a lot of your time or that you will be alone.

I...but...you...I thought...
...You know what? Nevermind.


I see. That does make sense. You're very good at taking initiative; I like that.

All things said and done, from what I've heard, you've done an excellent job moderating DH. I'm sure that you will be missed for the duration of your absence.

Mr.H said:
Svennersons been suggesting I mod Darkhub too for a while now, though I fear I spend too much time under the influence of trances in there to be very effective.

If you want to try at some point then just let us know. If worst comes to worst, and it just seems like it won't work out, you can freely step down at any time.

RebKMG said:
I'm just sick of it. I feel like IRC brings out the worst in people. This isn't the kind of environment I really want to be in daily. I'll still be around on the site but I don't want to be around on the IRC tolerating more than moderating.

I understand. I know this may seem a little redundant, but bear with me, since you know I have to ask: are you sure? If so, I'll remove you from the #HypnoHub mod list tomorrow. If you're not sure, I can give you more time to consider.

The decision is yours, Mugi. :)

RebKMG said:
Edit: The irony is that I was really looking forward to having an IRC set up in the beginning...

Yeah... Ya know, I think a lot of people expected the IRC to be pretty much like the forums - specifically Nadia's legendary Hello thread. I'm sure they were very let down by the reality of it. The IRC is nothing like the forums. It's a different beast altogether. In some ways better and in others worse.
01/21/14 10:02AM
Vanndril said:

Yeah... Ya know, I think a lot of people expected the IRC to be pretty much like the forums - specifically Nadia's legendary Hello thread. I'm sure they were very let down by the reality of it. The IRC is nothing like the forums. It's a different beast altogether. In some ways better and in others worse.

I've been seeing a lot of people showing up without knowing about the site, recently. The connection seems to be a bit more tenuous than might have been imagined.
01/21/14 10:06AM
Well, everyone, we have some mod positions open on #DarkHub. A few people in this thread have already volunteered to take up the position, but we could always use more of a selection.

If you're interested in moderating #DarkHub, just let us (Vanndril or Mindwipe) know in this thread or via DMail. Eventually, I'll get together with a few other trustworthy individuals and consider all the volunteers, choosing a few we think will do a good job moderating.

If you do volunteer and you happen to become a mod, and you need to step down for any reason, you are more than free to do so. This is a noncommittal position, you don't need to stay if you don't want to. That said, I ask that you don't volunteer unless you're genuinely interested in giving it a shot.
01/21/14 10:11AM
Elsrei said:
I've been seeing a lot of people showing up without knowing about the site, recently. The connection seems to be a bit more tenuous than might have been imagined.

*nods* That was due to a bit of an error on my part. The channel option to hide the channels from whois and general channel lists (there's a way to get a list of channels on a server) was meant to be enabled. I specifically remember enabling it for both channels, but for whatever reason, it was not enabled on either channel just a few days ago.

I fixed this, and the channels are now hidden from lists and whois again unless you're already in it. That should lower the number of random people showing up. It should also help avoid incidents that involve mentally scarring people who have no idea what they just joined. :P

01/21/14 11:18AM
Heh my submissiveness aside I like to do my best to help, and I'd like to help mod. Besides Svennerson has been very supportive of me modding and promised he wont make me a drooling slave if I have business to attend to.
01/21/14 04:50PM
Mr.H said:
Heh my submissiveness aside I like to do my best to help, and I'd like to help mod. Besides Svennerson has been very supportive of me modding and promised he wont make me a drooling slave if I have business to attend to.

Hey, I respect you more than that. You rarely end up a drooling slave anyways. Hypnotized, yes. Drooling mindless slave, no.

Jokes aside, if H does get the spot, I'm going to give him a command where he breaks from trance if modliness is needed, and won't fall back under until everything's done with. Should SN get the spot, I would be willing to give him the same command.
01/21/14 06:45PM
I'm curious as to how you'd go about that, given most trances would be happening in PMs.
01/21/14 06:51PM
Svennerson told me I should volunteer my services as mod of darkhub. I was a little shy about it when he said but now I'm gonna anyway
01/21/14 07:36PM
For all the people who are claiming me as source, I'm just trying to drum up people offering so there's a larger pool to consider from, as I do feel there are a number of people on DH who would be good mods.
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