11/21/13 12:55AM
<<|Nawww>>...No mod this time...So more <<|free time>> \o/

And of course it's not usually that easy ,<<|Vandrill>>,in our chat we used a self-made beta program of an local developer there...He made much pretty easy for users^^
But you can always have machine codes if you don't like buttons ;o)
11/21/13 03:26AM
Anno1404 said:

So that's a Vandrill! It explains a lot.
11/21/13 07:31AM
Stem_Cell said:
So that's a Vandrill! It explains a lot.

11/21/13 09:24AM
Stem_Cell said:
So that's a Vandrill! It explains a lot.

I destroyed universes to get that photo xD
11/21/13 06:20PM
I can help if you want.
11/22/13 01:45AM
Anno1404 said:
I destroyed universes to get that photo xD

I feel ashamed. It took me over 45 seconds to get why that photo made sense. XD
12/05/13 08:47AM
I quit.

I don't want to be a part of this sex-crazed channel anymore.
Mister Vi
12/05/13 09:44AM
RebKMG said:
I quit.

I don't want to be a part of this sex-crazed channel anymore.

mugi no. I'm sorry.
12/05/13 10:15AM
RebKMG said:
I quit.

I don't want to be a part of this sex-crazed channel anymore.

<<| U sirius?>>
12/05/13 10:21AM
I would like to ask everyone that if they see Mugi on the IRC, to be kind and friendly but to not do anything involving hypnosis. I know it seems like a weird thing to say but it would be in everyone's best interest that if you are to talk to Mugi, that you stick to friendly conversations.

I would also like to ask everyone to NOT PM MUGI. I do not want her messaging to be flooded. We all care for Mugi but right now she just needs space. Being a popular moderator is very taxing, especially when Mugi is on as often as she is.

Thank you for reading this post. I know it's unusual but stuff happens. And Mugi knows that everyone is concerned about her. But she is safe. Just stress levels are high, we've all been there, so she just needs space.
12/05/13 10:21AM
Recent developments have lead the moderation team to evaluate the IRC and its policies.

Major changes may be incoming.
12/05/13 10:54AM
Whoa, seems like shit hit the fan.

Was anyone mean to RebKMG?

RebKMG said:
I don't want to be a part of this sex-crazed channel anymore.

I'm assuming a male user was offensive towards you. In which case, let me just say that we males are very irrational creatures and do things without thinking when we're too horny. It doesn't mean we're permanently like that, but maybe you were bothered by someone who was in an unusual state of mind.

Also, it's pretty easy to be mean when writing. You can say something rude to a person and it hurts to hear, and you can't just go back and edit what you said. When you make someone sad, the damage is done, and people don't usually think of this, especially since we're on the internet and our brain doesn't filter what we say as effectively as it does when you see someone face-to-face.

But RebKMG, I'll ask you to consider that whatever happened was not done in the intention of hurting your feelings. It was probably a case of temporary stupidity and lack of proper pondering, not malice.
12/05/13 11:05AM
I would advise everyone drop the Mugi thing. Thank you.
12/06/13 12:40AM
Stem_Cell said:
Whoa, seems like shit hit the fan.

Was anyone mean to Mugi?

I'm assuming a male user was offensive towards you. In which case, let me just say that we males are very irrational creatures and do things without thinking when we're too horny. It doesn't mean we're permanently like that, but maybe you were bothered by someone who was in an unusual state of mind.

Also, it's pretty easy to be mean when writing. You can say something rude to a person and it hurts to hear, and you can't just go back and edit what you said. When you make someone sad, the damage is done, and people don't usually think of this, especially since we're on the internet and our brain doesn't filter what we say as effectively as it does when you see someone face-to-face.

But Mugi, I'll ask you to consider that whatever happened was not done in the intention of hurting your feelings. It was probably a case of temporary stupidity and lack of proper pondering, not malice.

Wise words! :)
And people keep telling computer makes stupid and insensitive...
12/08/13 12:47PM
Not to alarm anyone, but in light of recent events, and for the sake of the community, I will be quitting the chatroom until further notice. My presence on the site itself will also be reduced. I apologize for any inconvenience. ^^;
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