12/08/13 12:52PM
Monochrome said:
Not to alarm anyone, but in light of recent events, and for the sake of the community, I will be quitting the chatroom until further notice. My presence on the site itself will also be reduced. I apologize for any inconvenience. ^^;

*nods* Understandable.
I hope things are able to return to normalcy soon, on all counts, for everyone involved. Good luck.
12/09/13 01:05AM
It seems the chat project backfired a little bit....I mean holy f#ck.. What happened?!
Chat goes online and people start quitting <<|:(>>
12/09/13 08:24AM
Anno1404 said:
It seems the chat project backfired a little bit....I mean holy f#ck.. What happened?!
Chat goes online and people start quitting <<|:(>>

Chat happened. Some people just get too easily wrapped up in what's going on and go with the flow, forgetting that their actions have real consequences on real people. It's human nature to follow the mob.

Besides, it hardly backfired. I still consider it a big success. Problems like this are bound to arise with new features like chats. it just comes with the territory.
12/10/13 04:38AM
So, with 2 channels now, and with some mods being either let go or busy, I think we should ask for more assistance. More than anything, we need mods for #DarkHub. Keep in mind that this channel is filled with (often erotic) RPs and 'tists and subs doing what they do. If you are up for it, please apply.
12/10/13 04:44AM
i would like to be a mod for the darkhub please*raises hands*
12/10/13 07:05AM
Meh, I could do it I guess, if you want.
12/10/13 08:42PM
What exactly does moderating entail? I could lurk in there fairly often and occasionally awaken from my dark slumber to smack someone with a ruler, if that's all you really need.
12/10/13 09:07PM
Oh sure, *now* I see the thread...
If it's not too late, I'm usually lurking in IRC unless my internet/computer goes on the fritz. So while I might be late to respond to stuff that's happening, I could try my best to help out.

I'd assume DarkHub rules are basically 'no stuff that would be considered illegal' as the big one.
12/11/13 05:45AM
rokkitman said:
What exactly does moderating entail? I could lurk in there fairly often and occasionally awaken from my dark slumber to smack someone with a ruler, if that's all you really need.

You answered your own question. Think of moderation on an IRC like damage control, or a sort of third party that jumps into and diffuses nasty situations.

Xudmud said:
I'd assume DarkHub rules are basically 'no stuff that would be considered illegal' as the big one.

More or less. That's the most important one. The only other real job a moderator has is to make sure that the IRC doesn't turn into some all-out war between users due to some bad blood. You know, keep things from getting out of hand.

And don't worry, you're not too late. We decided to wait a little while (read: a few days) before making decisions on who to make mods. You know, to let the applications build up a bit for a larger selection pool.

Thank you all who have volunteered so far, by the way. It's good to see the community willing to help make this site a better place. We will be considering each one of you, I assure you.
12/12/13 02:38AM
I know I messed up before, but I would like to like to resubmit for a position as mod at Darkhub, as I think it's more my territory. But I understand either way! hehe ^^
12/20/13 06:35AM
I love how "a few days wait" turned into a week and a half. Damned finals week!

So, #DarkHub has one new mod for the time being.
Please welcome Salbastro!

Ironically, he never even applied here, but he did offer to mod #DarkHub at some point on the IRC itself, and our current mods seem to get along with him all sorts of well, so the position is his.

If you want to moderate #DarkHub or #HypnoHub, please do still apply. We're always considering new mods, so having a running list of willing people would be very useful.
12/30/13 03:54AM
12/30/13 03:57AM
Fairy21 said:

While I admittedly had my thoughts immediately turn to Snakes on a Plane, I doubt this was made for such humorous reasons. (Though, if it was, props to you!)

Did something happen? If you had a problem with a particular user (or group of them), rather than post here and name call, I ask that you please DMail me, as to avoid further altercation. Perhaps I am able to help.
01/01/14 02:57AM
Fairy21 said:

See, that's what happens when god doesn't put his projects (I'm looking at you, humanity) on a proper repository with a bug-tracker and preferrably tags and branches so you can choose the one you like the most. Would give a whole new meaning to the term "Alpha male"!

On a more serious note, what is it that happens down there on the chat alley, guys? :P
01/01/14 03:45AM
Eh, don't worry about it. Whatever the matter was this time, it's been resolved.

In other news, you should come to #HypnoHub now and then. We have some truly goofy conversations sometimes.
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