08/28/13 04:18AM
So .. I really took the time and translated this Mind control Manga ...
It's actually not machine translated. I used some of the translation engines, however I always checked every sentence, every word and worked as hard as I could on this.


This is one of the Mangas most people always wanted to have a translation of, and before I do my next Manip (currently my inner Zen doesn't give me a good idea) I worked on this translation.

For a first translation, this probably isn't bad. Hopefully you guys will enjoy it.
08/28/13 07:33AM
08/28/13 01:33PM
Wow, that is fucking awesome!! Thanks pal, we all appreciate your efforts! :)

And it has almost a thousand downloads already lol.
08/28/13 11:21PM
An amazing job! Thank you very much, HypnoMangaEditor!
08/29/13 01:39AM
I am kind of (positively) shocked how well the reception is. Maybe Mindwipe will also think about putting it on Hypnohub now? He wasn't that fond of the idea on the old board, so I did not upload it on this page.

If you think it's done well enough, please consider putting it on this board. Otherwise there's always e-hentai. ;)

I have also 2 more Mind control Hentai Mangas that i partly started to translate. However, I am not satisfied with the translation of the first one (there are a couple of sentences were I still have problems finding the meaning behind them) and the other one has just so much text, that it will likely take multiple weeks until I can release them. So I'd say don't expect another release in the near future - I am taking my time with these, because I don't want them to suck.
08/29/13 02:13AM
Kudos to you, all the way.

By the way, it's really lamentable when people use ugly raws (not the case here) of what would otherwise be great, so if your next raws somehow suck (like having low-frequency sharpening halos like in this one: g.e-hentai.org/s/ff7eb4cf97/593277-4 ), then please tell me about it because I may be able to somehow make them a little bit better (doing it after the text is in risks ruining the text). Let's hope it's never necessary though :D

About placing mangas in the booru, I don't mind them, but does anyone read mangas on boorus? I find it much more comfortable browsing them locally (thus e-hentai's torrents really help).
08/29/13 07:09AM
I fapped to that earlier. XD Had no idea it was you.
Very well done, imo.

I've considered doing this, myself, before, but never got around to it. I didn't think it would work out too well. But this is pretty damned good, so maybe I was wrong.
08/29/13 07:44AM
I've considered doing this, myself, before, but never got around to it. I didn't think it would work out too well. But this is pretty damned good, so maybe I was wrong.

Took a lot of work. Around 3h for one page ... unless there's only one sentence or moaning sounds to translate. The complete Manga took a little bit longer than my last manip - however, I still think it was worth it. There were so many ppl that wanted it translated and even more that never saw this manga.

I am doing this in 5 Phases.

1. Get the Hiragana/Katakana/Kanji's into a text file with an OCR Program (and if this fails I have sites were I can search for the Kanji) <- Takes most of the time, but everyone can do this

2. Get a rough translation of the sentence by using 5 different Translation sites. Then looking at the sentence word by word and trying to make sense of it and then find a fitting sentence in english. This is actually a multipass thing - you do this over and over again. When you finish with the manga, you start from the beginning again and correct things (because you might have found out something later in the story that is mentioned earlier, but you couldn't make sense of it then).

3. Clean up the images and remove the Japanese signs. Redrawing certain areas or making a workaround if possible.

4. Typesetting. Actually entering the translation into the Text bubbles, making them fit and not look akward.

5. Quality Assurance. Reading the Manga over and over again, correcting mistakes, moving the text that doesn't look like it fits well. Correcting translation if something looks akward or doesn't make sense etc.

It's a lot of work for one person and I think the translation groups easily split the work between 2-4 people which makes it a lot easier.

So, if you don't want to put 60 hours into a 20 Page Manga (well, you will improve over time and it will probably get a lot faster). I didn't know basic Hiragana when I started but now I am getting better at it. I also got a couple of basic Kanji that I now understand. I think it is a good method to get into the japanese language and actually learn something - I just do not know if it is the best method to learn it. I should probably learn a couple of more basic stuff from my Japanese book before I do the next translation. :)
08/29/13 08:20AM
I can read most Japanese however kanji is my weakness but of course that is mostly everyone.
08/29/13 09:28PM
That's a lot of work indeed, but it does sound like you did it more out of effort and persistence (and generosity) than out of skills (i.e., probably a lot of people here know enough Japanese or Gimp to do this if they had your determination), for which I offer my respect. A lot of work for a single person!
09/02/13 06:54PM
I'm a bit late to the party, but I just wanted to say thanks for the great work you've been doing.

It's not my cup of tea, for the most part, but you do some of the best manipulation work in the hypno community, and that should be celebrated.
09/07/13 12:16AM
Great job my wish is that more of those DL mate stuff got translated their's a crap ton of it and barely any of it gets translated.
12/02/13 08:20PM
Gallery removed. Now i'm curious as to what it was and why it was disposed of.
12/02/13 09:06PM
Ogodei-Khan said:
Gallery removed. Now i'm curious as to what it was and why it was disposed of.

Still there for me. O_o
12/02/13 10:13PM
Mindwipe said:
Still there for me. O_o

1 2>>>

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