08/12/16 12:41AM
I can just stop posting on the Hub too ya know
Day in and Day out the users of this site just show double fucking standards. Ya know what, I can just just stop posting on here period. From now on you guys should just use my tumblr or DA to find out I'm streaming. Because nobody cares if it's a pinkinator post or a Zeldaishot post. They can have at least 3 threads a page. But someone who is trying to get their work out there and entertain their audience with a stream? fuck outta here.
08/12/16 12:45AM
As RCBC said on your stream thread, its really just one guy getting irate over stream threads for some reason. I imagine most people enjoy seeing you stream, and like being updated about it. I personally don't watch streams most of the time, but I'm happy to see that people are streaming and want to share their work. But as with most things, don't mind the vocal minority, because they're just that: The minority.
08/12/16 12:48AM
JksAccount said:
As RCBC said on your stream thread, its really just one guy getting irate over stream threads for some reason. I imagine most people enjoy seeing you stream, and like being updated about it. I personally don't watch streams most of the time, but I'm happy to see that people are streaming and want to share their work. But as with most things, don't mind the vocal minority, because they're just that: The minority.

i know. but honestly it fuckin bothers me. I also know people in the hubs chat spoke shit about me a while back too for using the forums. Quite a few people in fact. Yet the aforementioned users come along, and they get the free pass. I've even been spoken to by Admins even when I deleted the previous stream post and then made a new one. Im fuckin done.
08/12/16 12:52AM
I am a causal user of the hub in the context that I only post comments and artwork for the hub to enjoy as well as to hear feedback on my own artwork and others.

This forum area however is a joke. There is no moderation, there's no sense of organization or focus. This is being abused by a handful of individuals to be used as a place to post random thoughts that don't even have to DO with hypnosis. Let alone art, let alone something relevant to the collective individuals. No it is used as a place to just post random discussion topics that have no purpose than to satisfy the individual who started the thread.

I have tried to use the forum for business with commissions and I have seen it as a foolish endevour as it just gets washed away by irrelevant posts. Is this selfish of me to say this because my post isn't getting attention compared to someone's random discussion? Maybe, quite possibly yes. So yes there is this aspect of my personal bias that makes this area of the hub a strike against my opinion.

Honestly my post here is not for debate, It is my OPINION on the matter. I won't be responding back as I am just stating my mind here and if you don't like it, you are entitled to your opinion as I am with mine.
08/12/16 12:53AM
Come on PenKen don't let anyone strike you down, especially if it's just one or two voices.
However unfair it may seem, you can do better than that. Ignore and Stride forward.
08/12/16 12:53AM
Hey, I've been stopping ;-;

08/12/16 12:55AM
SeaithDaizon said:
This forum area however is a joke. There is no moderation, there's no sense of organization or focus.

It's difficult to accomplish any of these when the website's software gives us so few tools to do so. This forum is almost the very minimum that could even be called a forum. There are no subforums, moderation tools are clunky and inconvenient, there's no reporting forum posts, and the unread messages bolding function doesn't even work right.
08/12/16 02:43AM
I have to agree with you, to be honest. My issue is more with my disdain for how the Admin handle the Hub, rather than with the Admin themselves. They all seem like genuinely cool people, but they seem very ban happy some days and very uncaring and hands off others.

For example, whenever a forum post comes up that a mod doesn't personally like or is slightly controversial, they will make one comment said post essentially saying "Here's my opinion, you're all wrong. This thread is now locked" OR they go "I am in a shitty mood and you're shitposting/I strongly disagree with you, 10 day ban".

But other times we can be over here talking about making a plot to rob a bank or something and they don't care.

That said, I also get why they're so busy. See, I've noticed that 9 times out of 10 whenever I click on an image on the board it has been smacked with a take down request for some reason or another. They could go back in time and have Rembrandt make some hypno art then post it here and some shithead will mark it for being "poor quality" or having "No signs of hypnosis" when it's fine quality and has ample and obvious signs of hypnosis. And the Admin have to go through all of these striked images and "judge" them. Now, if I had to go through about 100 images a day that some idiot wants taken down for damn near no reason I'd shirk my responsibilities in the forum area too.

All this said, if you DO want to restrict yourself to DA that is, obviously, your choice and I wish you the best no matter what.
08/12/16 02:58AM
Mindcollector13 said:
For example, whenever a forum post comes up that a mod doesn't personally like or is slightly controversial, they will make one comment said post essentially saying "Here's my opinion, you're all wrong. This thread is now locked" OR they go "I am in a shitty mood and you're shitposting/I strongly disagree with you, 10 day ban".

In the past month or two I've seen + been a part of two or three particularly controversial forum threads here that were all locked down for justifiable reasons.

Like two of em had the Hub divided and arguing over who was in the right/wrong for going too far with shit-posting (you know who you are, don't pipe up) and people calling em out for it. Nobody was willing to budge from their clear position on the topic, and the whole thing was a pure shitfest we coulda did without. So yeah, it was locked down eventually, and mod said that both were in the wrong, cause why should there have been a "winning side" to which people were so angry and pretty much despised each other for what was said before?

The one I was a part of meanwhile, I went so far as to tell someone to "fuck right off" for their VERY (not slightly like you said, again, VERY) CONTROVERSIAL position on a specific topic (not gonna go in detail beyond that, I really don't like bringing this up again...), and even asked to be suspended if need be for what I said. Like cripes I was really upset and emotional that day. Thankfully I wasn't hit with suspension, and neither was the person we were all arguing against. Like even when the mod sided with our position, that was pretty much the end of it after the topic was locked, cause we all didn't wanna deal with it anymore.

I'm not going so far as to defend the forums as "perfect" with only a few examples, but seeing as these were some of the worst ones as of late, I didn't see anything like you described despite being more than just "slightly" controversial... ._______.
08/12/16 03:03AM
PenKen said:
Day in and Day out the users of this site just show double fucking standards. Ya know what, I can just just stop posting on here period. From now on you guys should just use my tumblr or DA to find out I'm streaming. Because nobody cares if it's a pinkinator post or a Zeldaishot post. They can have at least 3 threads a page. But someone who is trying to get their work out there and entertain their audience with a stream? fuck outta here.

I don't understand why people wouldn't be interested in your streams, you make some very nice artwork. :c
08/12/16 03:08AM
I know which posts you're talking about and agree that those were justified, but sometimes it just feels like the admin goes a bit too far on some things. I mean, yes sometimes the shitposters get a bit carried away and do deserve some punishment for that but at the same time, MOST of what they get in trouble for isn't really their fault.

Normally they're goaded into it by people being generally mean to them and them responding rather than just sitting there and being "bullied" for lack of a better term.

Either way, getting off topic. I just feel like generally the Forum can either be REALLY strict or a complete madhouse. Just depends on the day.
08/12/16 03:13AM
geekgirl8 said:
I don't understand why people wouldn't be interested in your streams, you make some very nice artwork. :c

People just complainin in general about streaming posts popping up in the forums, cause they're tired of seeing just bout whoever say "Hey guys, I'm workin on muh art live rn! :D" every now and then. Really tho most people here either don't mind and leave it be or tune in.

Which at this point I'm just one person, but I do ask others reading that if someone complains about someone streaming, tell em to piss off (not overly nasty ofc) or just support the artist and say ya love their work. I hate seeing discouragement toward our artists/content-creators here if anything, as I lurked on DA for years until I discovered that the Hub featured just about everything I've always loved! And while I'm not a fan of being a part of online communities and the like, I'll admit that I do enjoy being a part of this site to an extent. Lotta great people here I can respect :9
08/12/16 03:15AM
Mindcollector13 said:
Either way, getting off topic. I just feel like generally the Forum can either be REALLY strict or a complete madhouse. Just depends on the day.

I think the issue is that the forum has been far too heated as of late, generally. Everybody still seems to be on edge after the whole LTM debacle last month and people haven't really calmed down yet. With any luck, however, the forum should recover with time and patience on the part of everybody.
08/12/16 03:20AM
SeaithDaizon said:
This forum area however is a joke. There is no moderation, there's no sense of organization or focus. This is being abused by a handful of individuals to be used as a place to post random thoughts that don't even have to DO with hypnosis. Let alone art, let alone something relevant to the collective individuals.

There are things in this thread I agree with, and things I disagree with. Listen, I for one am perfectly okay with the stream threads, as are many others I'd imagine. What I'm not okay with is people shouting about how terrible the forums are and listing one of the reasons why as "Some of the stuff isn't about hypnosis". That shouldn't matter. We're a community, and forum posts are one member talking to others. It shouldn't have to involve hypnosis. That's my two cents on things anyways.
08/12/16 03:24AM
SomeCallMeSalty said:
There are things in this thread I agree with, and things I disagree with. Listen, I for one am perfectly okay with the stream threads, as are many others I'd imagine. What I'm not okay with is people shouting about how terrible the forums are and listing one of the reasons why as "Some of the stuff isn't about hypnosis". That shouldn't matter. We're a community, and forum posts are one member talking to others. It shouldn't have to involve hypnosis. That's my two cents on things anyways.

I agree that not all posts should have to be about hypnosis. I feel like the forums would be really boring if that were the case. I have a hypno-fetish, yeah, but my whole life doesn't revolve around it. I like being able to discuss other things I enjoy with like-minded people as well. :P
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