11/23/13 06:04PM
Bokasa said:
Sorry for bad english.
Challenges make you stronger. After a half year of hard work ,you will become an master-artist.
But seriously , thanx for your art, it's really good and creative.
P.S. I hope boy are not "too old" ;) he-he-he little helpless shotas.

Helpless shotas are the best kind after all. ;)

Mesmersbauble said:
If your up for a more complex scene I'd love to see a Loli/Shota stripclub picture with young boys and girls dancing and servicing customers... though yah its alot

Yeah it'd be a much more complex picture with plenty more characters in it. Though I'd still like to try it, though it'd take much longer, and I'd like to work on the other requests first.

Neopie said:
If you're still taking requests, maybe a short sequence of a slave transforming someone physically and mentally into their perfect dominant mistress?

Also an interesting idea I'd like to try. Hmm, I may have to ask to leave requests there, but I'd still like to hear peoples ideas. >.<;;
11/30/13 08:29PM
Updates on some requests!

Nadias ghost request is not inked and flat coloured:

A genie and harem take on Mesmers request: (Rough sketched so far)

And lastly Boksas plantgirl request, also roughly sketched:
11/30/13 10:12PM
Mr.H said:
Updates on some requests!

Nadias ghost request is not inked and flat coloured:

A genie and harem take on Mesmers request: (Rough sketched so far)

And lastly Boksas plantgirl request, also roughly sketched:

Lovely sketch.
Can add some color? Or some face on palntgirl.
And i just wan to say. Your art is so strange... characters are so mesmerizing, happy, horny and relaxed at the same time. It's so beautiful. There is something really alluring in your works. And my knowlege of english is too poor to express my admiration for your pictures.
P.S hypno gas cloud is one of your best works. I'm really hope to see more parts.
11/30/13 10:51PM
Bokasa said:
Lovely sketch.
Can add some color? Or some face on palntgirl.
And i just wan to say. Your art is so strange... characters are so mesmerizing, happy, horny and relaxed at the same time. It's so beautiful. There is something really alluring in your works. And my knowlege of english is too poor to express my admiration for your pictures.
P.S hypno gas cloud is one of your best works. I'm really hope to see more parts.

Oh I'll be working on it, this is just the first sketch, more will come. Oh thank you so much, I'm only just starting to learn drawing hypno related art so it means a lot to me. Oh, and there still is a third part of the hypno cloud sketched out too.
12/01/13 12:27AM
Mr.H said:
Oh I'll be working on it, this is just the first sketch, more will come. Oh thank you so much, I'm only just starting to learn drawing hypno related art so it means a lot to me. Oh, and there still is a third part of the hypno cloud sketched out too.

Useing this threat for training is very good idea. And if you planing do something with my request, please change boy lips, because he look like duck XD (move his face a little closer to nipple)
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