11/19/13 07:32PM
Mr.H Art Request Thread
Since there is already a Manip request thread I thought I'd start an art one. I feel I'm getting more into the swing of drawing MC art, and I'd like to push myself out of my comfort zone by taking requests from others. I'd welcome others

I'm fairly comfortable drawing most things and pairings but please keep things reasonable, even just vague scenarios and set ups are A-Okay.

I can't guarantee when any of these will be done, but I'll be doing my best between other commitments.
11/19/13 07:33PM
I have something simple. a girl reading a book that is clearly taking control of her, while a ghost holds the book with a smirk or is otherwise indicated to be responsible?
11/19/13 07:45PM
Nadiatheberzerker said:
I have something simple. a girl reading a book that is clearly taking control of her, while a ghost holds the book with a smirk or is otherwise indicated to be responsible?

Definitely doable, when you say girl do you mean any age or loli specifically? :>
11/19/13 07:47PM
Mr.H said:
Definitely doable, when you say girl do you mean any age or loli specifically? :>

your pick with that dear. nudity is also optional. my only request is that you give her red hair, like me ^^
11/19/13 07:56PM
Nadiatheberzerker said:
your pick with that dear. nudity is also optional. my only request is that you give her red hair, like me ^^

Sure thing, better for me to have some creative freedom with the picture. *nod*

11/19/13 08:00PM
Mr.H said:
Sure thing, better for me to have some creative freedom with the picture. *nod*

yeah, cause its more fun that way.
11/19/13 08:04PM
Hm... I've yet to see any hypno-content with Malva:

And I know futa's not the most popular here, but I'd love a futa version, should you choose to take this up. :3
11/19/13 08:07PM
Vorp said:
Hm... I've yet to see any hypno-content with Malva:

And I know futa's not the most popular here, but I'd love a futa version, should you choose to take this up. :3

love that idea. sounds like a lot of fun.
11/19/13 08:26PM
Vorp said:
Hm... I've yet to see any hypno-content with Malva:

And I know futa's not the most popular here, but I'd love a futa version, should you choose to take this up. :3

Well I've said I'm cool with any pairing, futa included. ;)
11/19/13 09:32PM
I've got a cute, silly idea.
A lamia wearing a winter coat and mittens hypnotizing someone to take her home and cuddle her because she is cold.
11/19/13 09:35PM
BML-20XX said:
I've got a cute, silly idea.
A lamia wearing a winter coat and mittens hypnotizing someone to take her home and cuddle her because she is cold.

that's an amazing idea! I love lamia too!
11/19/13 10:35PM
BML-20XX said:
I've got a cute, silly idea.
A lamia wearing a winter coat and mittens hypnotizing someone to take her home and cuddle her because she is cold.

Oh yes, adorable.
11/19/13 10:36PM
Mr.H said:
Oh yes, adorable.

lol your gonna be buys mr. you better get to work!
11/19/13 11:27PM
Nadiatheberzerker said:
lol your gonna be buys mr. you better get to work!

I'll just add this all to the list *Unrolls comically large paper*
11/19/13 11:28PM
Mr.H said:
I'll just add this all to the list *Unrolls comically large paper*

*watches it roll out the door and go down the street.* that's long.
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