09/01/16 04:13AM
Imasuky said:
There's that guy in One Piece who has door powers. And the Eleven Men from Jojo.

So it's not that lame of a power.

Ok seriously, I have no munz, but I neeeeeeeed JoJo. Should I watch the anime online or WRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRYed the manga online? Apparently it's not fully translated? And when it is, it's *CHEW*
09/01/16 04:19AM
Pinkanator said:
Ok seriously, I have no munz, but I neeeeeeeed JoJo. Should I watch the anime online or WRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRYed the manga online? Apparently it's not fully translated? And when it is, it's *CHEW*

The anime is pretty good, some names are a little....Odd, But it's easy to tune them out after a while. I only have vague knowledge of anything past the anime airing right now.
09/01/16 04:21AM
All I know is one is DIO-lite, one is Juri, one is cripple and one has 4 balls.
09/01/16 04:25AM
That's pretty much all you need to know. It's fucking crazy. I could tell you anything I know you could easily think I was making it up.
09/01/16 04:27AM
Imasuky said:
That's pretty much all you need to know. It's fucking crazy. I could tell you anything I know you could easily think I was making it up.

I've entered the Woolie-hole enough times to believe you.
09/01/16 04:38AM
Pinkanator said:
I've entered the Woolie-hole enough times to believe you.

You really haven't. For one thing what Wollie has talked about 36 Kars living on the moon.I actually heard a spoiler about why the new Jojo has 4 balls and....It only raises more questions.
09/01/16 04:40AM
Imasuky said:
You really haven't. For one thing what Wollie has talked about 36 Kars living on the moon.I actually heard a spoiler about why the new Jojo has 4 balls and....It only raises more questions.

I looked up why there were 2 Josukes. This ain't my fetish. It could be. But not here.
09/01/16 04:42AM
Pinkanator said:
I looked up why there were 2 Josukes. This ain't my fetish. It could be. But not here.

Old Joseph is the hottest Jojo, Sexual taste aside everyone wants him. And if they say they don't they are lying.
09/01/16 04:44AM
Imasuky said:
Old Joseph is the hottest Jojo, Sexual taste aside everyone wants him. And if they say they don't they are lying.

I mean, Jolyne but...

Yeah you're totally right tho

Fun Fact: The infamous MUGEN Chuck Norris is a sprite edit of Old Joseph.
09/01/16 04:51AM
Pinkanator said:
I mean, Jolyne but...

Yeah you're totally right tho

Fun Fact: The infamous MUGEN Chuck Norris is a sprite edit of Old Joseph.

So he got a downgrade in every way imaginable.
09/01/16 04:57AM
Imasuky said:
So he got a downgrade in every way imaginable.

He has a move called

[spoiler]Road Solar Da
09/01/16 08:09AM
Youtube is allegedly going to start censoring content and people are already blaming it on "SJW" and feminist boogeymen.
09/01/16 08:10AM
Personmang said:
Youtube is allegedly going to start censoring content and people are already blaming it on "SJW" and feminist boogeymen.

LTM would have had a field day with this.
09/01/16 08:37AM
Personmang said:
Youtube is allegedly going to start censoring content and people are already blaming it on "SJW" and feminist boogeymen.

I heard about this. Apparently YouTube is demonetizing videos that violate an updated ToS or something. Among those are no profanity, no graphic violence, and no content that discusses controversial or political issues. Some are saying that there's a bot or algorithm that is checking out video details and what their content relates to. It's a response to an advertiser or two complaining to Google about not wanting their ads associated with such.

It's not outright censorship, but it's putting a stranglehold on YouTubers by denying future earnings unless they undergo self-sanitization and editing of their content. I'm expecting AlphaOmegaSin and others who aren't exactly conservative or libertarian to join said groups on how bullshit this is. I can understand some advertisers wanting to distance themselves for the sake of not losing revenue, but to nag YouTube into this act won't go over well.

I know YouTube is a privatized site that is subject to Google (and a lot of issues have stemmed from these exact details), but to deny those who have their own channels and views a chance to express them and profit from them if they have a large enough viewer base does come across to me as infringing upon First Amendment rights (yes, I've read the Bill of Rights; this does fall under a violation, although the area involved is a lot more legally gray than people would think). This is likely to be a big story in the next few days.
09/01/16 08:50AM
Alphaomegasin is the neckbeardiest most pathetic mutha out there. He cried over DOAX3 and used "SJW" unironically and started the pathetic "triggering". I also highly doubt the new rule will be enforced heavily, if at all. If it is however, we're in deep shit.
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