02/11/20 06:15AM
Sir_Lurksalaot said:
I feel it's important to note that the Abridged Series existed about 4 years longer than the original.

TFS are a bunch of liars.

I feel confident in saying they’re done. They’re right about burn-out. TOO RIGHT.
02/12/20 04:47AM
Let me rephrase: The fact that a series that is said to be "Abridged" lasted longer than the thing it was trying to abridge means that TFS is very bad at what they do. (:
02/12/20 10:00PM
Sir_Lurksalaot said:
Let me rephrase: The fact that a series that is said to be "Abridged" lasted longer than the thing it was trying to abridge means that TFS is very bad at what they do. (:

Lasting longer, but it was still only 60 episodes to get from Raditz to Super Saiyan 2. This is compared to... hm, let's see... oh yes, 185 EPISODES.

I think the difference is clear enough.

notices the smiley face

Wait, did I just get r/woosh'ed?
03/13/20 11:25PM
KarmaX said:
Yeah, unfortunately I saw this and was.... disappointed.

The thumbnail of the video is by far the best part of it. Of which I saved to my images because of course I did. I mean that thumbnail IS hot, at least.

But hey, there's also that old video from a few years back where Kizuna Ai pretends to be a zombie. That was hot, too. So now my mind has conflated both this thumbnail and that old video together. :3 So it's not all bad. At least this all gives my imagination something to work off of.

old but like, i mean it's fitting for kizuna's personality. her model has been described as "seconds away from absolutely losing her fucking shit" and she acts like it. so it'd be in character for her to be so full of manic fucking energy that she's immune to it by virtue of she does not know what"calm" is
03/28/20 03:55AM
Pornhub apparently poofed all hypnosis porn off their site
03/28/20 03:58AM
skullman2033 said:
Pornhub apparently poofed all hypnosis porn off their site

why hypnosis porn specifically?
03/28/20 04:11AM
Argonis said:
why hypnosis porn specifically?

03/28/20 04:21PM
skullman2033 said:
Pornhub apparently poofed all hypnosis porn off their site

That's both unfortunate and confusing. More confusing than unfortunate, but confusing nontheless.
03/29/20 04:03AM
Hmmm don't know what you mean by all Skullman, I can go on there right now and pull up quite a few hypnosis themed stuff. Why did you think it was all gone?
03/29/20 06:31AM
mariosonicfan said:
Hmmm don't know what you mean by all Skullman, I can go on there right now and pull up quite a few hypnosis themed stuff. Why did you think it was all gone?

It doesnt show up if im logged in
03/29/20 10:35AM
Steven Universe is finally over.

It's bittersweet to see this wonderful cultural lynchpin go. But instead of burning out, I think it gave us one of the greatest shows ever made.

So long, gay space rocks.
03/29/20 03:28PM
Horndog_Returns said:
Steven Universe is finally over.

It's bittersweet to see this wonderful cultural lynchpin go. But instead of burning out, I think it gave us one of the greatest shows ever made.

So long, gay space rocks.

"greatest shows ever made"

*Looks at everyone else*

Your next line is...

"Ding dong your opinion is wrong"
03/29/20 04:09PM
Two things I've learned from osmosis about the show is that:

1) SUF and The Movie were clear indicators that more and more creators/show runners/what have you cut their teeth in internet fandoms. If you told me Rebecca Sugar had an LJ or a account back in the day, I'd believe you.

2) They borrowed their ending from Inuyasha*. And probably other things, but Inuyasha was the first thing I thought of.

*-the original run. I never saw Final Act and barely had enough desire to see V1 through to the end..
03/29/20 10:00PM
skullman2033 said:
It doesnt show up if im logged in

Lol don't know what that's about still comes up for me and I don't even have an account :D
03/29/20 10:21PM
skullman2033 said:
It doesnt show up if im logged in

there is your problem, the free premium corona promo from pornhub required them to remove certain content to please the credit card companies.

log out or disable the free premium thing and you should see the hypno stuff again
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