03/30/20 02:44AM
Sophia said:
there is your problem, the free premium corona promo from pornhub required them to remove certain content to please the credit card companies.

log out or disable the free premium thing and you should see the hypno stuff again

Fuckin boooo
03/30/20 09:29PM
sleeperhit said:
"greatest shows ever made"

*Looks at everyone else*

Your next line is...

"Ding dong your opinion is wrong"

Are you saying *you* disagree or that everyone else will disagree
03/30/20 10:00PM
The next Minions moive is cancelled
03/30/20 10:04PM
Imasuky said:
The next Minions moive is cancelled

Seriously? Even after they revealed it with a trailer and everything????

The hardest of backdowns.
03/30/20 10:35PM
Imasuky said:
The next Minions moive is cancelled

They were close, but no banana
03/30/20 11:08PM
Imasuky said:
The next Minions moive is cancelled

I heard that it was "postponed", not cancelled. Meaning it'll probably get a release date sometime. They couldn't make the summer deadline though.
03/30/20 11:43PM
Horndog_Returns said:
Are you saying *you* disagree or that everyone else will disagree

I'm saying that everyone else will. I know how defensive of their baby the SU fanbase can be...
03/31/20 12:04AM
sleeperhit said:
I know how defensive of their baby the SU fanbase can be...

You say that like the SU fandom is somehow unique in its consumption and digestion of content instead exhibiting the same behavior any hit show has to people under 30.

As for me, I will never deny to anyone that Steven Universe isn't important, but I've also often found that "important" does not always mean "good."
03/31/20 06:34AM
Yeah if anything the hate for SU was always more visceral and frankly unfounded, what little there is considering it seems to be an internet darling.

I've also never understood the concept of "good" or "bad" fandoms. Fandoms are just groups of people like any other. You take the good with the bad.
03/31/20 02:30PM
Sir_Lurksalaot said:
You say that like the SU fandom is somehow unique in its consumption and digestion of content instead exhibiting the same behavior any hit show has to people under 30.

I did?
03/31/20 02:30PM
Sir_Lurksalaot said:
You say that like the SU fandom is somehow unique in its consumption and digestion of content instead exhibiting the same behavior any hit show has to people under 30.

I did?
03/31/20 08:40PM
sleeperhit said:
I did?

Well, yeah, he's right. Every fanbase is pretty defensive of "their baby", that's what being a fan generally entails.
03/31/20 11:23PM
TheMadPrince said:
Well, yeah, he's right. Every fanbase is pretty defensive of "their baby", that's what being a fan generally entails.

True, true. I'm just used to SU fans especially breathing down my neck. After all, I'm surrounded by them while I haven't even seen the show.
04/27/20 05:17PM
Last of Us Part II got leaked by what may have been a disgruntled Naught Dog employee.
04/27/20 05:42PM
Contorted said:
Last of Us Part II got leaked by what may have been a disgruntled Naught Dog employee.

Ah, oof.

In other video game news, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO MAJORA'S MASK!

One more year, and we can let it into the Milk Bar!
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