08/20/16 09:30PM
Guys guys it's not as complicated as you think it is. It's the writers deciding "Fuck it, we're setting up what Brock said ages and ages ago as a plot point here"
08/20/16 09:49PM
Ashurath said:
Guys guys it's not as complicated as you think it is. It's the writers deciding "Fuck it, we're setting up what Brock said ages and ages ago as a plot point here"

Pokemon is somehow less consistent than Yu-Gi-Oh. That fact saddens me far more than it should.
08/20/16 09:54PM
Ashurath said:
Guys guys it's not as complicated as you think it is. It's the writers deciding "Fuck it, we're setting up what Brock said ages and ages ago as a plot point here"

Would that mean rice balls are canon called jelly filled doughnuts?
08/20/16 10:02PM
Pinkanator said:
Would that mean rice balls are canon called jelly filled doughnuts?

Why not :P
08/20/16 10:04PM
NaturalCalm said:
Honestly, it makes sense that Team Flare would be willing to cheat to make Alain win. He's supposed to be their pawn, so having someone with such influence under their thumb would be to their benefit. If that's the case, the writers had better give Ash a rematch with Alain, because otherwise it means that he was literally robbed of his victory.

Oh, that reminds me of the last thing that fans hated: Ash's reaction to his loss. In earlier seasons, Ash was always disappointed or angry whenever he lost a league match, but he accepts his defeat with such a sense of calmness that it almost feels fake. This after he made a speech about how he was going to win the league for all the trainers out there...

Basically malva said ash was going to lose when greninja was just out of his pokeball against a weakened zard.
08/22/16 02:40AM
People over the age of 5 watch Pokemon?
08/22/16 02:43AM
Personmang said:
People over the age of 5 watch Pokemon?

Please don't start a flame war. I'm hoping we don't need a new thread for this.
08/22/16 03:27AM
Personmang said:
People over the age of 5 watch Pokemon?

News to me. I thought that by 6 or 7 people had migrated over to the good parts of the fandom -- like, everything that isn't the anime.
08/22/16 03:40AM
MilesHypnoPrower said:
News to me. I thought that by 6 or 7 people had migrated over to the good parts of the fandom -- like, everything that isn't the anime.

Which reminds me, I need to read Pokemon Special sometime...
08/22/16 05:19AM
For real though, the Kalos League made me watch for the first time in a decade. Greninja's mega evolution was one of the most awesome scenes I've ever seen. With Dragon Ball Super and Diamonds are Unbreakable suffering in the animation department, it's so nice to see high budget anime!

Also Super is getting good again. The Black saga has been a slow burn but it's heating up now.
08/22/16 09:10PM
No Man's Sky came out.

FF15 got delayed.
08/22/16 09:22PM
Pinkanator said:
No Man's Sky came out.

Did it? I couldn't tell from my backlash shelter.
08/22/16 09:25PM
JksAccount said:
Did it? I couldn't tell from my backlash shelter.

More like One Krabs Trash.
08/22/16 09:40PM
Pinkanator said:
FF15 got delayed.

Guess Square really is concerned about Persona 5 cutting into their sales.
08/22/16 09:45PM
NaturalCalm said:
Guess Square really is concerned about Persona 5 cutting into their sales.

I think it's more to finish and sell the VR experience. No point in having one of the two highest profile PS4VR games released before the VR is available.
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