PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
011161"Why are you still working here in the first place? You're busy working on a model job ..."IDPet2017-09-07 21:15:47Revert
011162  "Oh! Owner... I remember now, the shop is being manipulated!"IDPet2017-09-07 21:15:57Revert
011163  "She has returned to normality! OH!!!"IDPet2017-09-07 21:16:20Revert
011164"The owner's eyes shows not sanity...!"
"You ... What do you want ...!"
IDPet2017-09-07 21:20:44Revert
011165"We just want customers to be happy"IDPet2017-09-07 21:20:57Revert
011166"You don't have to worry Maya, Tajima says you're old enough to do it (heart)"IDPet2017-09-07 21:24:25Revert
011167Translator's note: sorry, mixed scriptsIDPet2017-09-07 21:24:37Revert