11/24/13 09:35PM
Stem_Cell said:
I think it's just disappointment.

Hey, well, making this will help me out big time later on. I'm undecided as of which, but I'm going to become either a Video Game Programmer or Video Game Designer after I get my college degree. Having an actual, solid finished game, designed (not really coded - YAY RPG MAKER!) from the ground up will go a long way in showing that I enjoy this sort of thing and have the will to finish what I start. I'd use Touhous, except that's a porn text-based game. Probably not a good idea. :P

Anyway, as much as I love talking about it, I'd rather not suddenly shift the threads attention to my unrelated WIP.
11/25/13 03:27AM
Vanndril said:
Hey, well, making this will help me out big time later on. I'm undecided as of which, but I'm going to become either a Video Game Programmer or Video Game Designer after I get my college degree. [...] I'd use Touhous, except that's a porn text-based game. Probably not a good idea. :P

I think I understand - it's kinda sad we can't really show the work that went in porn-related projects like Touhous, Hypno's Deception or Christina :( The behind-the-scenes effort sometimes is pretty worthy.
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