07/05/22 11:22AM
Hypnorgasm said:
Is there a tag for a human on all fours lifting a leg to urinate on something, like a (usually male) dog does? Like hypnohub.net/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=7203

Would tags all_fours and urination cover that? dog_pose is a related tag.
07/05/22 04:07PM
Just an FYI: I'm still waiting on 'memory lapse' to be aliased to 'memory alteration' from my request a month or two ago. Unless I misunderstood and there wasn't actually a consensus for that.
07/06/22 06:43AM
jaaysiin said:
Just an FYI: I'm still waiting on 'memory lapse' to be aliased to 'memory alteration' from my request a month or two ago. Unless I misunderstood and there wasn't actually a consensus for that.

On the old site, where you could see proposed aliases, there was quite a backup of unreviewed suggested aliases. That may have carried over to the new site. I'm not sure who is supposed to be going through those.
07/14/22 12:43AM
A notice + tag suggestion
Hi, I'd just like to say that the "sleepwalking" tag is often misused; unless otherwise stated by the artist, either in the art or in the description, it really shouldn't be used for any character who is walking while under hypnosis with their **eyes open**. If their arms are out, it should be tagged "zombie_walk".

My suggestion is to add a new tag for just general walking while under hypnosis. "hypnowalk/hypno walk", "hypnotized walking", "hypno walking" or simply just "walking" (used for hypno walking only, not for any character who happens to be walking at the time, that'd just be silly.)
07/14/22 05:25PM
post #148479
Is there a tag for what they have over their breasts?
I searched in the wiki for "tape", "bandaid", "cross", but none of those keywords led me to an answer.
07/15/22 01:50AM
hyreader said:
post #148479
Is there a tag for what they have over their breasts?
I searched in the wiki for "tape", "bandaid", "cross", but none of those keywords led me to an answer.

the tag you are looking for is "pasties", i believe
07/15/22 06:36AM
Tag Suggestion: Multiple Persona
post #145281

Ever since I saw this post, it's been nagging me that there should be some kind of tag for when multiple versions of a character are in an image. We have the [[clone]] tag, but that tag suggests an identical copy of the character and that's not the case with this post. Turns out some image boards already have a tag for this!

So, I'd like to suggest the "multiple persona" tag for posts where multiple versions of a character appear together in an image. Some examples would be the post linked above, Saber and Saber Alter, and posts where an older version of a character meets their younger self.
07/15/22 10:40AM
JustChilling said:
post #145281

Ever since I saw this post, it's been nagging me that there should be some kind of tag for when multiple versions of a character are in an image. We have the [[clone]] tag, but that tag suggests an identical copy of the character and that's not the case with this post. Turns out some image boards already have a tag for this!

So, I'd like to suggest the "multiple persona" tag for posts where multiple versions of a character appear together in an image. Some examples would be the post linked above, Saber and Saber Alter, and posts where an older version of a character meets their younger self.

There is an existing similar tag dual_persona but it implies only two personas. Maybe that could be aliased into multiple_persona instead.
07/15/22 06:20PM
OperationTransport said:

There is an existing similar tag dual_persona but it implies only two personas. Maybe that could be aliased into multiple_persona instead.

I'd be down for it, having the two tags around could be a bit redundant. For the time being, I'll leave the "dual_persona" tag alone and just tag posts with three or more personae with "multiple_persona" until there's more of a consensus about it.

And speaking of redundancy, I also suggest that the "posed" and "posing" tags be aliased to "pose".
07/17/22 08:00AM
Something I've noticed, pictures tagged both "altered perception" and "illusion". Is there any difference between those tags? Don't they both refer to using hypnosis to feed someone false sensory information?
07/17/22 09:12AM
I would think illusion implies altered_perception, but altered_perception doesn't imply illusion.

Eg If some character is naked but thinks they're clothed, but they are shown naked with no illusion
07/17/22 10:31AM
There are wiki pages for both "altered_perception" and "illusion", in case you haven't seen them. "Illusion" is when both the reality and the fake version are shown, like in this gif: hypnohub.net/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=97481
And like OperationTransport said, "illusion" is a kind of "altered_perception", but "altered_perception" isn't necessarily an illusion.
07/17/22 11:59PM
Is "imminent_rape" suppose to be a tag?

07/19/22 02:32PM
ghost13 said:
Is "imminent_rape" suppose to be a tag?


Nope, mostly likely just a tag that carried over from a copy-paste from another site.
07/19/22 06:42PM
Tag Discussion: clothed_exposure
While losing myself in a tagging spree, I've noticed that the wiki for clothed_exposure doesn't really line up with how the tag is used.


The entry suggests that the tag shouldn't be used in tandem with "open_clothes" or "torn_clothes" and only for situations where clothes, worn as intended, fail to hide genitals/nipples. But there's pics since 2015 that don't follow this suggestion.

So should the entry's definition be updated to allow for these or should future pics just not use it? (doubt anyone would be maso enough to remove the tag from years of pics)
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