02/15/18 11:16PM
ok, well alternatively, if the tags included by the manipper/uploader are to be valued over tags added by others, then maybe their tags should be color coded or otherwise identified differently so people know not to add tags that contrast with their intention
02/15/18 11:31PM
bob8boy8 said:
ok, well alternatively, if the tags included by the manipper/uploader are to be valued over tags added by others, then maybe their tags should be color coded or otherwise identified differently so people know not to add tags that contrast with their intention

I am no longer going to argue this point any further. We've already established that we're not going to update the "policy" or anything. The point of the tagging system shall remain as follows:

The point of tags is to strive for accuracy and objectivity. We can't start tagging based on everyone's headcanons.

End of discussion.
02/16/18 06:24AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
I am no longer going to argue this point any further.

I haven't been arguing my original point for a couple posts now, just suggesting ways of highlighting this policy of uploader tags being important so people don't run into this issue in the future
02/18/18 12:43AM
<<|This manip by me>> wasn't even supposed to have the "orgasm" tag, and I almost removed it. But I pored over my own image a bit to see if it was added on purpose, and sure enough that seems like a totally reasonable reading. So IMO there's definitely room for some subjectivity, since no one can read the author's mind (then again, if anyone can, I wouldn't be surprised if they're into this fetish).

However if I did remove it, and then the person who originally added it noticed it was gone, and then with or without checking the publicly available edit history and seeing that the manipper removed a tag that was only justified by the manip portion of the image, went ahead and re-added the same tag again, then I would consider that a real dick move. So there's also something to be said for respecting the author's intent when it's been made clear by them explicitly contradicting a tag edit.

On the other hand if it was about an objective part of the image that I genuinely misinterpreted (e.g. I clearly mistagged an article of clothing) then my intention shouldn't matter, and it should be fixed.

We can't "color code" tags by any given user, but fortunately manippers are usually uploaders and most tag edit histories are extremely short, so if you really, really want to be sure you don't step on their toes then you can check that. I think goofing on that is an honest mistake that is totally forgivable as long as you don't get in an edit war.
02/18/18 09:03PM
So, this is just an observation I've had after seeing the site's content for a while:

There are a few tags on this site that aren't gender-split when I think they should be. I think we need a few more specific tags to better filter some of the more niche fetishes.

For example:

"transgender" should have the tags "male_to_female" and "female_to_male" added so that people who like watching men become women but are grossed out by women becoming men can keep the latter out of their feed without having to give up seeing the former.

Another tag I think is desperately in need of this sort of added subtags would be "netorare", which really needs "cuckolding" and "cuckqueaning" as tags to further specify, as a lot of people are only into one or the other, and more to the point, a lot of people are only pissed off by one or the other.

I believe that's the principle behind having "loli" and "shota" as tags for individual blacklisting rather than just having "underage", correct? I think these tags need similar levels of blacklisting precision.

02/21/18 10:23AM
ok, species tags

currently mixed between general tags and character tags - I think there's no strong argument for them being character tags, so ok to change them to general tags, yes?

Hawkeye said:
So, this is just an observation I've had after seeing the site's content for a while:

There are a few tags on this site that aren't gender-split when I think they should be. I think we need a few more specific tags to better filter some of the more niche fetishes.

your argument on both x-cucking and transgender make a lot of sense to me, both as a thing people might want to search for or avoid, as well as being potentially a gender focused desire - only issue I would raise is a whole lot of backlogging, especially on transgender, which is often mixed up with genderswap

I'm certainly willing to use them moving forward, but I would like to hear from others, possibly admins [even though they are officially more hands off now] to see if we're missing some key argument and to get the general temperature on such a change
02/22/18 07:50AM
Is there a reason the fat tag is still regularly used despite <<|its tag wiki page>> saying it's outdated?
Edit: I just realized that bbw <<|implies>> fat, but if fat truly is an outdated tag, it should probably be aliased to bbw instead.

Actually, since there's no male or futa equivilant, why not just use fat instead of bbw? Though there does need to be a tag for fat males, I'm sure there are at least a few people who would like to be able to blacklist it.

Example: Danbooru uses fat as a catch-all for anyone who is considered overweight (if they're really fat, they also tag them as obese), and fat_man for fat males.
02/22/18 08:51AM
bugmenot said:
Is there a reason the fat tag is still regularly used despite <<|its tag wiki page>> saying it's outdated?

apparently, I questioned this back in 2015 [geez, I don't even remember doing that]

I think fat makes way more sense then bbw - I don't think we need gender attachment for that, and specifically making it for big boned women seems odd, especially for such a small tag

lets all take a step back and be clear here - we're on a fetish site; yes, its good to be able to avoid things we'd rather not see and be able to find the exact things we want, but we're also presumably big boys and girls - you see something you hate, just go "gross" and move on.... this isn't a place for safe rooms and trigger warnings beyond a reasonable minimum
02/22/18 08:59AM
If bbw is going to be the tag that is primarily used, there should be a male equivalent. If fat is used, no other tag should be necessary.
I was basing most of my statements on the fact that the bbw tag had supposedly replaced the fat tag.

Edit: Apparently we also have a chubby tag, which seems to be used more or less interchangeably with fat/bbw. Is the intended use of the chubby tag basically someone that has a bit of extra fat on them but isn't considered overweight, or something else?
02/23/18 05:40PM

bugmenot said:
Edit: Apparently we also have a chubby tag, which seems to be used more or less interchangeably with fat/bbw. Is the intended use of the chubby tag basically someone that has a bit of extra fat on them but isn't considered overweight, or something else?

I bet someone just added it without thinking or its used at some other image site; fat seems to definitely cover it... I guess we should just put both bbw -> fat
and chubby -> fat in the aliases


I notice we have both stepfordization and domestication; while I think they could potentially both work if stepfordization referred to the shared stepford universe, it seems to be more used in the same sense that we have domestication, but with a slightly narrower focus - anyone think otherwise?

02/25/18 02:10PM
Can we change the tag " space battleship yamato 2199" to " space battleship yamato"?
Because Yamato itself is a franchise.
02/25/18 09:24PM
IDPet said:
Can we change the tag " space battleship yamato 2199" to " space battleship yamato"?
Because Yamato itself is a franchise.

There's no need to change the space_battleship_yamato_2199 tag. Just make a new space_battleship_yamato tag for the franchise. It's just like how we have a fire_emblem tag as well as tags for the individual games.

Grim said:

I bet someone just added it without thinking or its used at some other image site; fat seems to definitely cover it... I guess we should just put both bbw -> fat
and chubby -> fat in the aliases

I'm of the opinion that chubby =/= fat. Having a little bit of a pudge is not the same as being overweight. Sadly, people keep using the chubby and fat tags together, which completely destroys the chubby tag's usefulness.

I notice we have both stepfordization and domestication; while I think they could potentially both work if stepfordization referred to the shared stepford universe, it seems to be more used in the same sense that we have domestication, but with a slightly narrower focus - anyone think otherwise?

I'm pretty sure I said that the stepfordization and domestication tags seemed like the same thing at one point, and the people who frequent those tags insisted that they were somehow different. I personally still think one of them should be eliminated.
02/25/18 09:31PM
Mindwipe, any thoughts on what I brought up about gender-splitting things like transgender and netorare since they practically constitute two fetishes each in and of themselves?
03/01/18 03:31PM
Feel like this one shouldn't exist:
03/15/18 12:00AM
What is the <<|shimi>> tag? It appears to have something to do with wet panties/crotches and/or urination.

Edit: Apparently, shimi means stain/spot in japanese.
The problem is, shimi doesn't work very well as a tag; good tags are usually fairly self-explanatory, shimi is not. Perhaps a wet_spot or pussy_juice_stain tag would be a more viable alternative?
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