01/02/24 02:58AM
Why do we have a tan_skin tag, and how is it any different from dark_skin?
01/02/24 04:27AM
Now there's "hypnotic_cuckolding?" First of all, every other tag that starts with "hypnotic" is for some kind of induction method, which would suggest that this is somehow being hypnotized through cuckolding, which it clearly isn't. And second, how is it any different from the netorare tag we already use?
01/02/24 06:34AM
Mindwipe said:
Why do we have a tan_skin tag, and how is it any different from dark_skin?

Just from the tag names, I assume dark_skin is for darker than tan. Eg dark_skin is African, tan_skin is like a Caucasian person who's spent some time in the sun. However, I don't know if we need all the skin color tags. There's also pale_skin and light_skin, and white_skin for white like a piece of paper, which all get mixed together in actual use, so I'm not sure they're that useful. I'm quite fine getting rid of some of these.

Mindwipe said:
Now there's "hypnotic_cuckolding?" First of all, every other tag that starts with "hypnotic" is for some kind of induction method, which would suggest that this is somehow being hypnotized through cuckolding, which it clearly isn't. And second, how is it any different from the netorare tag we already use?

I learned the meaning of the word netorare from this site, so people might not know what it means, especially if they don't have much exposure to anime/manga. I've also seen the tag "cheating" not infrequently on this site, probably for this same reason. I don't really see a reason to have all three. Do we want to alias that and hypnotic_cuckolding to netorare?
01/02/24 10:42AM
Since aliases are on the topic, I'd like to bring up breasts_outside and exposed_chest again. I proposed them as aliases since I last talked about them.

No matter what distinction its creators intended, they are now both in use pretty much interchangeably. It would be the easiest way to avoid confusion/lots of tag edits/a weird, low stakes flame war.
01/02/24 11:06AM
BugmenotEncore said:
Since aliases are on the topic, I'd like to bring up breasts_outside and exposed_chest again. I proposed them as aliases since I last talked about them.

Mo matter what distinction its creators intended, they are now both in use pretty much interchangeably. It would be the easiest way to avoid confusion/lots of tag edits/a weird, low stakes flame war.

I would've guessed exposed_chest would be a male or genderneutral version of breasts_outside.
01/02/24 02:20PM
Hypnorgasm said:
I would've guessed exposed_chest would be a male or genderneutral version of breasts_outside.

That was proposed last time as well, but it sure isn't how anybody uses it.


You can take a look at malesub images too, the majority of naked men don't warrant the tag far as the community is concerned. It's tits all the way down.

And I understand why. Their descriptions have apparently been made without awareness of the other tag. And the difference wouldn't intuitive for someone who is uploading, even if we clarified the descriptions.
01/02/24 02:30PM
Mindwipe said:
Now there's "hypnotic_cuckolding?" First of all, every other tag that starts with "hypnotic" is for some kind of induction method, which would suggest that this is somehow being hypnotized through cuckolding, which it clearly isn't. And second, how is it any different from the netorare tag we already use?

from what i can tell, the hypnotic_cuckolding tag is specifically for when the other person in the relationship is hypnotized to be fine with being cucked. i don't know if that makes it worth keeping, but whatever
01/03/24 01:31AM
loganblast39 said:
from what i can tell, the hypnotic_cuckolding tag is specifically for when the other person in the relationship is hypnotized to be fine with being cucked. i don't know if that makes it worth keeping, but whatever

That definitely isn't enough to make it worth keeping. And the same with the "tan_skin" tag. I've been noticing this trend for a while where people are trying to make tags so hyper-precise that we end up needing multiple tags for things that can easily be grouped together. Like, imagine if instead of "blue_hair" we had cyan_hair, cobalt_hair, turquoise_hair, etc. etc. The more precise we are with our tags, the more bloated our tag system becomes and the harder it gets to actually tag pics.
01/05/24 10:45AM
Okay, I'm going to try to summarize all these, assuming everyone has chimed in if they have something to say about them.

1) Regarding skin colors: I think we should pick one of the following and alias the others to it: pale_skin, white_skin, light_skin. If we're using dark_skin, perhaps we should match it by keeping light_skin.
2) If we're condensing in this manner, perhaps we should also alias both tan_skin and black_skin to dark_skin.

3) Regarding netorare/hypnotic_cuckolding/cheating, I think we should alias cheating to netorare, since not everyone knows what that means and may use it to mean the same thing. As Mindwipe noted, hypnotic_cuckolding doesn't fit the pattern used in other hypnotic_x tags, so it can probably be removed or aliased.

4) Regarding chests, I think we should pick one of the following to use: breasts_outside, exposed_chest, bare breasts. Bare_breasts seems to be the same as the other two, and all have over 1000 tags.

I'd rather leave the decisions of which ones to keep and what to alias/remove to someone more experienced on the site, like Mindwipe. Please just let us know here what ends up being decided. If manual retagging is required, I'm happy to help.
01/05/24 04:53PM
Hypnorgasm said:
Okay, I'm going to try to summarize all these, assuming everyone has chimed in if they have something to say about them.

1) Regarding skin colors: I think we should pick one of the following and alias the others to it: pale_skin, white_skin, light_skin. If we're using dark_skin, perhaps we should match it by keeping light_skin.
2) If we're condensing in this manner, perhaps we should also alias both tan_skin and black_skin to dark_skin.

white_skin and black_skin are supposed to be for when a person's skin is literally white/black, as with such tags as blue_skin or red_skin
01/06/24 01:22AM
loganblast39 said:
white_skin and black_skin are supposed to be for when a person's skin is literally white/black, as with such tags as blue_skin or red_skin

That makes sense, but I worry people who don't read this thread won't understand that, and will use them just for white people and black people.

The same way hypnotic_eyes constantly gets misused to mean any type of mind control eyes, because people don't read the wiki to know it's an induction method.
01/06/24 01:49AM
Mindwipe said:

That makes sense, but I worry people who don't read this thread won't understand that, and will use them just for white people and black people.

that's entirely fair. i guess we'd need to word it differently to attempt to clarify
01/06/24 05:47AM
Okay, what's the difference between "awakening" and "trance_break?" They both appear to be for someone waking up from hypnosis.
01/06/24 08:52AM
Mindwipe said:
Okay, what's the difference between "awakening" and "trance_break?" They both appear to be for someone waking up from hypnosis.

The implication is that awakening is deliberate while trance break is accidental/the result of resistance.

Of course, in practice, they have the exposed_chest/breast_outside(edit: and bare_breasts? Jesus Christ) problem where everyone uses whichever they know exists, or both to cover their bases.

I eagerly look forward to the proposed ruling regarding this kind of tag confusion. They are so frustrating.
01/06/24 09:37AM
BugmenotEncore said:
I eagerly look forward to the proposed ruling regarding this kind of tag confusion. They are so frustrating.

I've danced around saying it, but I have a multitude of grievances with the current state of our tags. I could sit here for hours listing tags that are misused or completely unneeded. For now, I'll just say again that a big part of the problem is people being way too specific with tags. I don't think we need 2 different tags for someone waking up from trance. Especially since, as BugmenotEncore pointed out, users will just use whatever tag they know exists and not check on its actual meaning.
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