03/31/24 05:43PM
Hypnorgasm said:
Waldo said:
The tag weak_resistance is supposed to be about subjects resisting the hypnosis/mind control but visibly without putting a real effort, as it seems like in reality they do want or are ok with being hypnotized. However, when I search the tag, I often find it has been added to posts where the victim does truly want to avoid being hypnotized and I guess whoever added the tag simply judged their resistance as weak. But that's not what the tag is about.

To me, the current wiki page doesn't fully communicate that: "The subject is resisting, but... they're not putting a lot of effort into it, are they? Come on, we both know how much they love it~"
It definitely gets across that the resistance isn't very effective, but the second sentence seems more like a humorous comment than part of the definition. I'm fine with changing the tag name, but I think the wiki should also be tweaked to be a bit more clear that the victim is being tempted.

I just updated the wiki. Hopefully it's clearer now. I also noticed it was possible to change the title while I was editing. Is that how you change the name? And if so, should I get a permission first?
04/01/24 06:34PM
Hypnorgasm said:
Detour said:
Androgynous is for characters that have a mix of male and female traits, tentacles and mimics have neither so I would say no.

Then maybe we should reword the wiki. From the wiki page,
"A depicted character either has a mix of male and female traits or has a gender that cannot be easily determined from the artwork or the context"
makes it sound (to me) like it also includes things like a tentacle creature.

Note the 'gender that cannot be easily determined' bit means that it must appear to HAVE a gender in the first place. Your typical tentacle creature obviously does not. Think of it as an amoeba, or a plant.
04/05/24 09:39AM
Penlight said:
Hypnorgasm said:
Detour said:
Androgynous is for characters that have a mix of male and female traits, tentacles and mimics have neither so I would say no.

Then maybe we should reword the wiki. From the wiki page,
"A depicted character either has a mix of male and female traits or has a gender that cannot be easily determined from the artwork or the context"
makes it sound (to me) like it also includes things like a tentacle creature.

Note the 'gender that cannot be easily determined' bit means that it must appear to HAVE a gender in the first place. Your typical tentacle creature obviously does not. Think of it as an amoeba, or a plant.

I'm a bit unsure where that ends. Does it apply to things like snakes or other animal-bodied characters, or just to humanoids? Does the being need to be of human intelligence?
As an example, does "the_brain-eating_evil_meteor" count? It's of human intelligence and can talk, but its body isn't humanoid.
04/05/24 11:03PM
Waldo said:
I just updated the wiki. Hopefully it's clearer now. I also noticed it was possible to change the title while I was editing. Is that how you change the name? And if so, should I get a permission first?

Changing the title just changes the name of the wiki page, not the tag itself.
I can't think of a more self-evident name for that tag. To me, "half-hearted resistance" isn't much clearer than "weak resistance", with regards to the definition you mentioned. Does anyone else have thoughts on that name or a different name?
04/06/24 01:48AM
Hypnorgasm said:
Waldo said:
I just updated the wiki. Hopefully it's clearer now. I also noticed it was possible to change the title while I was editing. Is that how you change the name? And if so, should I get a permission first?

Changing the title just changes the name of the wiki page, not the tag itself.
I can't think of a more self-evident name for that tag. To me, "half-hearted resistance" isn't much clearer than "weak resistance", with regards to the definition you mentioned. Does anyone else have thoughts on that name or a different name?

In that case is there a way to change a tag's name? Also, if anyone has a better idea for a name for the tag, please share it.
04/15/24 02:40AM
anyone know how to find tags that include a specific suffix?
trying to write a wiki for each tag ending in _ification but I’m not able to find em under any category of tags
04/15/24 06:13AM
Search "*ification" under the tags page. If you search it in the wiki page and it doesn't appear, the wiki page might not exist yet.
04/19/24 03:42AM
Tag Suggestion: "Out of Body"
This was suggested by someone before but I'd like to suggest it again. I think we should have an "out_of_body" tag for when a character is possessed or has an out-of-body experience and are witnessing what is happening to their body.

Examples where it would be used: post #202656 post #101373 post #170572 post #136031 post #37016
04/19/24 09:51AM
JustChilling said:
This was suggested by someone before but I'd like to suggest it again. I think we should have an "out_of_body" tag for when a character is possessed or has an out-of-body experience and are witnessing what is happening to their body.

Examples where it would be used: post #202656 post #101373 post #170572 post #136031 post #37016

I agree that that's a unique enough thing and frequent enough to warrant a new tag. I also think the name is pretty self-evident. I'm for it.
04/19/24 10:39AM
In your examples post #170572, post #136031, and post #37016, it doesn't seem like their "souls" are outside of their body, more like inside their body but aware.
04/19/24 09:02PM
OperationTransport said:
In your examples post #170572, post #136031, and post #37016, it doesn't seem like their "souls" are outside of their body, more like inside their body but aware.

The tag would also cover out of body "reactions"
04/19/24 10:17PM
Is there any tag for “speech change?”
Been seeing some posts where characters will speak differently after being hypnotized, usually after having their personality or body be changed.

example posts: post #187837, post #67182, post #111040
04/20/24 10:28PM
GoobGoobert said:
Is there any tag for “speech change?”
Been seeing some posts where characters will speak differently after being hypnotized, usually after having their personality or body be changed.

example posts: post #187837, post #67182, post #111040

Hm, not that I know of. The closest tag I can think of is "gradient_text", which is visual, but can signify a speech change. I'm not sure post #67182 quite has enough of a change to warrant a tag, but I see where you're coming from with the other two examples. I'm for it.
04/24/24 01:44AM
Thoughts on getting rid of the 'color' tag?
This tag has been around for years now and, imo, its getting more and more redundant with each one. Originally, I'm sure it was for manga panels in color and colorings of originally monochrome art. But now it has the wiki definition of 'an image in color' which is 99.9% of this site.

Should the tag just get shelved or should it be specified to another definition?
04/24/24 02:52AM
Probably just get rid of it, it's barely tagged and effectively the default anyways.
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