04/24/24 10:25AM
yeah, it seems to be mostly deprecated anyways
04/25/24 06:14AM
On that topic, should we make a list of tags that aren't tagged because they're considered the default? I have a mental list, but having it written down somewhere on the site could be helpful.

These are the ones I can think of:
--We don't tag characters as white, but tag characters with darker skin
--Text is assumed to be English and only tagged if it isn't (eg Japanese_text, although I have seen an English_text tag around recently)
--Penises are assumed to be circumcised
--We tag pubic hair, but not the absence (especially on women). Same with armpit hair.
--We tag facial hair but not the absence.
--We tag fat/bbw/chubby and muscle_whatever but not a "normal" (for porn, at least) toned/fit body or thin/skinny.

And the color tag just discussed, but we tag greyscale/monochrome.
04/28/24 03:58AM
As mentioned in the comment section of post #167998 the barbara_page tag for Genshin is incorrect and should be Barbara_pegg. I don't actually know much about Genshin but that is what's stated on 2 different wikis I went to so I think it's right.
04/28/24 05:37AM
tbh, I feel like for genshin and a couple other video games, we should just have their name as "first name_(video game)" or "in_game_name_(video game). For example: 'Barbara_(Genshin_Imapct)' instead of 'Barbara_Page/Pegg' and 'Miss_Fortune_(League of Legends)/(LoL)' instead of 'Sarah_Fortune'

That's how I've been doing the Blue Archive characters since I feel only Pixiv calls them by their full name
04/28/24 05:44AM
Other boorus like gelbooru does the familyname_givenname format
04/28/24 09:38PM
You're right about anime/manga characters, but that doesn't seem to be the case with video games. Did a quick check on both Gelbooru and Danbooru (The only two I use and know about) and looked through three games: Blue Archive, League of Legends, and Rainbow Six Siege. All three use the name presented in-game rather than their actual full names, i.e., using 'nomad (rainbow six seige) instead of Sanaa El Maktoub like we did here. And for Gelbooru, the full name of a video game character gets aliased to the main in-game name tag instead.

Basically, all I'm pushing for is consistency with character tagging. (I think someone mentioned this before about Overwatch in this thread)
04/28/24 10:58PM
JustChilling said:
tbh, I feel like for genshin and a couple other video games, we should just have their name as "first name_(video game)" or "in_game_name_(video game). For example: 'Barbara_(Genshin_Imapct)' instead of 'Barbara_Page/Pegg' and 'Miss_Fortune_(League of Legends)/(LoL)' instead of 'Sarah_Fortune'

That's how I've been doing the Blue Archive characters since I feel only Pixiv calls them by their full name

Yeah I agree with this, what should take priority is what's used the most. This applies to the whole family/given name thing as well, use whatever order is used in most media or what people are going to be looking for rather than trying to be 'correct' by listing out the full name.
04/29/24 05:38AM
The moral of the story is this whole thing would be much easier if the tag alias system isn't broken.

But yeah I guess naming characters by their most-known name with game suffix makes sense.
05/01/24 10:17PM
So...like... what do we even use the "western" tag for anymore, anyway?
05/02/24 06:38PM
Can we get a tag for when characters trail off in the middle of their speech? I don't know how common that is, but I'd like to be able to search for it.
05/05/24 01:59AM
This was brought up on an old Electrickronos post, but can we have something along the lines of a "left idling" tag? This would be used for posts where the entranced sub is either shown or implied to have gone for an extended period of time without being given any commands to follow, this they remain "idle". Think idle states for video game characters.

This is pretty adjacent to "standing at attention" but I believe that there is enough difference between the two and enough posts make use of this to warrant a new tag being made.
05/05/24 07:35AM
LillyTank said:
Can we get a tag for when characters trail off in the middle of their speech? I don't know how common that is, but I'd like to be able to search for it.

That does seem like a unique thing. I'm in favor of it. I feel like naming it "trailing_off" is pretty self-evident, unless someone can think of a better name. Would it only apply to people who are hypnotized?

kegmeg said:
but can we have something along the lines of a "left idling" tag? This would be used for posts where the entranced sub is either shown or implied to have gone for an extended period of time without being given any commands to follow, this they remain "idle". Think idle states for video game characters.

This is pretty adjacent to "standing at attention" but I believe that there is enough difference between the two and enough posts make use of this to warrant a new tag being made.

Standing_at_attention is a pose, whereas this is time passing, so they do seem distinct. "left_idling" was a confusing tag name to me, but I'm not sure I can think of a more self-evident name. On_standby?
Can you give some examples of posts that this would apply to? I can't think of any off the top of my head.
05/05/24 01:45PM
Hypnorgasm said:
Standing_at_attention is a pose, whereas this is time passing, so they do seem distinct. "left_idling" was a confusing tag name to me, but I'm not sure I can think of a more self-evident name. On_standby?
Can you give some examples of posts that this would apply to? I can't think of any off the top of my head.

Don't know if "on_standby" makes the time element of this tag apparent. Then again, I did suggest that implication should be enough to justify use of this tag, so maybe it would be enough to work. The name for the tag can be workshopped; doesn't matter much to me so long as it is reasonably self evident in the end.

post #204623, post #204625, post #204626, post #204627, post #204628, post #204629, post #204630, post #204631, and post #204632 are all one long interval of this in this pool: hypnohub.net/index.php?page=pool&s=show&id=6215. post #204764, post #204765, post #204766, and post #204770 are a shorter interval of this in the same pool.

Admittedly, I struggled to find examples of this posted here (RIP to those Ekronos posts where this concept was first mentioned) that wouldn't classify as "human_furniture" or "packaged", which might go against the premise of being left with no direction; human furniture is commanded or otherwise compelled to act as furniture and subjects that are packaged are confined and unable to move. I think post #194338 counts though, given the implication that the subjects will stay in that state without interuption or being commanded for a while (though part of the reason I assume that is due to a comment made by the artist).
05/05/24 02:11PM
Here's another one for you post #204955
05/05/24 09:14PM
I noticed that we don't seem to have a tag for when a characters head is leaning back, like in this image: post #191462
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