05/28/24 05:14PM
With arika's recent upload the idea came to me to create the 'endemic' meta tag. A decent chunk of artists use HHub and other imageboards exclusively to share their work.

Adding a tag for this would have several practical applications.

1., It would help avoid some confusion. With the tag present, people will know not to look for the missing source, since hhub Is the source. 'Endemic' could then be added in place of the source link so that the tag's function is implied and more intuitive.
2., There's some community spirit to be found in knowing the artists who upload their work free of charge for the hub to enjoy. It's a nice sentiment.
3., It would join dead_source as a marker for images at a higher risk of being lost. If hypnohub was going offline indefinitely, for whatever reason, it would be easier to preserve these works on a short notice.

What do you think? Worth the work?
05/28/24 11:24PM
while i do think it's a good idea, i do think it would need to be re-named, because your average user doesn't know what "Endemic" means. "hypnohub_exclusive" maybe
05/29/24 05:05AM
I don't really support such a tag. A pic being hypnohub exclusive isn't gauranteed to be always hypnohub exclusive. Even without this reason I still think this tag is a bad idea.
05/29/24 05:10AM
I understand the need for a simpler word, but that's a real mouthful. And not really accurate since there are other imageboards that aren't considered valid source sites, that people could upload them to later. It would only shift the confusion from "Where's the source" to "why is this called that, I saw it on rule34"

How about just exclusive, or board_exclusive?
05/29/24 05:12AM
OperationTransport said:
I don't really support such a tag. A pic being hypnohub exclusive isn't gauranteed to be always hypnohub exclusive. Even without this reason I still think this tag is a bad idea.

If a new source is created later, the tag could be changed. Just as you could add dead_source to an image after the source is lost.

What are your other reasons for thinking it's bad?
05/30/24 05:20PM
I feel like the "power of hypnosis" meme has had enough images to warrant its own separate tag

05/30/24 05:34PM
Bootyhunter69 said:
I feel like the "power of hypnosis" meme has had enough images to warrant its own separate tag


Does it really need its own tag and a pool?
06/05/24 07:17AM
Accidentally named a tag i_a_scum_heretic_decided_to_undress_a_beautiful_girl_with_my_brainwashing_skills, so please delete that one!
06/05/24 08:04AM
You can delete any regular tags by removing the tag from all posts containing it.
Unless you mean the translation_request\r\ni_a_scum... tag, in which case I'm not even sure if the admins can delete it.
06/05/24 04:53PM
OperationTransport said:
You can delete any regular tags by removing the tag from all posts containing it.
Unless you mean the translation_request\r\ni_a_scum... tag, in which case I'm not even sure if the admins can delete it.

Thanks, I had no idea tags were autoremoved.
Apologies for the \r\n in the tag, I figured R34 code would autoremove any newlines.
06/09/24 09:28PM
I was thinking, maybe we need a tag in order to separate Robotization (transformation related) to hypnotized believing to be a robot.
06/09/24 11:56PM
IDPet said:
I was thinking, maybe we need a tag in order to separate Robotization (transformation related) to hypnotized believing to be a robot.

I agree, but I'm struggling to come up with something on the spot. Maybe, human_machine, human_robot, robot_suggestion?

It's worth considering.
06/10/24 12:08AM
What about Robot Trance?
06/10/24 12:56AM
IDPet said:
What about Robot Trance?

Yeah, that's way better! lol
I'd go with that one.
06/10/24 02:49PM
Can we split camera tag into camera (for the object camera) and recording (for the context of the scene being recorded)
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