06/12/24 02:11PM
OperationTransport said:

I'm guessing by copyright holder you mean commissioner?

It's pretty easy to tell whether or not the uploader commissioned the image in many cases, actually. The uploader themselves will tell you more often than not(it is harder to tag than direct_upload, but I remind you, commissioner_upload was your idea). The bigger difficulty is in telling whether they own it, or just have some nebulous license to use/distribute it. Same as the artists.

OperationTransport said:

For ai_art or manips... in my opinion they wouldn't qualify for artist_upload.

Exactly, they wouldn't. So a lot of images would be missed over what, in this case, is an arbitrary distinction. Preservation and artistic merit are different conversations.
06/12/24 09:05PM
Yeah no those upload related tags are a firm no-go, none of that info relates to the actual image that is being uploaded for the same reason that we don't have a "commission" tag or anything like that.

board_exclusive or direct_upload wouldn't work because of the aforementioned problems with an artist deciding to upload it elsewhere invalidating the tag.

As for artist/commissioner_upload: Post 'ownership' doesn't mean anything, you don't get any special privileges other than being credited in the post statistics as the person that uploaded that specific image so why would we tag for it?
06/13/24 04:05AM
Detour said:
none of that info relates to the actual image that is being uploaded

Many metadata tags could be described the same way. Dead_source, for example. Tagme is in the same boat, it has nothing to do with the image itself, it's a warning beacon for us to fill in the missing tags so the content is easier to find.

Detour said:

board_exclusive or direct_upload wouldn't work because of the aforementioned problems with an artist deciding to upload it elsewhere invalidating the tag.

Direct upload does not care about that. That's the explicit reason why it came up as an idea.

you don't get any special privileges other than being credited in the post statistics as the person that uploaded that specific image so why would we tag for it?

- it is practical to know the lack of a source link is intentional.

- it marks images as high risk in the event the site is coming to an end(same with dead_source), so you know what to prioritize if you want to save content, and

- It's subjectively enjoyable to know what artists take their time to share their work on imageboards for free.

I don't know where the idea of privileges came from. I guess you can construe being tagged as a direct uploader an honor of some sorts? I'd be flattered if a tag I came up with became a prestige title(fat chance), but that wasn't ever the point.

Edit: Oh, I get it, you meant as in site privileges for the uploader, like editing the image's page and stuff, right? Yeah that makes Way more sense than my first impression. Still, wasn't the intention.
06/26/24 12:54AM
Would a character using thunder/lighting magic count as electricity? only saw tech control stuff there
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