11/24/13 08:51AM
News: Mild Site Policy Change
As Lost+Name has decided to step down from being an administrator and, apparently, take a vacation from the site, the rule on Quality Control has changed slightly.

Prior, this rule stated that:

Additionally, if both of the other moderators disagree with a flagging, they can remove said flagging without the need of a community vote.

It now reads:

Additionally, if 1/2 of the moderators disagree with a flagging, they can remove said flagging without the need of a community vote.
11/24/13 05:40PM
He was the lurkiest mod I've ever seen anyway, lol.

Vanndril said:
Additionally, if 1/2 of the moderators disagree with a flagging, they can remove said flagging without the need of a community vote.

This now means "either one of the moderators", right? :P

I thought we had only Vanndril, Mindwipe and Lost+Name.
11/24/13 09:21PM
Stem_Cell said:
He was the lurkiest mod I've ever seen anyway, lol.

That's why he decided to step down. He felt like he "wasn't really doing anything". I made the argument that he was totally our balancer for this policy, but...apparently he was still feeling blue about it.

Stem_Cell said:
This now means "either one of the moderators", right? :P

I thought we had only Vanndril, Mindwipe and Lost+Name.

Yes, yes it does. I worded it the way I did to account for the future. :P After all, as the site grows, we may eventually need more than two mods.
12/24/13 10:46PM
Old news. Unstickied to reduce sticky bloat.

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