09/06/13 09:13AM
File names
Is there anything we can do about having all an images tags as part of their file name? its a bit of a pain having to rename them when saving alot of images. and can cause quite a bit of duplicate saves.

If its a quick fix I would really appreciate it.
09/06/13 09:17AM
I asked Vanndril about this. I believe his reply was something along the lines of "I think it's possible, but I can't understand how to do it". For what it's worth, it bothers me too. Whenever I save a file from here, I remove all the tags and just save it as "hypnohub+####". As long as I remember to do that every time, I don't have to worry about duplicates (though it's still a pain).
09/06/13 09:20AM
I also would rather have them as md5s.
09/06/13 09:28AM
Really? It's not a pain at all. Just save the file as it's already titled and put it in a folder specifically for that. For instance, if it's a hypno pic, put it in the hypno folder. If it's a hypno loli pic. Put it in the loli subfolder within the hypno folder.

At least... that makes sense to me...
09/06/13 11:34AM
Duplicate files aren't the problem so much as files that end up with extremely long filenames. I've had a couple of situations where I couldn't save a file because the tags meant the filename was longer than 256 characters.
09/06/13 09:29PM
And thus is why I was looking into a way to change that, S3T. I'm relatively sure there is a way, but I don't 100% understand the option, so I'm hesitant to change anything on the live site.

I'm trying to convince Slayer to set up an empty install on the server so I can test things like this, but I've yet to hear anything about it since I first brought it up and he replied something akin to "I'll set something up in a few weeks." I figure I'd give him another couple more weeks before I bring it up again.

Once that's set, I'll tweak the config file and try to change this, as well as try to fix the fact that the site breaks everytime I change the .css file. <.<
09/07/13 02:06AM
By the way, here I go again. Vanndril, you can download this booru software into your own computer, run XAMPP (preferrably portable), and test to your heart's content while being able to edit the files locally in Notepad++ or something.

Why portable? Because that way you can send the whole thing self-contained to someone else here so he can figure out why you're getting the weird error that supposedly only you get but the developer doesn't.

I'd even look into it and give you a patch if it was in that format :)
09/07/13 02:07AM
Awsome! thanks for giving it a look.
09/07/13 09:13AM
Right. I kinda forgot about that after you brought it up the first time. :P

Thanks again, Stem_Cell. XD
09/08/13 03:28AM
Vanndril said:
Right. I kinda forgot about that after you brought it up the first time. :P

Thanks again, Stem_Cell. XD

No problem.

Actually, since I see it as something so simple to do and it's beneficial for you or another person (even me) to fiddle with this openly, I've made a simple package with it already set up.

h2. How to use it

* Download <<|this 7z archive>> and extract it to a root drive, like "C:\xampp" (can also be an USB drive).
* Run xampp-control.exe and click "start" for apache, then mysql. Allow them network access if asked.
* Navigate to localhost with your web browser, and choose admin account.

As you can see, easy as pie.

<<|Screenshot>>, padded with obligatory desktop background.

h3. Furthermore:

* I've stripped down the default XAMPP install, so it's lighter, but xampp-control.exe gives some warnings that you can safely ignore.
* If you want to edit files, go to X:\xampp\myimouto, where X: is the drive where it's located.
* If you want to play with the database, navigate to localhost/phpmyadmin
* This is a portable build. You can take it anywhere, and it doesn't do anything to your system or registry.
* ...but it has to run from a root drive like that. You can swap drive letters though.
* Man, 7z compression kicks rar's ass.

<<|Alternate link>> just in case.
09/08/13 07:49AM
I've never had this problem, mostly because my system just auto-highlights it and if I start typing, it deletes the entire filename to make room for what I'm writing.
09/08/13 08:10PM
Henry-killenger said:
I've never had this problem, mostly because my system just auto-highlights it and if I start typing, it deletes the entire filename to make room for what I'm writing.

CrashOveride said:
its a bit of a pain having to rename them when saving alot of images.

09/10/13 07:41AM
Just hopping in to note that I found the option for those annoying file names and disabled them. Back to seemingly-random jumbled letters and numbers in our names, now. :P
09/10/13 08:26AM
Vanndril said:
seemingly-random jumbled letters and numbers

If I'm not mistaken they're the file's MD5 checksum.

And yay!
09/10/13 08:44AM
Stem_Cell said:
If I'm not mistaken they're the file's MD5 checksum.

I figured. Thus the "seemingly random". ;)

And yay, indeed!

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