11/25/13 04:20PM
Trouble with Detectives
"Well, Detective Tsukuda," Boss Pitviper sneered at the bound man wearing a black cloth sack over his head, "I don't think I can overstate how disappointed I am to see you here again."

"Mmph mgh mmmpfgh!" Detective Tsukuda, the bound man, struggled against the handcuffs holding him to the chair.

"Either you just said 'get this damn thing off me,'" Pitviper snatched the bag from his head, "Or you just told me to go fuck myself."

Upon removal of the bag, Tsukuda immediately clenched his eyes tightly shut and tucked his chin into his left shoulder, instinctively biting down on the gag as he did so.

"Yes, we know each other too well, don't we." Pitviper smirked.

She then produced a small knife and slowly slid it against his cheek. Mr. Tsukuda jumped, and Pitviper deftly pulled the blade back so not to cut him.

"Careful, now." Boss Pitviper teased. "This little blade isn't nearly as delicate as my soft, supple fingers. You might hurt yourself if you try to bite the damn thing!"

All at once, she jabbed the knife under his gag and yanked it to the side, severing the gag and wrenching painfully at his teeth, but carefully avoiding damage to the rest of his face.

"Hmngh!" Tsukuda whimpered before spitting the gag out in a thin spray of blood.

"Now, we need to have a serious, snake-to-nosy-busybody talk." Pitviper crossed her arms under her voluptuous chest. "This whole 'leading the cops back to my doorstep' crap is going to stop. Do you have any idea how long it took me to make every single officer on the force forget all that nonsense you filled their heads with?"

"Go fuck yourself." Tsukuda had no interest in the conversation. "No matter how much you offer me, no matter how much you make me forget, the power of justice will prevail!"

"Yeah, about that." Boss Pitviper mused. "How exactly does this 'power of justice' thing work? I mean, you won't work for me, you won't take bribes, and you keep remembering stuff I tell you to forget. I don't get it."

"Do not mock justice!" Tsukuda barked. "You can erase my memories however many times you like, but you will never erase my conviction to bring the truth to the light!"

"Oh I probably could," Pitviper replied, "it'd just take too long, a month probably, and you're just not worth that kind of effort."

"Pthoo!" Tsukuda spit blood where he thought Pitviper was, still refusing to open his eyes. "I will expose you!"

"Ya missed, cute stuff." Pitviper teased. "Might help if you opened your eyes."

"HRNGH!" Tsukuda grunted as he clenched his eyelids tighter in a show of defiance.

"You're just gonna hurt yourself, sweetie." Pitviper flatly stated.

Tsukuda made no response. Instead, he sat, face forward, eyes clenched, and began to turn red from exertion. His body started to shake, until finally he hunched forward and gasped for air.

"Breathe, stupid." Pitviper teased again. "I'm really not sure what you think holding your breath is gonna do for you, anyway. It only happens when you look."

Detective Tsukuda tensed up and tucked his chin down into his chest. Suddenly, he felt Boss Pitviper's hands on his cheeks, pulling his face back up. He jerked from one side to the other, trying to free himself, but her grip only tightened.

"Are you surprised to feel all of my fingers on those cute, fat cheeks of yours?" Pitviper sneered. "They grow back. Everything grows back! You can't hurt me!"

The revelation made Tsukuda shudder. He counted, and he could feel all ten of her fingers, all ten fingernails digging into the soft flesh of his cheeks. She was stronger than he thought, too, or maybe he was just too tired from struggling, but either way he couldn't escape her grip. All he could do was keep clenching his eyelids.

"You will look." Pitviper firmly commanded.

Tsukuda could feel her hot breath on his face. She couldn't be more than a few inches away. Something surfaced in his mind. How close was she? Should he look? Of course not, that would be the worst thing he could do!

"You Will Look!" Pitviper repeated.

Paranoia began creeping into his mind. Was he missing something important? Did he have a shot at escape? Had one of her thugs entered the room?

"You. Will. Look." Pitviper enunciated through clenched teeth.

The words rung in his ears and it was more than Tsukuda could bear, he had to look! He had to see what he was missing! His eyes shot open and there before him, filling his view, was Boss Pitviper's face, bright blue eyes trained on his. Her post-hypnotic suggestion from their last encounter had done its job.

"Good morning, darling." She teased moments before her pupils and irises shrank down to pinpricks.

Tsukuda wanted to close his eyes, but something in his mind was telling him he couldn't. Helplessly, he stared as Boss Pitvipers irises regrew in size and disappeared past the borders of her sclera. Different colors followed in each eye; violet, yellow, blue, and black, in seemingly random, mismatched patterns. Some bands of color were thick, others thin. Tsukuda's irises shrank as he watched, then grew, followed similar patterns to what he was seeing.

He wanted to look away, wanted to close his eyes, but couldn't. A kind of haze crept into his peripheral vision, slowly blocking out everything else but Boss Pitviper's eyes. His thoughts began to slow down, and a pleasant numbness gradually washed over his body. He tried to resist, tried to fight it. The gentle euphoria slowly overtaking him, he did not want it. He tried to push it out. His eyes squinted as he strained to break free.

"I love it when you resist." Boss Pitviper's words echoed in Tsukuda's head. "But it's going to get hard! ~<3"

For a moment, more of her face became visible. She had playfully grinned at him. He was pleasing her with his resistance. Did he want that? She warned him that it was going to be hard. And it was. Suddenly, it felt like he was trying to hold back the weight of the world. Detective Tsukuda's mind finally caved, and waves of euphoric bliss washed over him.

"Ah, good boy." Pitviper beamed as she released his face.

"Good... Boy..." Tsukuda repeated, rather pleased with himself, his eyes wide and spinning with the colorful pattern.

"Now what are we going to do with you?" Boss Pitviper mused. "I know. Remember what you said about exposing me earlier? I think we should expose you, instead, you naughty pervert."

"Pervert..." Tsukuda mused over the idea. Maybe he was a pervert.

Boss Pitviper left Tsukuda briefly to rifle around in one of her cabinets, then returned with a plastic, see-through box full of neatly rolled up fabric.

"Do you know what this is?" Pitviper presented the package.

"A box of panties..." Tsukuda absently replied.

"That's right." Pitviper said. "More specifically, it's a box of bikini panties that won't fit me because they're not side tie."

"Don't fit you..." Tsukuda repeated.

"But I bet they'll fit you." An evil grin washed over Pitviper's face as she restarted the rings in her eyes. "Because you love panties."

Tsukuda's gaze immediately locked with Pitviper's. Seeing the rings made him feel so good. Her word was undoubtable truth whenever the beautiful rings were in her eyes.

"Thinking about panties makes you hard." Pitviper explained as she opened the box and removed a pair. "Seeing panties makes you very hard."

Tsukuda felt himself beginning to grow an erection at the sight of the panties in his peripheral vision.

"Touching panties makes you even harder." Pitviper threw the panties at him. "And wearing panties... well that pushes you right to the edge."

Tsukuda panted as he watched and listened. All of it was true, it had to be. Boss Pitviper knew exactly what turned him on the most: panties.

"Now, I'm going to undo these handcuffs and let you out of that chair." Pitviper said as she fidgeted with a keyring. "Then we're going to go upstairs to a special room where I'm going to get some footage of you having fun with these gifts I'm giving you."

Tsukuda let the words sink in as he patiently waited for the handcuffs to come off his ankles and wrists.

"And you're not going to remember that I gave these panties to you. They were already in your possession." Pitviper continued as she slinked up into his lap, keeping her gaze locked with his as she reached behind him to unlock his wrists from the chair. "You're not going to remember that I gave this fetish to you, either. You were always this way. Panties make you so horny that you will never, ever want to give up this fetish."

Tsukuda nodded in agreement and watched her as she moved her eyes past his view so she could unlatch his feet. He was hoping she would show him her beautiful eyes again. Those wonderful rings were addicting to see.

"You aren't going to have any idea how I got this footage, either. You're just going to act as if I'm not even in the room with you." Pitviper continued as soon as she had him unshackled. "You're going to wear a pair of panties and shamefully jack off right through them. And when I send you a blackmail copy of the footage, it will be the most embarrassing thing you can imagine. You'll do anything to keep that video from getting out."

Detective Tsukuda nodded eagerly in agreement. It sounded very exciting, he couldn't wait to get started.

"Let's go then, Detective Panty Pervert." Pitviper teased as she dragged him by the tie. "This way, please."
11/25/13 04:21PM
Nadia did one of these and inspired me to do one too.
If this isn't the place to use this please feel free to remove it.

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