11/26/13 01:39PM
Song Of the Mind Comic kick-starter
Soooo.... It has been a very long time since I have done another Zelda comic page. And I apologies, I did institutional create another page for all you people wanting more of it.
Buuut, looking back at what I first drew for it, least to say, I'm not inspired to continue that one. So, (not to sound all needy and bothersome) would anyone out there like to make suggestions as to the next page?

I just need some kind of kick starter to get this comic back in gear. Because of two things, 1. It was fun to make and it seemed to please a lot of people at the time.
And 2. I love all the praise~! c:

So if you could help me out that would be pretty awesome.
11/26/13 06:30PM
Let's see...last I saw Link had played the song for Malon and she was bent over and drooling, waiting mindlessly for Link's commands...


I'm sorry, where was I? :D

Well, the first thing that comes to mind is "brood mare" if he's still on a "pet" kick after fondling Dat Ass to his heart's content. Or he could have her and Saria "play" together. Or maybe have her masturbate with Navi as a dildo.
11/26/13 08:56PM
Song of the Mind was definitely one of my favorite MC comics; it has a lot of potential and has some delightfully erotic ideas.

The next page should definitely have some ass-fondling, probably right after stripping Malon's pants off. I'm not really sure what else, though; I'd really rather leave it to your great imagination.
11/27/13 12:33AM
deathwish said:
Well, the first thing that comes to mind is "brood mare" if he's still on a "pet" kick [..words..] ...masturbate with Navi as a dildo.

dafuq did I just read 0o
11/28/13 12:31AM
Aeilon said:
The next page should definitely have some ass-fondling, probably right after stripping Malon's pants off. I'm not really sure what else, though; I'd really rather leave it to your great imagination.

Oh~! how very kind of you. But your right, it should be left to me to create something... well creative for the next page. And as thoughtful as deathwish's idea as do something different, I think I shall pass on that idea. I do like how constructively you think inside the box though. c:
11/28/13 06:25AM
By the way, if you lost your password and it's the software's fault, Vanndril could give you a hand.
11/28/13 07:24AM
Stem_Cell said:
By the way, if you lost your password and it's the software's fault, Vanndril could give you a hand.

This. Very much this. If you're using a second account because you've been password screwed, let me know.
11/28/13 05:23PM
When I read the title of the thread I thought you were asking for donations and I was reaching for my wallet....

That aside I heart petgirls and I'd love to see things move slowly into a more explicit territory; it shocks no one to find out that's my thing
11/28/13 11:54PM
Mesmersbauble said:
When I read the title of the thread I thought you were asking for donations and I was reaching for my wallet....

I would never be so petty as to ask for many on a comic I created from scratch.
Very kind of you to be willing to offer money for it though. c:
11/29/13 12:43AM
Mesmersbauble said:
When I read the title of the thread I thought you were asking for donations and I was reaching for my wallet....

You fell for the 'kickstarter' thing too? ^^
Same here xD
11/29/13 03:33AM
Anno1404 said:
You fell for the 'kickstarter' thing too? ^^
Same here xD

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