08/17/13 02:03AM
It has been fixed with a complicated-looking few lines of Javascript by Stem_Cell! ^^

See the quote below for information on what was.

Threads with more than one page cannot be navigated via. the page links, as the links are incorrect. I've looked into it and could not find a way to fix it. Nor could I find a way to change the posts per page count (THIS is why hard-coding numbers instead of variables is a BAD idea). So, unfortunately, there is currently nothing I can do.

I have reported this error to the developer, but to be frank, I have no ETA on a fix. I can't even tell you that it will be soon. I'm not happy about it. I'm sure you all are not happy about it. But all we can do now is wait.

In the meantime, you can navigate the thread pages by editing the URL directly. It's not hard, just annoying.

h4. Example

** The first page of the first thread. To navigate to page two, the proper url would be....

** You add the "?page=#" to the end of the link, and you'll arrive at that page number.

I know, it's a real pain in the ass...
Let's just hope the developer gives us a fix soon.
08/17/13 05:06PM
Looks like a lot's still in development.

Might be able to help out, if I can get my hands on the code.
08/18/13 12:40AM
Yep. This project has been perpetually in development for at least a couple years now, I believe.

If you want a copy of the code to look over, you can download the source here:

If you are able to find the magical characters I must enter to fix the forums, well, that would be awesome. :P

I'm mostly sure that the line that generates the page numbers is line 51 of \app\views\forum\show.php, but it looks like the line is solid to me.

<li><?= $this->link_to($this->t('.parent'), ['action' => "show", 'id' => $this->forum_post->parent_id]) ?></li>

It looks as though it's complete, but it's acting as though it's outright ignoring
'action' => "show"
08/18/13 05:02AM
I believe I've tracked it down for you.

The problem is in line 152 of \vendor\Rails\ActionView\Helper\WillPaginate\AbstractRenderer.php

That's what's creating the page number and next/previous links, and the problem is that there ought to be a specific renderer for Forum posts which includes the action in this link line: instead there is only one AbstractRenderer that creates these links for everything.

The fix is a little complicated, and I'll need to look at the software more carefully to implement it, but it could be that just editing the page number function on line 46 of the same file could give you a quick-fix: the "if" block in that function could be changed to check the type of the collection, and if it is forum post, to include the action=>show in the link.

You could ask the dev, or I could try code it in for you, but it'd be faster just to forward the above to him. I'd have to set it up in my environment to make the fix and test that it doesn't break everything, and that'll take time - but if you get no reply from the dev, let me know and I'll do it.
08/18/13 10:45AM
Thanks Zigg. I'll copypasta what you just told me into the bug report I sent him.

The developer has been distracted by developing the code in some major way as of late, rather than just bug fixing. His time is limited at the moment. I don't mind waiting, but it might be a while. Do with that information what you will. :)

And thanks again for the help.
08/18/13 06:08PM
Thanks for the help, Ziggs. =)
09/23/13 05:27AM
By the way, I can fix this via javascript, it's pretty easy to do.
Would you want me to?
09/23/13 06:00AM
You can?

...I wonder if that would cause problems when the update comes...
09/23/13 09:39AM
I can make it do the following:

if (weAreOnAPostPage() && thereArePageLinks() && thoseLinksAreBroken()) fixTheLinks();

Therefore no problem when updates come.

I may take on the task soon since there seems to be interest.
09/23/13 11:31AM
That would be all sorts of awesome if you would. It's truly the only really annoying bug we have atm.
09/24/13 01:46AM
Ok I don't know how exactly the code structure in a booru source code is but...doesn't it need some code to allocate the pages to the 'page'-buttons? Why did it work earlier?
09/24/13 08:44AM
Anno1404 said:
Why did it work earlier?

It didn't. At least not for us, when we started using it. It probably worked in earlier versions, but then something caused the developer to change how something was coded (maybe a new version of HTML or something like that). Either that or he broke it when adding/editing something else entirely, by coincidence.
09/26/13 09:50AM
I've been busy cooking up new back-end stuff for hypnohub-hover-zoom (blacklist support!), now I've just finished doing that and next thing I'll do is make a script to fix those links.
09/26/13 06:30PM
Stem_Cell said:
I've been busy cooking up new back-end stuff for hypnohub-hover-zoom (blacklist support!), now I've just finished doing that and next thing I'll do is make a script to fix those links.

Using a banana testing protocol too?
09/27/13 10:51AM
Anno1404 said:
Using a banana testing protocol too?

Ah, so there are people other than Vanndril, Mindwipe and Kinkyloli who've noticed the Hover Zoom Thread! :)
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