12/03/13 08:32PM
Site suggestion forum!!
This for is for people to post ideas for the site such as features they'd like to see or things they think need improvement or would improve the site.

Lets all try to make hypnohub the best site on the net!

Also everyone there is no gerantee that your suggestions will be added to the site. It is up to the admins and their equipment to decide what is added as it always will be.

This is just to give them ideas.
12/03/13 08:45PM
I think that there should be a feature on the pictures for members only that lets use suggest tags for pics we see on the site cause I have seen some pics that should have some more tags on it
12/03/13 09:45PM
Fairy21 said:
I think that there should be a feature on the pictures for members only that lets use suggest tags for pics we see on the site cause I have seen some pics that should have some more tags on it

If there are tags missing from a pic, you can just add the tags. Just be sure that the tags are correct, and don't make new tags if you can avoid it.
12/03/13 09:55PM
Mindwipe said:
If there are tags missing from a pic, you can just add the tags. Just be sure that the tags are correct, and don't make new tags if you can avoid it.

How do you do that?
12/03/13 10:05PM
Fairy21 said:
How do you do that?

Bottom of the image, there's Edit and Respond, edit makes a box appear with all the images current tags where you can remove or add more.
12/03/13 10:27PM
I'd almost suggest, for those of us into real-life hypnosis, having a section of the site for users to upload their own homemade hypnosis mp3s, although I have a feeling people would immediately abuse that and start loading pirated files from Isabella Valentine and other "professionals" who would take legal action against the site, so I can understand why that probably shouldn't be an option.

Plus, I wouldn't want it to be just me uploading homemade files, especially considering I just can't trance to my own voice for the same reason George Constanza couldn't stand listening to the guy reading the audio textbook because the voice sounded just like his own.
12/03/13 10:54PM
Original source on manipped pictures.
12/03/13 10:59PM
Bokasa said:
Original source on manipped pictures.

That's something I recommend whenever possible, and always try to do for my own manips.
12/04/13 12:17AM
a couple features from other sites that i really like:

-auto embed youtube videos and images (you can make spoilers mandatory)

-just lots of personalization for profiles like signatures
12/04/13 04:44AM
deep_sea_dive said:

-just lots of personalization for profiles like signatures

It would be cool if the profile pages had a bit more personalization. I like the idea of signatures (I already know what mine would be) and maybe add some more personal stuff on profiles like maybe "favourite character that can use hypnosis" or even things as simple as fave game.
12/04/13 05:19AM
deep_sea_dive said:
auto embed youtube videos and images (you can make spoilers mandatory)

I can actually make this work, when I finish Christina (site improvements package which will really really hopefully be released before january). It's not impossible or even too hard to hack this feature into the site from javascript, but I plan to ask Vann and Mindwipe for approval first :P

It could even do really cool gimmicks like embedding imgur albums right into the forum (which, thanks to the fact both sites use a black theme, would blend up really nicely).

Again, this is after Christina is ready :)
12/04/13 06:05AM
Putting the forum link back on the front page like it was before the update?
12/04/13 06:23AM
Allow us to make avatars from outside the site?

Maybe an rp section?

Ban that bitch Nadia for being such a cock tease...wait a second... FOSSILBRAND! LEAVE MY NOTES ALONE!
12/04/13 06:31AM
Just to set expectations, the only way most of these suggestions would actually happen is if Stem_Cell can make them work with his voodoo.

So, don't get your hopes up too much.
12/04/13 06:38AM
I'm just happy that this thread seems to be working how I hoped it would
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