12/04/13 09:15AM
The lamia's circle
Aulin sighed as she headed into the forest near her village, a bow and dagger at her side. She was out to become a woman, as it was her 16th birthday, and as one of the hunter cast she had to do it by killing a beast of great power, and taking the head to her mother as a trophy. Aulin sighed deeper than the last, feeling that this was just another reason she hated being a hunter cast. She was expected to want to behead a living creature, when she would rather not. She had no say in this however, the small tattoo on her breast of a full moon a testament to her calling as a hunter. In Aulin’s village, each child was born with a sign on their chest. There was the half-moon for bakers, tailors, and blacksmiths, along with other trades. A crescent to the left was a sign of a great leader, and was rare. To the right a crescent moon was a sign of a great scholar, and was not as rare, but still uncommon. A full moon however was for warriors, and she was one such of the hunter cast. Aulin started to walk, heading into the forest as she remembered how her mother had told her that she was destined to be a hunter and blah blah blah. She hated killing, and wished that this stupid think on her breast had just gone on another, so she could have been something gentler.

Aulin has her long brown hair in a ponytail today, mostly to keep it out of her face and a little because her sweetheart back home had hers done the same way. She was wearing a leather pair of boots and armor, going for mobility and comfort rather than defence today. Her medium sized breasts fit perfectly into her clothes, her appearance actually quite stunning in the usually rough looking armor. The tall woman ran her hand through her hair, her ebony skin something rare and exotic in her village. Most of the others had a lighter tone, a more bronze in color, but she was darker then they. As she walked, she thought about what she had been asked to hunt.

When a hunter goes out to hunt for the beast that will be their first kill, it is not their choice. The elders go over the various creatures in the area that need to be killed, and hers was a doozey. Her target was a stray Lamia from the deepwoods, a place where demons lived that was in the deepest part of the forest, hence the name. She was told it was a Python class, dark purple scales and long black hair. She knew that from her training a Python was deadly because of her size and strength, relying on her massive coil to ensnare her prey rather than venom, which she lacked. Aulin knew that this would be dangerous, but she was told to kill the beast or never return. She would kill it then, if only to return to her beloved.

As she walked, she began to come up to the place that she was told it had made its nest. She looked around and saw indeed the cavern they told her of was here, and there were signs of life. Someone had moved debris from the area, and a few bits of what looked like dead snake skin lay about, likely the beast having left it as a sign of do not enter, or she was just careless. Preparing her bow, she waited to see if the beast would show herself. Aulin waited for a few minutes, and sure enough she heard a loud hiss from deep in the cave. She prepared an arrow, as a large woman emerged from the caver. She was about to shoot when their eyes met, for just a brief moment. She was frozen…paralysed! The lamia smiled and started to slither towards here, her zig zag formation so alluring. Her hips swayed as she went right up to her and purred deeply. “Ah, there you are.” She said and picked the huntress up, smiling. “You’re late.” She added as she carried Aulin towards her cave. The young woman started to panic. Oh god, the demon was taking her into her home! She was going to die! Or…be eaten! Or worse! She panicked as the Lamia entered the dark cavern, her eyes glowing a deep purple as she moved along. “Shhh…relax. I will not hurt you.” She whispered, as the two of them came to a lit up area where the Lamia likely lived. “This is just a temporary camp, until I can take you to the deepwoods.” She said as she laid Aulin on the bed she had prepared, and then turned as she let her rest. Aulin felt her mouth move suddenly…she could talk. “Don’t kill me.” She said timidly, scared out of her wits. The Lamia sighed. “I told you I was not going to hurt you. I am not going to and I meant it.” She said and glared. “Unlike you…then again, I suppose it’s alright, you are not a killer.” She said. Aulin was so scared that she only yelped when the woman came at her with a object in her hand, until she saw it was a teacup. “tea?” she asked, and pet her forehead. She looked and did nothing, staring at the cup like it was some sort of deadly creature. The woman sighed and put the cup to her lips, and Aulin sipped. Immediately she felt relaxed, and snuggled the bed as she felt comfort and warmth rush into her. The Lamia seemed pleased, and she put the cup down. “I am Sarrac, your betrothed.” She said. Aulin blinked. “Impossible…” she said, looking at the demon. “My tribe would never give me up to you. I was betrothed to another.” She said. Sarrac smiled as she joined her on the bed, her body coiling around her, the tea keeping Aulin from freaking out. “You’re so naive. Think about this dear. Your village usually sends the hunter cast to seek out a beast yes? But you were not told that these beasts are mere trifles, like a boar or an imp. You were sent to hunt a Laqmia, a Python class. Think my child. They did not want you to return.” She said, as she licked her ear. Aulin felt tears rush to her eyes as she felt her words sink in. was it true? She had always said she wanted to be a scholar or a trades worker…they must have seen her attitude as dangerous… “You’re lying.”

The lamia blinked as she glared at her. “They would never do that to me, you’re a liar!” The Lamia was indeed correct, but how could this young girl know this? The Lamia sighed and pets her cheek. She rested her head on her chest and pets her as she enjoyed holding her. “My little child, I do not care if they did not. What I care about is that from now on, you are mine to hold and love.” She said and kissed her. Aulin felt her lips and she felt a bit of her melt. God, it felt so loving and gentle, she hesitated but kissed her back. She felt the woman wrap her tongue around her own, the lamia making a cute yelp as she pulled her into her mouth. The lamia broke the kiss and smiled. “That’s a good girl…give in and love me. They are not coming and have already forgotten you.” She whispered. Aulin had no choice but to…NO! “Get out of my head…you foul beast…” She said as she looked away. Sarrac smiled and nodded. “I am not like my sisters my child. I am not tampering with your mind. I AM making you comfortable and relaxed, bit not under any control beyond that.” She said and smiled as she gently kissed her cheek. “Do not call me a child…I am Aulin…” she said to her, tired of her calling a child. “I want to be freed…let me go.” She demanded. Sarrac sighed and nuzzled her, the smell of the Lamia intoxicating. Aulin kissed her as she felt her nose meet with the Lamia’s, feeling her soft skin gently caressing hers. She was slowly melting to her will, no magic needed. This Sarrac liked. “If I go with you…what will happen?” she asked her Lamia captor.

Sarrac smiled as she nuzzled her further. “You will be impregnated by me.” She said, and snuggled her gently. “I will then take you to my village and to my home, where you will be care for while you are with child. Then, I will provide for you a life where you can be what you want to be, despite a fancy mark on your chest.” She said. “Imagine, you could be anything…if you but accept me into your heart.” Aulin however was skeptical. “Like a cock sleeve?” she retorted, the Lamia glaring. “Language!” she shouted, but clamed herself. “I am sorry, but the crude ways you humans talk…” she clenched her fist. “Please, not again. It makes my ears feel like they are bleeding.” Aulin however was pissed off. “Fuck you! I want to go home! I don’t want your cock, and I don’t want your lies!”

Sarrac hissed and shut her up with a kiss, her tongue wrapping hers up as she kissed her *I WILL NOT BE INSULTED!* Her mind shouted into hers, Aulin unable to reply back. The lamia forced feelings into her mind, making her feel the sting of her words. She blushed, embarrassed at how horrible she had made her felt. “I’m….mmmmph…sorry…” she mumbled into her mouth, still kissing her. The Lamia smiled and let her go. “Thank you…I…am sorry for startling you. I just…this is how I mate…” She smiled and uncoiled her. “Aulin, I will not use my magic to force you to come with me and be my bride, but I will use my magic to prove to you my honestly.” Sarrac smiled as she slithered over to a pool of water, Aulin feeling her body able to move again. She got up and followed her, feeling compelled to follow. Sarrac entered the water, removing the top she wore that covered her large chest. She sank deep into the spring and shivered with delight at the warmth it contained. “Join me.” She said. Aulin entered after removing her clothes, leaving her panties and bra on just for decency. Se entered and the Lamia sat beside her. “Aulin, I have watched you grow up.” She said and smiled as she used her hand to show a projection in front of them. “I loved watching you, how you played in the valley and never ran from new things, even scary things.” The projection showed the Lamia watching a young Aulin play, the woman enjoying watching her memories. “I live longer than your kind does, but I always saw you as the one I wanted. For years I observed and watched over you, fearing if you were not watched you would be lost to me.” Aulin blushed as she felt an hand on her cheek, the Lamia pulling her close and staring into her eyes. They stared into each other for a moment, Aulin moaning gently. “Yes…I…see…” she said, entering a trance. Scarra was not controlling her, but she was controlling her body, it now feeling lust and love unlock from years of being exposed to the Lamia, even though she did not know she was there. Suddenly the scent of the woman sent Aulin into a need that burned hard, her body remembering the loving aura that came from her. “I…remember…” She said, as the pheromones in her scent made Aulin writhe. The poor girl was so horny…she looked at Sarrac, and moved into her waiting arms. “I’m…yours.” She said, kissing her. Sarrac smiled and started to kiss her lovingly, moaning as she feasted on her taste. Aulin returned the affection, as she stared into the beautiful eyes that seemed so familiar, so loving…

Sarrac had moved her clothes to the side of the pool, having undressed Aulin while she kissed her. She felt her large cock growing with need, need for this human to become pregnant with her eggs. Her ovipositor was hard a moment later, ready to inject egg after egg into the human. Aulin saw it and looked at it, her body moving under the water as she prepared to give her wife pleasure. Her lisp met with the long shaft, but she was pulled back up. “No my love.” Said Sarrac. “Not this time. This first time shall be simple, and loving…” moving Aulin onto her shaft, she gently pushed in, and moaned deeply as she slid into the human girl. Aulin felt a bit of pain as her hymen was pierced, but she soon found herself moving up and down her lover, her cock deep into her pussy soon as she was rode hard. Sarrac smiled and kissed Aulin, the two looking so odd as the snake coined around her. Aulin let out a pant as she felt the Lamia pick up the pace, her long ovipositor making headway into her womb. “Amazing…you’re so receptive….yet so tight…” Moaned the larger woman, her coil quivering as she tried to maintain her hold her lover. Aulin could not help but cry out in ecstasy, her body taken for her first time but her new lover; years of love and adoration shown to her as she watched and felt her lover embrace her womb with her cock.

Aulin was deep in her lust now, kissing her lover on her breast as she felt the Lamia buck her hips, giving her deep and hard thrusts. Her nipple secreted a milky cream, much to her pleasure. Aulin started to gulp down the milk, despite the Lamia seeming to become discomforted by her suckling. “Leave some for our young…” She warned her, as the young human gorged herself on her milk. Lamia always lactated, but it took a long time to make more milk. Aulin smiled and nodded, taking sip as opposed to her harsh sucking she had been doing, her love rewarding her with a deep and powerful thrusting motion. She was pounding away now, going at a brisk pace as she mated her.

Sarrac felt her Body quiver as she knew her orgasm was near, eggs starting to file into her ovipositor. Her human lover squealed with delight as her cock grew thick with the eggs, unaware there was more to it than her girth expanding. She smiled and started to give more deep thrusts, and in a single instant she screamed out and came, her eggs firing into her womb, followed by a large amount of semen. This semen would take the eggs of the human girl and use that to put together the missing genetics…but neither of these girls cared or knew how it worked. Aulin screamed and came as her stomach got larger, expanding to a near painful level as egg and cum filled her body. She felt it stop, and smiled as she rested, panting hard. Sarrac smiled and held her, leaving the spring as she put her love on the bed, and snuggled her. “I….love you…” Panted Aulin, her mind delirious with the various chemicals that now swirls around in her womb to prevent pain from her sudden expansion. “Like…a lot…” she said as she closed her eyes. Sarrac smiled gently and kissed her lover. Tomorrow they would move into the deepwoods and her lover would be made part of her tribe….then everything would be perfect. She looked at the tattoo on her lover and smiled. She wondered if the humans knew the true origin of these marks. She smiled and watched it change to have a strange v like symbol inside it. “Claimed…all mine now.” She whispered as she then allowed sleep to take her.
12/04/13 09:19AM
Well this is my newest addition to hypno hub. This story was a bit hardtop write as I wanted it to have hypnosis and MC content but I wanted to have it play a minor role to why Aulin was in love with the lamia. I wanted to try and use it to create a connection and the lamia seal the deal with her charm and seduction.

your allowed to post in the thread this time around everyone, I want to hear your feed back directly on the thread this time around. I know this one is meh in terms of its a bit all over the place but I sort of did that on purpose. after all, meeting the love of your life is surprisingly chaotic.

my next story will be about a spider demon who is taken to be a brothel slave...and becomes quite more then a mere whore.
12/04/13 09:43AM
I approve! Heartily!
12/04/13 09:54AM
ildfugl said:
I approve! Heartily!

Awww thank you dear
12/04/13 10:05AM
"In Aulin’s village, each child was born with a sing on their chest."

Presumably, you mean "sign".
12/04/13 10:11AM
sasazuka said:
"In Aulin’s village, each child was born with a sing on their chest."

Presumably, you mean "sign".

Yeah. Thanks for catching that. It's the price I pay for writing this at two am ha ha.

12/04/13 10:41AM
Your late night/early morning writings are much neater and more polished than mine. I could learn from you.
12/04/13 03:01PM
BML-20XX said:
Your late night/early morning writings are much neater and more polished than mine. I could learn from you.

I assume you liked it then?
12/05/13 09:27PM
A few other spelling and grammar errors, like "cast" (should be "caste"). I also think you could have moved the exposition about the huntress' background (being huntress caste, not wanting to be, etc) into the part where Sarrac showed her the visions of her memories. The story would have flowed better if you cut right to the chase. I would also hazard against detailing too much of what is going on anatomically. It is enough to say that the lamia's thing is an ovipositor, and that the result of their copulation was that Aulin was impregnated with eggs.

Not trying to cut you down, btw. I liked the story on the whole, i'm just trying to bring constructive criticism to the table.
12/06/13 12:53AM
Ogodei-Khan said:
A few other spelling and grammar errors, like "cast" (should be "caste"). I also think you could have moved the exposition about the huntress' background (being huntress caste, not wanting to be, etc) into the part where Sarrac showed her the visions of her memories. The story would have flowed better if you cut right to the chase. I would also hazard against detailing too much of what is going on anatomically. It is enough to say that the lamia's thing is an ovipositor, and that the result of their copulation was that Aulin was impregnated with eggs.

Not trying to cut you down, btw. I liked the story on the whole, i'm just trying to bring constructive criticism to the table.


Thanks Hun! Again this is just my writing on the slur of the momment So I know it's flawed, and needs work. I just need help finding that spot that need work, and I agree talking about her last there would have been much better and made the segment make more sense. I might make a 2nd draft and do that if I have time
12/28/13 10:47AM
Im not a writer by any means but I love it!
12/28/13 03:06PM
Inflation/oviposition, really subtle mind control, the whole "claiming" aspect... love it!

I really love the idea of a dom priming her victim over several years, so that when the time comes it's easy to take her.
12/28/13 06:19PM
MinderNine said:
Inflation/oviposition, really subtle mind control, the whole "claiming" aspect... love it!

I really love the idea of a dom priming her victim over several years, so that when the time comes it's easy to take her.

Awww thank you. I'm glad you liked it

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