12/06/13 10:11AM
So I found a thing.
I was browsing my tumblr dash and I saw this collaboration piece:


Is it mind-controlly enough for Hypnohub? If so, since it's a collaboration from two artists, which blog gets tagged as the source? Both?
12/06/13 10:20AM
I like it. I would say it falls under mind control because they are being controlled by the juice.
12/06/13 11:00AM
I uploaded both pages.
post #11012
post #11013
Took a while to try and find all relevant tags.
If there's any problems, I won't be offended by corrections.
12/07/13 01:40AM
Holy crap, Rai is one of my best buds, we used to do art trades and skype calls with a bunch of other artists, we even did collabs with our art ask blogs, she used to be totally apprehensive about drawing porn but that second comic is totally her art style and the white character is definitely her OC.
A few months ago we had a shit storm cuz she drew a penis and now she's gone all out. I left tumblr a few months ago to focus on school and I come back to this, oh god my mind is all sorts of blown
12/07/13 02:01AM
Zko said:
A few months ago we had a shit storm cuz she drew a penis

What was the cause of the shitstorm? o.O
12/07/13 03:24AM
Stem_Cell said:
What was the cause of the shitstorm? o.O

She is extremely cutesy, everything she draws brings immense d'awwww, so you can imagine the surprise of everyone got when we found out she drew nsfw.
Picture a kid who gives his mom pictures he drew in kindergarten to hang on the fridge and one day he gives his mom an incredibly detailed pic of a girl jerking a guy off. It was something like that for us.
Some of her followers also got "upset" but thats just them being uptight little assholes, it was mostly just shock for everyone else and we laughed it off.
12/07/13 05:01AM
That's a pretty awesome coincidence.
12/07/13 07:12AM
Fossilbrand said:
That's a pretty awesome coincidence.

Given the size of the internet and how much porn is out there, yeah, hell of a coincidence
Unfortunately I doubt we'll be seeing any more sort-of-hypno related stuff from her =_=
Unless we do another art trade, although that would put me a risk of exposing my deep dark secret fetish.
12/07/13 09:49AM
Sounds like both of us were very surprised to see that our favorite artist drew our fetish.
That they collaborated on it is... wow.

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