12/28/13 07:01AM
just warning you rp has never real been my thing so I havent realy done it before and im probably terrible at it but im willing to give it a shot.
12/28/13 07:05AM
Blame ildfugl, I specifically told him the thread was waiting on him to start since we were going in order, he acknowledged then never posted.
12/28/13 07:05AM
pirithous said:
just warning you rp has never real been my thing so I havent realy done it before and im probably terrible at it but im willing to give it a shot.

I doubt you will be that bad. You just have to put effort in to at least try and soon it just comes to you
12/28/13 07:18AM
so we starting?
12/28/13 07:19AM
pirithous said:
so we starting?

An old tavern keeper sighs as he puts up yet another wanted ad for the spider of the White caverns, the latest group returning dazed and confused. no one had ever made it and defeated the demon yet, because for whatever reason they came back brain dead and sometimes way different in personality then when they arrived. some men came back dressed as girls, some women came back with large cocks, it was a madhouse! the barkeep was tired of posting the job but he had to, by order of the king.
12/28/13 07:22AM
whats the order and is SirNobody in?
12/28/13 07:51AM
can girls play too?
12/28/13 08:02AM
VVrayven said:
can girls play too?

Yes of course

pirithous said:
whats the order and is SirNobody in?

No idea and the order is in whoever posts first. So I'm first then whoever joins in next with thier post is second and so on and so forth
12/28/13 08:10AM
i'll go...

[my character is a 'high elf' warrior named "Oryx", long ass hair and lots of tattoos and a sword]
[also i'm not sure how to handle the 'writing' aspect of it but i'll try to only control my own character haha]

After seeing the wanted poster I walk into the bar and survey my surroundings. I decide that I'm totally up for it. As an elf of great experience I'm confident I can slay the spider queen , completely undaunted by the fate of others. I walk up to the tavern bar and order a beer, then tell the owner 'that bounty is as good as mine.'
12/28/13 08:20AM
(I gusse ill go now) As I arrived at a new little town I visit the local inn to get a place to stay for the night.I was rather bored and decided to go to the bar in town.After a few drinks I noticed a wanted ad for some spider creature living in the caves near the edge of the town.I thought to my self thats alot of gold for a simply bug monster just one swing of my sword would easily crush the creature.So I packed some gear and set of to the caverns to make my self a small fortune. (I know I suck but whatever)
12/28/13 08:32AM
Lythia flips her hair back after reading the poster again and eying the less than attractive gentlemen posting it. Assured there isn’t any fine print (a rarity for these royal decrees) it was time for her to engage. “You know the problem with those blokes?” she askes the bartender. He inclines an eyebrow to her. Lythia grins, “they never send enough women to get the job done right.” The bartender grunts and points out the part about women coming back with cocks. Lythia huffs a bit, “Amateurs I’m sure. Also – are you sure they were women, or just sissy men than got all transmogrified?” He shrugs. “Well, seeing as you are the stellar conversationalist you are can you direct me where to pick up this commission?” He points down the street. “Thanks.” She flips him a coin and makes her way out.

Lythia: human, 4’9”, short black hair, pale eyes, small breasts, athletic, sports black leathers with everyday (but stylish) clothing over. Knives, some visible, most not. Pouches, some with poison, some not. Career: negotiator and diplomat by other means, also known to acquire things. Short on things to acquire – looking for SOMETHING to pay.
12/28/13 08:40AM
(Remember not to god mod, or control characters not under your control. Let other act out thier turns.) the bartender saw some people get interested, and nodded. "If you interested I going after that spider you should go now. A group just came back and you can potentially get the jump on ot, of it's still weak from the first batch." He said. "I would be careful you three!"
12/28/13 08:44AM
As I approach the caverns I see signs posted all around the caves telling me "its not worth it turn back" and "DO NOT ENTER" I see other people heading towards the caves as well
12/28/13 08:47AM
I arrive at the caverns and see my party member standing there. 'Oh, brother' I say to myself, but pull out my sword and walk up anyways. I turn towards [Pirithous?] and nod, then wait for anyone else to arrive.

[by the way i'm gonna go to sleep in 15 minutes xP so if yall wanna keep going Nadia can just control my character]
12/28/13 08:51AM
deep_sea_dive said:
I arrive at the caverns and see my party member standing there. 'Oh, brother' I say to myself, but pull out my sword and walk up anyways. I turn towards [Pirithous?] and nod, then wait for anyone else to arrive.

[by the way i'm gonna go to sleep in 15 minutes xP so if yall wanna keep going Nadia can just control my character]

(No we can wait the others can always go ahead and stuff too)
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