12/28/13 08:52AM
Lythia sees the two men waiting, “mmm, figures…” As all three approach the cave in she appraises the other two. Well, might get some use out of one of them. Seeing the first of her companions wander in she slips her hand around a torch and lights up. “Well here we go, I guess. Any experience with demons?”
12/28/13 09:03AM
I give Lythia a big dumb smile. "Of course!" I pat my sword with my boot. "But they really can't stand up to good old heavy metal." With that I turn and walk into the cavern.

[alright g'nite bbl]
12/28/13 09:04AM
im sorry i think its my turn) I answer the rather attractive women "yes I have had many encounters with demons im best friends with the hero theseus" I let her go head of me so at least I have a good view as we head deeper into the caves
12/28/13 09:24AM
Lythia grumbles to herself and swings the torch looking deeper into the caves. “Alright, great. So you, Heavy Metal, you’re obviously point. Skittish, you take up the rear.” She flips a throwing dagger into her other hand and trudges forward. “At least your both tall…” Lythia bends over and presses into the smaller passage. “I’m Lythia, Bitch or Maam will also suffice. Now let’s go get us a spider…”
12/28/13 09:52AM
Guess I'm out, this rapid posting when I'm asleep is exactly why I was wary of this style to start with.
12/28/13 09:55AM
Still the beginning - no reason not to jump in I'd think...?
12/28/13 09:59AM
were basically waiting for nadia anyways
12/28/13 02:26PM
Just so everyone knows ill be back in about 12 hours
12/28/13 06:10PM
VVrayven said:
Lythia grumbles to herself and swings the torch looking deeper into the caves. “Alright, great. So you, Heavy Metal, you’re obviously point. Skittish, you take up the rear.” She flips a throwing dagger into her other hand and trudges forward. “At least your both tall…” Lythia bends over and presses into the smaller passage. “I’m Lythia, Bitch or Maam will also suffice. Now let’s go get us a spider…”

The cavern seemed like your standard fair, dark, damp, and the spun of something skittering in the darkness always seeming just behind you. However this cave was a bit different, aside from a feeling of fear that seemed to ha g about this place. That was the amount (or rather lack of) any signs of spider demons. No webs, no dead bodies cocooned in webbing, nothing.

Infact all that was there was just some left behind weapons or a staff from a Mage here and there. Further investigation would be needed
12/28/13 06:39PM
[I’m going to assume that order is fairly loose as long as everyone posts once and then Nadia posts before posting again, right? That way everyone gets a turn each “round” without having to time RL so succinctly?]
Lythia examines the equipment briefly – not much of use there at first glance. “This is very strange… In my experience a demon’s lair, while dreadful, is typically more obvious than this, correct?” She sighs trying to shake the feeling of dread seeping into her. “Gentlemen, I trust we are sticking together?” Lythia gestures to a passage with the most cast offs.
12/28/13 06:41PM
VVrayven said:
[I’m going to assume that order is fairly loose as long as everyone posts once and then Nadia posts before posting again, right? That way everyone gets a turn each “round” without having to time RL so succinctly?]
Lythia examines the equipment briefly – not much of use there at first glance. “This is very strange… In my experience a demon’s lair, while dreadful, is typically more obvious than this, correct?” She sighs trying to shake the feeling of dread seeping into her. “Gentlemen, I trust we are sticking together?” Lythia gestures to a passage with the most cast offs.

(Yes that is acceptable)
12/28/13 07:34PM
"we shouldn't let our guard down just yet" say and then lead off into the passage. I can hear water dripping off of stalactites and rocks crumbling in the distance. I think I see a faint glimmer of light in the darkness and quickly run off towards it. You lose sight of me but then hear an ambiguous scream coming from the darkness a few minutes later.
12/29/13 01:07AM
As im looking for any signs that this in fact is a spider demon and not some other random creature,I cant help but look behind me every few minutes because I feel as if im being watched.I heard something that was on the ceiling of the cavern zoom past me.It was too dark to see much.I tryed to follow it but it went way to fast and next thing I know I hear a blood curdling scream.I quickly run to investigate. (I know I suck at writing)
12/29/13 02:52AM
Hears the brief scream and watches her companion go past. "Shit..." Lythia carefully moves forward with her back to the side wall watching forward and back. So much for the marching order.
12/31/13 06:25PM
Deep in the cavern, a girl with Snow White hair screams as an off man chases her. "Come here you witch!" He says as he grabs her. "I will teach you to mess with me!" He said. The woman screamed and tried to fight him off. "Someone, anyone? Help!" She cried.
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