12/28/13 09:23PM
Stem_Cell said:
That's assuming subs like POV by definition :P

For example, Kinkyloli is a female sub, and she likes seeing the sub :) I'm sure she's not the only one. And besides that has the added benefit it attracts not only subs but also doms, so I'd say it's statistically more effective. The huge amount of sub images here also seem to indicate it's more popular to view the sub rather than view the dom.

Well, I mean the subs who do like that sort of thing. It's just a thought.
12/28/13 11:32PM
@Fossilbrand Humm sorry but no pendulum... I prefer tech control :)

@Mindwipe and @Vanndril Oh I can to draw something dom, but if I'm without ideas to sub, I have no idea for dom... As Stem_Cell said, I prefer sub and I love see sub things ^^'
So please, ideas to tech control dom? Remember that the space of drawing is very short... And have the square size too, that can be something bust-up.

Sorry guys if I'm being so inefficient :(
12/28/13 11:43PM
Is there any reason it has to be tech control dom? I mean, I know you like tech control, but that only makes up about 13% of the pics on the site. For a dom banner, couldn't it be something like Hypno-tan with spirals in her eyes beckoning the viewer to come visit the site? Maybe have her be topless and show her from the chest up, since Slayer wants these to be NSFW? I just thought it would be good to have some variance in the banners, but I'm not the one drawing them, so...
12/29/13 12:00AM
@Mindwipe Yes yes, I have no problem with spirals, something like your idea is fine to me. I just don't like too much pendulums...
I tough that would be very nice attract more people that like tech control too, because the site isn't only about hypnoses. I really want increase the number of tech control images here >.>
12/29/13 12:41AM
I can understand wanting to draw your interests and all, but keep in mind that many fetishes are also squicks for others. If we have a sole focus on tech control, for example, people who avoid it (these people DO exist, btw XD) probably won't give the site a second thought.

I like Mindwipe's idea, too. The idea of having a variety of banners is a good thing. I do believe that having at least one banner appeal to the subs who love PoV images would be ideal, but, as Mindwipe said, you're the one drawing these, so that's up to you.

If you absolutely must have yet more tech control (I wouldn't mind it, personally :P), then maybe do something with an MC collar? I've seen you do helmets and wires, but never that classic standby - the mind control collar. Or maybe you could do a less realistic tech MC gig involving an antenna.
12/29/13 02:50AM
Kinkyloli asked me to come express for her that she's not against following consensus and doesn't want to come off as only willing to contribute in her terms, and that she may have expressed herself crudely due to lack of English skills :P

Hm, it just came to my mind that maybe we can please everybody with something ambiguous enough about the induction method. For example, Hypno-Tan's face looking at the viewer with monitors showing spirals at her sides (POV), and maybe a close of her hand on her crotch, masturbating, to the side >_>
12/29/13 03:16AM
Stem_Cell said:
Kinkyloli asked me to come express for her that she's not against following consensus and doesn't want to come off as only willing to contribute in her terms, and that she may have expressed herself crudely due to lack of English skills :P

Naw, we just didn't wanna push the issue. You know, not looking the gift horse in the mouth and all. That, and the side of me that likes tech control is currently arguing with the side of me that wants to properly advertise. XD

A little known fact is that I really like tech control.
It's just...too difficult to manip.

Stem_Cell said:
Hm, it just came to my mind that maybe we can please everybody with something ambiguous enough about the induction method. For example, Hypno-Tan's face looking at the viewer with monitors showing spirals at her sides (POV), and maybe a close of her hand on her crotch, masturbating, to the side >_>

You had me at "Hypno-tan". :P

More seriously: yes, that could work, too.
It also sounds excruciatingly sexy.
01/04/14 04:21AM
Where can i find the hypnohub font, or is it custom? I'll make something myself
01/04/14 10:32PM
slayerduck said:
Where can i find the hypnohub font, or is it custom? I'll make something myself

Ruh-Roh, Somebody's getting impatient. :P

I could be wrong, but I think that the font we have on the site logo is custom.
01/05/14 12:07AM
ad is running on rule34 in rotation, i just used the logo on the header and a random good image
01/05/14 12:32AM
slayerduck said:
ad is running on rule34 in rotation, i just used the logo on the header and a random good image

Lol, so I see. Trying to draw more people from rule34 over to here?
Do you still need the other image sizes that Kinkyloli was working on?
01/05/14 01:56AM
Yes i do, anything better what i have is good.
01/06/14 04:12AM
Vanndril said:
I could be wrong, but I think that the font we have on the site logo is custom.

Of course it's not custom! Custom fonts cost either effort or money (or at least, more than regular fonts which you can er... hum, "borrow").

Anyway, the font is Comicraft's CC Wild Words. Scroll down to see it: myfonts.us/td-10xgkL

Of course it can be downloaded from places such as this info_hash: 42714B277880F2171E61C1C139FE8A600B6EAB32

By the way, Kinkyloli didn't give up. Just saying.
01/06/14 06:54AM
Stem_Cell said:
Of course it's not custom! Custom fonts cost either effort or money (or at least, more than regular fonts which you can er... hum, "borrow").

Anyway, the font is Comicraft's CC Wild Words. Scroll down to see it: myfonts.us/td-10xgkL

Of course it can be downloaded from places such as this info_hash: 42714B277880F2171E61C1C139FE8A600B6EAB32

By the way, Kinkyloli didn't give up. Just saying.

Thanks, i'll be waiting for Kinkyloli.
01/06/14 10:55AM
Stem_Cell said:
Of course it's not custom! Custom fonts cost either effort or money (or at least, more than regular fonts which you can er... hum, "borrow").

Anyway, the font is Comicraft's CC Wild Words. Scroll down to see it: myfonts.us/td-10xgkL

Lol, oh. I should have known. XD
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