01/07/14 09:14PM
Sure, I don't given up :) I just have short time and little inspiration...
Ok, here, more one sketch (with the idea of Stem_Cell):

If you guys liked this idea, just tell me and I'll finish.
01/07/14 11:56PM
KinkyLoli said:
Sure, I don't given up :) I just have short time and little inspiration...
Ok, here, more one sketch (with the idea of Stem_Cell):

If you guys liked this idea, just tell me and I'll finish.

I heartily approve.
01/08/14 01:20AM
Ok, I hope the people like... Three versions because I don't know which background color is better...

Just need the text, you can wait Stem_Cell, or slayerduck can add :)
01/08/14 05:04AM
sweet, i like em. Thanks
01/08/14 05:35AM
KinkyLoli said:
Ok, I hope the people like... Three versions because I don't know which background color is better...

Just need the text, you can wait Stem_Cell, or slayerduck can add :)

These work perfectly! Thank you, Kinkyloli. :D
01/08/14 05:37AM
I'll let you Vanndril, handle the text and logo on it.
01/08/14 04:37PM
Just in case anybody needs them, these are the logo in the current style rendered at different sizes:
<<|1>>, <<|2>>, <<|3>>, <<|4>>
and a <<|preview>>.
01/08/14 10:38PM
slayerduck said:
I'll let you Vanndril, handle the text and logo on it.

I like how you volunteered Vanndril for this.
01/09/14 09:50AM
Mindwipe said:
I like how you volunteered Vanndril for this.

Me, too. XD

slayerduck said:
I'll let you Vanndril, handle the text and logo on it.

Fine, fine. I'm on it now, I guess. :P
01/09/14 11:29AM
Threw this together a bit ago. I, sadly, had to take some artistic license with the shading in some areas to get the text to be readable. I tried adding borders to the text instead, but they looked horrible that way.
01/09/14 04:48PM
Vanndril said:
Threw this together a bit ago. I, sadly, had to take some artistic license with the shading in some areas to get the text to be readable. I tried adding borders to the text instead, but they looked horrible that way.

i like it
01/11/14 03:54AM
I was just on R34 looking at Kill la Kill pictures and I saw the banner :D
01/15/14 07:59AM
petal said:
I was just on R34 looking at Kill la Kill pictures and I saw the banner :D

Same here! :D Welcome new people!
01/15/14 03:04PM
pirithous said:
Can we just have both :D makes everyone happy

Maybe we could have a little exchange between a dom and sub that goes along the lines of:
Dom: you will go to hypnohub!
Sub: ...I will go to hypnohub...

That way, both groups are targeted.
01/16/14 04:24AM
dinnerdog1 said:
Maybe we could have a little exchange between a dom and sub that goes along the lines of:
Dom: you will go to hypnohub!
Sub: ...I will go to hypnohub...

That way, both groups are targeted.

*faceplams* Why didn't I think of that?
That's actually a really good idea.
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