12/13/13 04:12AM
LillyTank said:
I really wish manipping did incite such enthusiasm around here. No offense to anyone, because everyone's great in their own way but very few people put the level of effort into their manips that you and a few others do. I think I might be one of the few people out there that sees it as an art form.

Some people just want to make something quick to get off to so you can't blame them there. Plus skill level is HUGE, I know a lot about digital art programs and PS so I can get around it really easily and so less effort is needed compared to someone who knows little about art programs.
I think most people are just to scared to experiment in their manips which leads to little innovation or creativity and we end up with a flood of uninspired empty eyes and spirals, which I too sometimes end up doing since it's easy and people tend to like them. The reason I like to make manips is because they let me play around in photoshop in ways I usually would never do and thus I learn a bunch of techniques, plus they are really quick and easy compared to actually drawing.
12/13/13 04:53AM
Zko said:
The reason I like to make manips is because they let me play around in photoshop in ways I usually would never do and thus I learn a bunch of techniques, plus they are really quick and easy compared to actually drawing.

My reasons are somewhat different. In fact I'd say they're a bit more conceded than most peoples. I like the idea I like playing around in various image editors but mostly I enjoy being able to take an image and recreate it as something else. In essence I both like and hat the fact that few people might go to such a length. (That's the conceded part.) In truth what I want is not a manip but rather hypno-themed art. I think that's what might set me apart from most others. The way I see it, why settle for anything less than what you actually want? If manipping is the same a PhotoShopping then surely the goal is to make it look legit. That's stance towards the practice. I'd rather spend three days on one elaborate manip than 10 minutes on a simple one.
12/13/13 05:45AM
LillyTank said:
I'd rather spend three days on one elaborate manip than 10 minutes on a simple one.

QUOTE OF THE MANIP YEAR, tho I never spent more than 2 hours max on a manip.
Whats the point of making something simple super quick that no one cares about if you can make something awesome that everyone loves if you put a bit of effort?! If you don't enjoy it no one else will.
I think the reason most people get some kind of response to simple manips is because the base image is very nice and therefore people like it more for the original art rather than the hypno content, so its kind of like a skinner box and our nature to take the path of least resistance, we get a response (albeit a small one) for making a simple manip so if we keep doing it the easy way we keep getting a desirable response never realizing what a difference a bit of effort can do.

12/13/13 06:14AM
Zko said:
QUOTE OF THE MANIP YEAR, tho I never spent more than 2 hours max on a manip.
Whats the point of making something simple super quick that no one cares about if you can make something awesome that everyone loves if you put a bit of effort?! If you don't enjoy it no one else will.
I think the reason most people get some kind of response to simple manips is because the base image is very nice and therefore people like it more for the original art rather than the hypno content, so its kind of like a skinner box and our nature to take the path of least resistance, we get a response (albeit a small one) for making a simple manip so if we keep doing it the easy way we keep getting a desirable response never realizing what a difference a bit of effort can do.

If only it were as you say. From my observation, it's always seemed as though the simpler manips get more praise and feedback than the detailed ones. It's almost as if I can take any random image from Danbooru slap some spirals over the eyes and top it off with a hypnotic background transparent overlay and generic mantra text and it would still get a better standing ovation than it would if I actually tried. That's why I'll put my work on DA and risk bands before I put upload it to this site. It's nothing against this site. I just think people there will actually respond to my manips and not just fap to them in secret. ... At least I hope so.
12/13/13 06:26AM
LillyTank said:
If only it were as you say. From my observation, it's always seemed as though the simpler manips get more praise and feedback than the detailed ones. It's almost as if I can take any random image from Danbooru slap some spirals over the eyes and top it off with a hypnotic background transparent overlay and generic mantra text and it would still get a better standing ovation than it would if I actually tried. That's why I'll put my work on DA and risk bands before I put upload it to this site. It's nothing against this site. I just think people there will actually respond to my manips and not just fap to them in secret. ... At least I hope so.

Here is a thought. Not to criticize but would it not be better if you did manips for fun? Who cares of people lavish you in praise! I like to write regardless of if people like it or just fap to it .
12/13/13 06:30AM
Nadiatheberzerker said:
Not to criticize but would it not be better if you did manips for fun?

h4. THIS
12/13/13 07:25AM
Nadiatheberzerker said:
Here is a thought. Not to criticize but would it not be better if you did manips for fun? Who cares of people lavish you in praise! I like to write regardless of if people like it or just fap to it .

Depends on your intent when it comes to maniping
Some people do it because the process is fun.
Some do it because they want praise.
Some do it because its good practice for other things.
Some do it just to contribute to the community.

I don't manip for fun, I do it because its good practice for using art programs, with the new skills I acquire I can draw my own things for fun with more resources in my head. Thats why I prefer getting critique over praise 90% of the time, its all a process for me and I like it like that.

Anyway everyone has their own reasons, you can criticize someone's manips but not their reasons for making it.
12/13/13 07:34AM
Nadiatheberzerker said:
Here is a thought. Not to criticize but would it not be better if you did manips for fun? Who cares of people lavish you in praise! I like to write regardless of if people like it or just fap to it .

Well, of course I find it fun as well but if it was only for my own enjoyment there would be no point in uploading them anywhere. I think that wanting people to comment, critique and even praise one's efforts is half the vigor of doing anything, especially when it comes to art. I might be alone in thinking this since asking acknowledgement of ones effort comes across as a bit selfish. I just think it might be even more selfish to do what you want for your own amusement and not care at all what others think.
12/13/13 11:37AM
LillyTank said:
Well, of course I find it fun as well but if it was only for my own enjoyment there would be no point in uploading them anywhere. I think that wanting people to comment, critique and even praise one's efforts is half the vigor of doing anything, especially when it comes to art. I might be alone in thinking this since asking acknowledgement of ones effort comes across as a bit selfish. I just think it might be even more selfish to do what you want for your own amusement and not care at all what others think.

Well do what you think is right Hun, but personally I think it's a little more about what you want. After all what's wrong with being a little selfish when it's your work?
12/13/13 04:20PM
Nadiatheberzerker said:
Well do what you think is right Hun, but personally I think it's a little more about what you want. After all what's wrong with being a little selfish when it's your work?

Fair enough but either way you look at it, it's all good.
12/13/13 11:12PM
LillyTank said:
Fair enough but either way you look at it, it's all good.

So how are you? I wild love to talk about stuff if you want
12/13/13 11:23PM
Nadiatheberzerker said:
So how are you? I wild love to talk about stuff if you want

I don't quite follow.. (Seems like a typo or two...)
12/13/13 11:34PM
LillyTank said:
I don't quite follow.. (Seems like a typo or two...)

Sorry, on an iPhone. It can be a trickster.

How are you? I would love to talk
12/13/13 11:55PM
We would all love to talk. Especially Lillytank with all those forum posts they are making. :D
12/14/13 12:36AM
Nadiatheberzerker said:
Sorry, on an iPhone. It can be a trickster.

How are you? I would love to talk

Oh, kk. I'm great. I've got loads of free time (literally all day) so I could talk anytime. I horrible at conversation, however, but if you'd put up with me, sure.
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