12/11/13 11:55PM
Any "Friends"?
Hey Everyone. I've been around for while and I've seen a lot on these sorts of sites; here and there. I'm thinking about getting more involved but I don't really "know" anyone. So I was just wondering if anyone else here was in the same position.

Does anyone here know someone on this site (IRL or otherwise as long as they come here) that they consider a friend? Would they consider you the same way? Is it any If it's not much trouble can you say how you two (or more) met and became friends? What do you have in common with one another? (Besides the obvious mutual interest.)

If you don't have any friends I'm going to start another thread that's fairly straight forward for the purposes of getting to know everyone.
12/12/13 12:47AM
I've made several good friends on this site, though I've never met them IRL due to living too far away. I'll break this into parts in order to keep it short and less sappy. :P

Does anyone here know someone on this site (IRL or otherwise as long as they come here) that they consider a friend?

Vanndril, Henry-killenger, RebKMG (Mugi), Fossilbrand

Would they consider you the same way?


If it's not much trouble can you say how you two (or more) met and became friends?

Vanndril and I met on Hypnochan, and the rest of us met here. There were other circumstances, sure, but they mostly just involved talking and bonding. :P

What do you have in common with one another? (Besides the obvious mutual interest.)

Oh... things. Personal things. :P
Also, we have similar humors. And we sometimes keep each other balanced.

Of course, there are plenty of friendly acquaintances I've made here, as well.
12/12/13 12:53AM
Friends? A good amount.

I met Mindwipe on the ashen plains, surrounded by the sex demons of Nit'cthyla. Oh a mighty race they were, but with my chin and Mindwipe's rod of power, we slew them forthwith. Oh the succubus queen thought she stood a chance, they all did. They came at us (in more ways than one) with numbers nigh-insurmountable, but wielding the holy sword 'Fossilbrand'. A powerful blade, though possessed of a cruel humor. It was carved from the bones of a Whorasaurus Rex millions of years ago and passed down in the centuries since.
Of course, Mindwipe wasn't alone. He rode his companion of indeterminate origin, the great Mugi. Oh how they looked, striding across the white and red stained fields. As for Vanndril... Well, who do you think sicced those sex demons on us in the first place? So yeah, there's that.
12/12/13 12:57AM
Mindwipe said:
I've made several good friends on this site, though I've never met them IRL due to living too far away. I'll break this into parts in order to keep it short and less sappy. :P

Vanndril, Henry-killenger, RebKMG (Mugi), Fossilbrand

I'm not on the list?! Lol we had better start bonding
12/12/13 12:59AM
I stalked Vanndril and Mindwipe on Hypnochan, actually. During the days when I was actually underage and shouldn't have even been on there.


I like henry because we often discuss our Vanndril-Mindwipe yaoi fantasies between each other.
12/12/13 01:02AM
RebKMG said:
I stalked Vanndril and Mindwipe on Hypnochan, actually. During the days when I was actually underage and shouldn't have even been on there.


I like henry because we often discuss our Vanndril-Mindwipe yaoi fantasies between each other.

They're only fantasies until I get the rope ;)
12/12/13 01:04AM
RebKMG said:
- the days when I was actually underage and shouldn't have even been on there.


RebKMG said:
Vanndril-Mindwipe yaoi fantasies

And this.
12/12/13 01:13AM
The number of people who ship Vanndril x Mindwipe is... interesting.
12/12/13 01:14AM
Mindwipe said:
The number of people who ship Vanndril x Mindwipe is... interesting.

I ship it.
12/12/13 01:19AM
I am just crazy and these images are the most stable and well sensed fantasies I've had in my life.
12/12/13 01:52AM
Those who mostly lurk are friends with none and all... for we listen but are seldom heard, watch but are seldom noticed, learn but are seldom taught, know but are seldom known ourselves...

...I think I just wore out the word "seldom" for the next month or so...
12/12/13 03:47AM
It usually takes a while for me to open up to people, but I will say that I am comfortable here.
12/12/13 04:05AM
Seeing Ogodei-Khan on here was a nice surprise. Vanndril seems quite affable as well.
12/12/13 07:46AM
I have no friends
I'm too edgy and emo for you nerds.
12/12/13 07:59AM
Zko said:
I have no friends
I'm too edgy and emo for you nerds.

You sound like someone I'd have much in common with but would still want to avoid. That's all IRL, however; online I'm reasonably eager to know more about you.
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