12/12/13 05:13AM
I was reading this:
and I came across an interesting entry:

Money entered: 100 yen
SCP-261 Powered or Unpowered: Unpowered
Item description: "DRINK". 12 oz aluminum drink can. Label is similar to the "Food" can: all white with nothing but the word "DRINK" in black letters. Liquid inside was colorless, odorless, and has a viscosity lower than water. When ingested, subjects became more open to suggestion, becoming more and more subservient the more of the "Drink" was administered almost to the point of having no will of their own. Research into the long-term effects of the "Drink" is being investigated.
12/12/13 05:31AM
I'll take some. Not to drink, of course.
12/12/13 05:51AM
I'll have some thank you~
12/12/13 05:55AM
SCP-261 for everyone!

*starts handing out cups*
12/12/13 06:26AM
RebKMG said:
SCP-261 for everyone!

*starts handing out cups*

Ah, the SCP-261 doesn't quite work that way. It dispenses random items, most intended for consumption, but not all. As it is we've only got the one can of DRINK, although we may get another if the right person gives it the right denomination. One of the scientists only gets apple seeds out of it, so it must have something to do with who puts in the money. Wait, that gives me an idea. Someone get Hypno-tan.
12/12/13 06:40AM
BML-20XX said:
Ah, the SCP-261 doesn't quite work that way. It dispenses random items, most intended for consumption, but not all. As it is we've only got the one can of DRINK, although we may get another if the right person gives it the right denomination. One of the scientists only gets apple seeds out of it, so it must have something to do with who puts in the money. Wait, that gives me an idea. Someone get Hypno-tan.

So much of that has got me lost...
12/12/13 08:01AM
BML-20XX said:
I was reading this:
and I came across an interesting entry:

So THAT's what happened to my specialized vending machine. God, this always happens when I get into this kind of stuff. I make one matter dispencer device and I suddenly have government agencies and privately funded paramilitary organizations all over me. At least these guys are testing it for me.

12/12/13 03:58PM
When I read the title I thought it was about some JAV.
12/12/13 06:57PM
Stem_Cell said:
When I read the title I thought it was about some JAV.

Same here.
12/12/13 09:29PM
Stem_Cell said:
When I read the title I thought it was about some JAV.

Yep. Still amusing, though.
12/13/13 06:34AM
Ah; it looks like some explanation is in order. The Foundation can be confusing for the uninitiated.

The SCP Foundation is a fictional organization whose job it is to find and contain all of the unexplainable/magical/horrific objects in its fictional universe. The SCP wiki is a big list of these "anomalous objects" written by various people. They are referred to by their SCP designations, e.g. SCP-261, and collectively called SCPs. Most SCPs are scary, some are useful, but they all make you think.

I have always wanted to find one that could be used as the basis for an MC story, but all of the mind manipulating ones I have found are more terrifying than hot.
12/13/13 07:41AM
May not be hypnosis related but...

If anyone here can't sleep tonight, I've done my job.
12/13/13 07:55AM
don said:
If anyone here can't sleep tonight, I've done my job.

That's kind of the opposite of what we do here.
12/13/13 08:22AM
BML-20XX said:
That's kind of the opposite of what we do here.

Fair point.
Has nightmares of moving statues that break your neck or old men that walk through walls? Then I've done my job.
12/15/13 08:19AM
Gotta love SCP-261... Remembering one of the "items" dispensed being a penis-shaped chocolate complete with "cum" inside. (not worded that way on the wiki, but come on, it's kinda obvious)
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