12/12/13 06:36AM
Likes and Dislikes (Talk About Yourself)
Due to the fact that I've been lurking for sometime and still feel a bit awkward about becoming and active member, I'd like to start this thread where people can share their respective preferences with everyone. Naturally I'd like those things to be relevant to the site but anything is fine by me. I'm not really asking for anything too detailed. I have a feeling that, if there's anything interesting, I'll find out later.

I'll start first.
I don't have any sub fetishes to speak of but I don't mind any of them. I am, however deeply fond of the concept of hypnotism itself. I enjoy the realism, mysticism, and romanticism of the concept. I suppose if I had a favorite portrayal of the concept it would be eye-rolling and a relaxed posture. I might go so far as to say the eye-rolling is my sub-fetish. Or I would, if eye-rolling weren't an actual part of hypnotism. (Plus I don't really care for it otherwise.)

I like anime a lot. Just to name a few I've seen: Code Geass, Guilty Crown, Death Note, Steins;Gate, Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic, Is This A Zombie? (Both seasons), I Don't Have Many Friends (Both seasons), Haturaku Mao-sama, Fate/Stay Night, Fate/Zero, SAO, GJ-bu,... Hmm, I could go on because I know there is something that I missed. I'll just leave it at those for now.

I mainly play RPGs. I don't really like turn based battle systems but I've made an exception for Persona 4. My favorite series is the 'Tales of' series. I've played nearly every 'Tales of' game that's been released in English. Video games aren't really a rich area for me. I like them but I wouldn't really call myself a "gamer".

I'm also extraordinarily interested in manips. I took photoshop class a while back in high school and since then I've been practicing manips. I haven't uploaded a single one to the site, however. I'll probably upload it to DeviantArt or WordPress first. (Regardless of DA's copyright rules since I don't agree with them.)

That's pretty much it. I do have some dislikes but there about the same s any other decent humans. I think any particular things I dislike will probably be brought to light in the near future. I look forward to being a part of this community.
12/12/13 09:37AM
LillyTank said:
Due to the fact that I've been lurking for sometime and still feel a bit awkward about becoming and active member, I'd like to start this thread where people can share their respective preferences with everyone. Naturally I'd like those things to be relevant to the site but anything is fine by me. I'm not really asking for anything too detailed. I have a feeling that, if there's anything interesting, I'll find out later.

I'll start first.
I don't have any sub fetishes to speak of but I don't mind any of them. I am, however deeply fond of the concept of hypnotism itself. I enjoy the realism, mysticism, and romanticism of the concept. I suppose if I had a favorite portrayal of the concept it would be eye-rolling and a relaxed posture. I might go so far as to say the eye-rolling is my sub-fetish. Or I would, if eye-rolling weren't an actual part of hypnotism. (Plus I don't really care for it otherwise.)

I like anime a lot. Just to name a few I've seen: Code Geass, Guilty Crown, Death Note, Steins;Gate, Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic, Is This A Zombie? (Both seasons), I Don't Have Many Friends (Both seasons), Haturaku Mao-sama, Fate/Stay Night, Fate/Zero, SAO, GJ-bu,... Hmm, I could go on because I know there is something that I missed. I'll just leave it at those for now.

I mainly play RPGs. I don't really like turn based battle systems but I've made an exception for Persona 4. My favorite series is the 'Tales of' series. I've played nearly every 'Tales of' game that's been released in English. Video games aren't really a rich area for me. I like them but I wouldn't really call myself a "gamer".

I'm also extraordinarily interested in manips. I took photoshop class a while back in high school and since then I've been practicing manips. I haven't uploaded a single one to the site, however. I'll probably upload it to DeviantArt or WordPress first. (Regardless of DA's copyright rules since I don't agree with them.)

That's pretty much it. I do have some dislikes but there about the same s any other decent humans. I think any particular things I dislike will probably be brought to light in the near future. I look forward to being a part of this community.

my what a lovely new slav-friend you are! I cant wait to get to know you even more...intimately. I kid naturally, as I can wait. I can wait for a long time to feast on your free will.

that aside, im Nadia, I have a flair for writing, something I pride myself on. I write a few erotic tales here and there, two posted on this site. links? oh of course. here:


The Lamia's Circle:

aside from that I love to role play, and I enjoy messing around with the boys on the site. such a tease I can be...well I mean im not unfair or anything. also I ramble.
12/12/13 09:45AM
LillyTank said:
I like anime a lot... Steins;Gate

...You're alright. *nods*
12/12/13 11:33AM
Mindwipe said:
...You're alright. *nods*

Any watcher of Steins;Gate is a...watcher...of ours?
Huh, that didn't come out as planned.

We seem to share our interests in anime and our taste in RPGs.

Anyway, I may post something more in-depth here in the near future, but I need to quicken the pace of my "upkeep" of the hub and go to bed.
12/12/13 01:55PM
I don't like how shy I am and how I always try to second-guess how things I would like to say can be interpreted negatively so I usually wind up saying nothing.
12/12/13 02:48PM
BML-20XX said:
I don't like how shy I am and how I always try to second-guess how things I would like to say can be interpreted negatively so I usually wind up saying nothing.

I know that feel, but if people are going to be dicks about stuff you like then they're not worth your time.
12/12/13 07:40PM
Nadiatheberzerker said:
my what a lovely new slav-friend you are! I cant wait to get to know you even more...intimately. I kid naturally, as I can wait. I can wait for a long time to feast on your free will.

that aside, im Nadia, I have a flair for writing, something I pride myself on. I write a few erotic tales here and there, two posted on this site. links? oh of course. here:


The Lamia's Circle:

aside from that I love to role play, and I enjoy messing around with the boys on the site. such a tease I can be...well I mean im not unfair or anything. also I ramble.

Hey Nadia, I understand you've recently become more involved in this site yourself and you're already meteoric, imo. I'm impressed.
I find myself, reluctantly, in more of a switch position but I'm predisposed to cater to femsub than anything else. I don't really mind any of them but I'm picky about everything.
I also love to write. It's an amazing feeling, isn't it? We sit down a place our hands on a keyboard and our fingers race to covey the visions of our minds. At times we might even use words we didn't know we knew. I love reading books about improving one's writing ability. Even if reading can be a bit overwhelming at times. (I think I bought too many books on amazon.) I plan to upload a lot of my writing to DeviantArt gradually in the near future. For all my years off and on in my hobby I'm still fairly mediocre so no judge too harshly please.
I don't really role play because I'm not good at keeping up with other people. It's not as if I necessarily like to take things at my own pace it's just that it's all that I can do at this point.

Mindwipe said:
...You're alright. *nods*

Lol psy congroo

Mr.H said:
I know that feel, but if people are going to be dicks about stuff you like then they're not worth your time.

Agreed, for all of the potential our minds hold we are still but a small fragment of something greater. Our time and focus must be used responsibly.
12/12/13 08:55PM
steins;gate best anime evaaaaaa... I got all them wall scrolls.
12/12/13 09:28PM
Mr.H said:
I know that feel, but if people are going to be dicks about stuff you like then they're not worth your time.

That must mean I'm worth all of everyone's time! :P
Go, go, hyper-acceptance!

Anyway, I think I'll make a more detailed and on topic post now.

As far as porn goes, I'm mainly a hentai sort of guy. I attribute this to a few factors: hentai is easier to get high-quality content of for free, I have fetishes that are impossible in real porn, and real porn is so grossly overacted 90% of the time that it often turns me off. I have to be in a certain mood to enjoy real porn.

As for fetishes? Well, I have what I call the everything fetish. While that term is very much exaggerated, it makes the point loud and clear. I like nearly anything. Big or small. Fat or not. Human or else. If it has boobs, and it's well drawn, chances are I've at least contemplated fapping to it. If it doesn't have boobs, but it's not male, the same logic applies. I have too many fetishes to make a list of.

My biggest fetishes, hands down, are Hypnosis (big surprise!) and D/s.

Some of the very few things that I either dislike or are indifferent to depending on how it's portrayed are: scat, guro, and futanari.

Moving on to television, anime, and other visual media...
I don't watch television a lot. I might watch some during dinner, or if someone else in the household is, but that's it. I generally have no interest in the "big hit shows". Exceptions sometimes made for cop shows such as NCIS, ghost shows such as Ghost Hunters, and the occasional interesting topic on History/Discovery.

I don't go to, buy, or pirate movies. Like, ever. I may have gone to the movies five times in as many years. Maybe.

Anime is my visual media of choice. I mainly watch subbed anime, because I can't stand most of the dubbing done in English (though, to be fair, the anime English VAs have gotten tons better as of recent years) and am a long time subscriber to good ol' Crunchyroll.

I've watched too so many anime that I couldn't possibly write a list if I wanted to, so, instead, I'll just list what I'm watching this season.

* Beyond the Boundary (Those feels! That humor! Perfect!)
* Arpeggio of Blue Steel (A fun romp, to be sure)
* Strike the Blood (Only because it's practically an Index clone)
* Valvrave the Liberator (Pretty solid, even if mechs aren't my thing)
* Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic (I was surprised that I liked this)
* Kill la Kill ("WTF just happened?" - My episodic mantra for KlK)
* Log Horizon (because it's written by the guy who wrote Maoyu)
* Naruto Shippuden (So...long... So...many...years...)

I'll top off this section by naming my favorite anime of all time, <<|Toward the Terra>>. It's the only anime in my personal history of watching anime that has ever made me actually cry. The feels are so strong with this one. It's an emotional roller coaster from start to finish. Plot progressed perfectly, characters were memorable, music definitely fit every scene, and the art was surprisingly good, if not a tad oldschool.

As for games, I usually play RPGs and MMORPGs. If there's an MMORPG out there that's worth looking at, I've probably played it at least once. Currently, I play World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn (which is GREAT compared to the original version, trust me). I'm a pretty big PvPer. I don't care for ratings or tournaments or anything like that, but I love the thrill of the fights and the quick thinking required to come out on top. Though, I will admit, FFXIV's PvE has my interest, atm, too; this never happened before.

As for offline games, I generally stick to JRPGs and RPGs. Stuff like the Tales of and Star Ocean series, The Witcher (2 was amazing!) and Mass Effect/Dragon Age, the Fire Emblem and Shining Force (the oldschool TBS ones, not the crappy hack-and-slash games) etc. I'm not a fan of straight-up shooters like most gamers seems to be nowadays, though.

Anyway, I feel that sums up my interests pretty well. I'm tired of typing this, so... :P
12/12/13 10:21PM
I forgot to add OreGairu it's practically my favorite Slice of Life anime ever!

Vanndril, it's funny. A lot of the anime may you've listed are in my "Shows to Watch" folder. I also really enjoyed Magi more than I thought. I've even taken to reading the manga and it's one of my favorites. I'm caught up and eagerly awaiting an update.

As for World of Warcraft, it was purchased for me months ago but I could never bring myself to play it. I understand that the priest class has a few spells to do with mind control which should have been an incentive. In truth I just don't know about paying monthly fees to go online.
12/12/13 11:55PM
LillyTank said:
Vanndril, it's funny. A lot of the anime may you've listed are in my "Shows to Watch" folder. I also really enjoyed Magi more than I thought. I've even taken to reading the manga and it's one of my favorites. I'm caught up and eagerly awaiting an update.

That's because good anime are good. :P
And yeah, I didn't think I'd like Magi. I put off watching season one for, like, a month. Ended up watching the first 5 episodes or so to get a good feel for it, and found that it was good enough to keep watching. Damn am I glad I did. Kids show or not, it's so good. The animation for the swordfights with Alibaba are amazing.

LillyTank said:
As for World of Warcraft [...] I understand that the priest class has a few spells to do with mind control which should have been an incentive.

Not really anymore. Just one spell, now. And it's an "optional" spell, so you probably won't even take it (the other mutually exclusive options are generally preferred). If you join WoW, don't let it be for Mind Control. The game is more or less void of it, aside from that one amusing spell.

LillyTank said:
As for World of Warcraft, it was purchased for me months ago but I could never bring myself to play it. [...] In truth I just don't know about paying monthly fees to go online.

If his is your first MMO, I would not recommend World of Warcraft. Over the years, the community has soured. The community, nowadays, is rotten to the core. You will be raged at, kicked from groups, insulted, and have any other number of abuses done to you if you so much as do a single thing "wrong" (read: inefficiently). It's become all about the godmode risk-free runs of content, and anything that gets in the way of that, i.e. FUN, is hated with a passion. This includes new players.

The only reason I still play WoW, myself, is so I can slaughter these idiots who make the community rotten.

If you want to join an MMORPG, I'd recommend Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. The original version (just titled Final Fantasy XIV) was terrible to the point of almost bankrupting Square Enix years ago. So, to salvage their reputation, they literally put all their projects on hold and threw EVERY RESOURCE THEY HAD at remaking it from the ground up. The beautiful little MMORPG that exists today was the wonderful result.

While the community there can and will be still somewhat sour - that's the nature of people on the internet, ya know - it's, by far, the least sour community I've seen in an MMO for a long time. That's one of the reasons I've stayed so far. So, FFXIV:ARR would give you a much better first experience with MMOs (again, assuming you've not played any).

As for the subscription fee? Well, it's definitely worth it if you end up liking the game. In my case, at least, I can beat offline games (secrets and all) in under 7 days rather reliably, and these things can cost 40-60 bucks a pop. Where as with an MMO, I only pay the upfront cost once and a monthly fee of ~$15 a month. It saves me so much money while sating my gaming cravings.
12/13/13 12:52AM
LillyTank said:
I haven't uploaded a single one to the site, however. I'll probably upload it to DeviantArt or WordPress first.

Why not make a thread on the forum here asking for critiques and advice, hell post it in the manip tips and tricks threads, I'm sure everyone here is more than willing to rip it apart and tell you everything wrong with it c:
In all seriousness if i were in your shoes I'd post it onto imgur or dropbox and make a thread or something here, most people here are more than willing to help.

Anyway I guess I'll write a little on myself then.

Although I mainly do manips it always kills a little bit of me inside because it's basically taking someone's art and turning it into something it's not, since I do a lot of digital art myself it's like I'm going against my people, even my art has been stolen/edited/etc at some points but my need for hypno content outweighs my empathy. I really would want to draw some content for this site but any time I do draw it's either a shitty little sketch or a full blown piece of work, and I can't find the time for that. Now that finals are over I may do some sketches but I am currently working on a game with some programmer friends so my free time is taken up by working on the art assets, mechanics and general design elements.

As for media, any games made by valve I adore. My all time fav anime is Madoka Magica, second place is Steins;gate 3rd goes for When the Cicadas Cry and other top scorers are Daily Lives of Highschool Boys and Working!
I had a tumblr for some time so I got into Supernatural, Dr Who, Gravity Falls, Adventure Time and used to have an ask blog for MLP that got fairly popular in the community. Had to give up all that when school started =_=

That's it for me, not as much as I thought there would be :I
12/13/13 01:09AM
Vanndril said:
Kids show or not, it's so good. The animation for the swordfights with Alibaba are amazing.

I would say that Magi is definitely not a kids show. It has prostitutes, strip clubs, slavery and so many more concepts that I would not deem appropriate for the average minor without adult guidance. That's not even including all of the economics and politics involved.
Anime is always going to have certain childish feel due to the fact that it is animation but I'd say that Magi has a lighthearted maturity to it.

Vanndril said:
If you want to join an MMORPG, I'd recommend Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. The original version (just titled Final Fantasy XIV) was terrible to the point of almost bankrupting Square Enix years ago. So, to salvage their reputation, they literally put all their projects on hold and threw EVERY RESOURCE THEY HAD at remaking it from the ground up. The beautiful little MMORPG that exists today was the wonderful result.

I was planning to get FF14 for Christmas. The last MMO I played was White Knight: Chronicles II. IT was pretty fun but things became repetitive and dull after a while and the only reason I kept playing was because my friends; who all eventually signed off too. So I guess, I'm still looking for a game to fill the void.
12/13/13 08:36AM
LillyTank said:
I would say that Magi is definitely not a kids show. It has prostitutes, strip clubs, slavery and so many more concepts that I would not deem appropriate for the average minor without adult guidance. That's not even including all of the economics and politics involved.
Anime is always going to have certain childish feel due to the fact that it is animation but I'd say that Magi has a lighthearted maturity to it.

Nope. It's actually a children's anime. Japan has much looser interpretations of what is and is not appropriate for the younger crowd. It's considered a <<|shonen>> anime.

LillyTank said:
I was planning to get FF14 for Christmas. The last MMO I played was White Knight: Chronicles II. IT was pretty fun but things became repetitive and dull after a while and the only reason I kept playing was because my friends; who all eventually signed off too. So I guess, I'm still looking for a game to fill the void.

All MMOs become repetitive after a while. I only play WoW due to friends, too. I love the PvP there, sure, but it would be meaningless if I couldn't laugh about it with pals.

And hey, when/if you do end up joining FFXIV, come join the server Diabolos. I can help you settle in a bit, at least.
12/13/13 08:54AM
Vanndril said:
Nope. It's actually a children's anime. Japan has much looser interpretations of what is and is not appropriate for the younger crowd. It's considered a <<|shonen>> anime.

Yeah... I get that but I mean... Japan is so weird... I mean look at <<|this!>> You're gonna let a country like <<|this>> tell you what's ok for your kids?

Joking, naturally, I love Japan.
1 2>>>

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