12/13/13 12:53AM
Jaqueline powers youtube channel gone, anyone got back ups?
As the title says all the vids in Jaqueline's youtube channel (www.youtube.com/user/MissJacquelinePowers/videos) are now private and no longer accessible. Real shame because IMO she was one of the best erotic self hypnosis vid makers out there.

Has anyone saved some of her vids on his hard drive? Still got two of her vids on my HDD but it would be great if we manage to salvage as many of her vids as possible and upload them somewhere (at least her pleasure hypnosis vids)...
12/14/13 09:26AM
Looks like they're back (at least for me).
Maybe it was just a fluke? Try clearing cache when reloading (ctrl+F5) on a video if it still tries to claim it's private.
12/15/13 07:14PM
Xudmud said:
Looks like they're back (at least for me).
Maybe it was just a fluke? Try clearing cache when reloading (ctrl+F5) on a video if it still tries to claim it's private.

Yeah, seems like Jaqueline switched her videos back to public. It wasn't a fluke really, looking at the discussion tab in her channel shows that we were not the only ones having problems accessing her stuff.

Good to see that the vids are back up but I'll sure as hell download them all ASAP before Jaqueline decides to take them down for good <.<....

EDIT: Quite a lot of her vids are still private, especially in the pleasure hypnosis playlist. I wrote her a message, lets hope she just missed them when switching back to public access and didn't privatize them on purpose.
12/25/13 12:40AM
All the vids are online again. Made a backup of the pleasure hypnosis folder just to be on the safe side anyway.

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