12/14/13 11:19PM
Commission Ideas (N.Y.R!!!)
It might be a little early to start thinking of new years resolutions but I see any problem with starting sooner than later.

I'm one of those "dolts" who has actually spent money on vids in the past. However, now I'm finding them to be far less enticing than they once were.
-People involved are a bit less attractive (or maybe it's just me).
-The scenes are becoming redundant.
-They tend to be deluded by a lots of other sub-fetishes.

For these and many other reasons I've decided to break away from purchasing IRL videos and devote every month from now on to commissioning a hypnosis themed anime images from artists outside the usual MC circles.

So I'm making this thread in the case that other people might decide to do the same.
This is mainly just a thread for ideas and not so much for requests. People are free to post anything they want but I'm only likely to commission something that I personally favor.

If anything this can just be a thread where we jot down things that we'd like to see drawn in as descriptive and vivid detail imaginable.

OP out!!

12/16/13 07:34AM
//quietly whistles as she sets up cameras in here so as to be able to record everything
12/16/13 06:15PM
For January I'm thinking about doing something involving Pokémon. It'll either involve Skyla, Elisa, Cynthia, or Sabrina (new outfit). Any ideas?
12/18/13 09:59PM
Still drawing a blank. I was thinking about investing in a series of before and after images involving the girls listed above. I;m not sure if they'll have dialogue or not and I don't know what they'll be about.
12/19/13 05:49PM
It's not like its something I do all the time, but I've commissioned a fair bit of stuff that's ended up on this site. I've kind of tried avoiding thinking about more commissions. I don't want to be tempted too hard right now, as I've got to be frugal in order to pay down some debts. Here are three ideas that don't involve any specific character.
1. A two panel comic. The first panel has a pair of women looking incredulously at a computer with a spiral screen. One of them says, "You're kidding, right? People actually believe that this works?" The second panel is the two of them naked, entranced, and pressing into each others' sides, shoulder-to-shoulder as the reach their hands over to masturbate each other. They repeat, "I do not think. I obey. I do not think..."

2. A kind of weird idea of mine inspired by the Melek Taus and that thing from the beginning of Midnight Eye Goku. I'm not sure of the exact pose, but like a muscular man with a giant peacock tail, the "eyes" on the feathers' patterns are some sort of hypnotic eyes, and he's got entranced/worshiping servants bowing to him.

3. That one picture of Sleepymaid with the muscular woman carrying the entranced boy? That was actually the response to me requesting the opposite in one of her streams. The idea was a muscular woman entranced with mind-controlling headgear carrying a small man with a remote control and a huge grin up a staircase. Nothing against Sleepymaid for drawing what appealed more to her of course, but one of these days I'll have to see about getting my original request drawn.
12/24/13 04:07PM
Don't know if anyone's paying attention, but here's something I thought should be brought to peoples' attention. So the artist Psuedonym who was responsible for these pics sometimes does a charity stream. She's planning one currently but there's no date more exact than "sometime after Christmas."
The basic idea behind this thing is that you've got a group of artists all on a livestreaming program, and when you show them some proof that you've donated to the Red Cross or a similar charity, you can ask one of the artists to draw something for you. I've seen some of these before where they won't draw porn or too-weird fetish fuel out in the open, but you can arrange for something not socially acceptable there and get it drawn either in the background or a promise to get it later on. Not in so many words, but Psuedo has basically said that she doesn't want to get a reputation as a fetish artist, but she'll draw the occasional hypno if it doesn't get too porn-y or stray too far into non-con territory.

I should note that in past charity streams the artist @$$, who does draw porn but the only hypno he's done is and ICS, for whom mind control is not his main thing but he'll certainly draw it, have both been a part of it.

Anyway, I'm going to keep a lookout for when this thing is going on, and if it's at a time when I'm available I plan to try and get something not socially acceptable out of @$$. I certainly wouldn't want to flood these people with requests from the likes of us, but for whoever is reading this thread, this could be a chance to get some art for a discounted price/in exchange for doing a good deed.
12/31/13 10:19PM
...why didn't I realize that artist hunting would be so difficult...? Most artists are either priced extremely high or not taking commissions at all... I feel like such a fool. At this rate I'd be better off drawing the images that I want for myself... eventually, I mean.

I might decide to delete this thread if I can. Finding a commissionable artist is almost as tedious a task as drawing, itself... and not quite as rewarding, imo. I'm sorry if I got anyone's hopes up.
12/31/13 11:41PM
Perhaps you could repurpose this thread as a way to find artists who are offering commissions? Also, what is your price limit per piece?
01/01/14 12:10AM
Mindwipe said:
Perhaps you could repurpose this thread as a way to find artists who are offering commissions? Also, what is your price limit per piece?

I suppose that would be a lot better.

My original price limit was around a $100 (more or less).
01/01/14 12:21AM
i'd like to see more femdom girl on girl tentacle action
01/01/14 03:07AM
I don't know for sure that any "dedicated" hypno artists are accepting commissions right now. But thinking back to stuff I've gotten done, I got this: from Kandlin for $25. That was at least a year or so ago, so I don't know if he's accepting stuff now. Mindwipe, once again as in the artist, not the user here, , has a commission page here: and ICS has one here:
If she has open slots then Psuedonym, who I mentioned in my previous post, does one-character sketch commissions in her stream for $21 or so, you'd have to negotiate with her for what she'll do though and for what she'll charge for more than one character/more than a sketch.
01/01/14 06:02AM
KinkyLoli will likely start taking commissions within the first half of 2014, but maybe second quarter of the year.
01/01/14 11:09AM
Stem_Cell said:
KinkyLoli will likely start taking commissions within the first half of 2014, but maybe second quarter of the year.

01/01/14 10:22PM
I thought I'd quote this in case anyone missed it:

LillyTank said:
For these and many other reasons I've decided to break away from purchasing IRL videos and devote every month from now on to commissioning a hypnosis themed anime images from artists outside the usual MC circles.

I don't know if this is still the plan, because of LillyTank's difficulty finding artists, but I think non-MC artists are preferred here. I think LillyTank is trying to get some fresh blood (so to speak) in here.
01/02/14 05:13AM
I actually feel the same way. I mean you've got your Sleepymaids and your Jimryus and etc, and I mean no disrespect to these fine artists, but the fact that we tend to get so much from such a limited "stable" of artists does make the MC "community" feel kind of limited and incestuous. That is something I've tried to do, to look for people who don't normally draw this kind of thing and see if they'd be willing and able. I look at it as kind of a gamble, some of them will "get" the idea and some won't. I believe that all of the artists I've mentioned so far in this thread except for Kandlin aren't "known" for MC work and that except for ICS it's really outside of their usual doings.

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